Zekiah Wright’s arrest linked to messy breakup with Jackie Steele


Zekiah Wright’s arrest yesterday comes on the heels of a tumultuous summer that foreshadowed the legal troubles now facing the well-respected labor attorney and candidate in November’s West Hollywood City Council race. 

Wright, who uses they/them pronouns, was charged Thursday with felony fraud and identity theft, and perjury charges may also be in the offing. According to our sources, the charges stem from an incident in which Wright, 37, allegedly altered documents with the Secretary of State concerning a limited liability corporation they owned with former romantic partner Patricia Betzner, better known in WeHo as Jackie Steele.

For reasons not yet known, Wright purportedly removed themself from the list of the LLC’s corporate officers and in their place added the name of WeHo’s mayor — John M. Erickson. They allegedly listed his address as 649 N. San Vicente Boulevard — the address of the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station.

Erickson told WEHOonline he learned his name had been placed on the LLC’s corporate documents last spring. Soon after, he reported the incident to the sheriff, who opened an investigation. 

The sheriff and Secretary of State recently tracked down the IP address of the place where the falsified documents allegedly originated — Wright’s law firm on Wilshire Bouelvard.


Wright’s arrest this week marks a steep escalation in an increasingly bitter feud with former girlfriend Steele, age 46.  

According to documents filed in L.A. Superior Court, Steele says she ended her romance with Wright amicably in February, after which she moved out of the apartment they shared with roommate Marisa Desa.  

They agreed that Steele would later retrieve large items left behind, like furniture. During a visit to collect smaller items at Wright’s request, Steele was surprised to find her leather bench allegedly discarded on the sidewalk without permission. Steele had told Wright via text to either keep or discard only small, non-sentimental items. Steele also returned to the apartment occasionally to pick up mail or care for Wright’s dog, she claims. On one occasion, Steele brought a spare key to Wright after they were locked out. Wright later requested Steele to collect remaining belongings, and they agreed on early June for the final pickup

Things started going south in early June, when Wright claimed Steele “blocked my access to various money-earning opportunities by using my passwords, which she stole to lock me out of my accounts, and deleting all of the information within the accounts.”

Days later, the situation took a turn for the worse, though exactly what happened differs wildly in each’s version of events.




As planned, Steele arrived with movers to retrieve her final belongings on June 9th.

That day, according to Wright:

“Patricia Betzner (Jackie Steele) stalked me at home. She waited until I left, and her friend, Alana Roshay, knocked on my door, which my roommate answered. Patricia Betzner waited for my roommate to leave and then entered my home, trashed/destroyed my belongings, and stole thousands of dollars worth of property. She traumatized my pets, who were scared and shaking when I found them hiding under the bed. Patricia Betzner left a note admitting to entering my home and stealing my property.”

The incident spurred Wright to seek a protective order against Steele the very next day. The order, granted by the judge, forced Steele to stay at least 100 yards away from Wright, her three pets, her workplace, vehicle and the home they shared with former roommate Desa. Steele was forbidden from contacting Wright. 

Wright had also requested that Steele be barred from West Hollywood City Council Chambers, but that provision does not appear to have been approved by the judge.

“Without permission, Patricia Betzner (Jackie Steele) accessed my passwords to all of my business-related accounts,” Wright wrote. “She used the passwords to access my business social media accounts, which I had been building for over two years, and deleted the accounts, including all customer contact information and correspondence, as well as all my intellectual property (i.e., posts, flyers, events, invitations).”

In a response to the request for protective order filed July 12th, with the court, Steele disputed all of the accusations leveled against her. On June 9, she says she arrived with the movers at the agreed-upon time which was concurrent with the LA Pride Parade, which Wright was attending. She writes:

“When I first arrived, I sat with Drizzy (Petitioner’s dog) and then put him in a separate room (kitchen) with water and snacks before I let the movers enter. There was absolutely no damage to Petitioner’s property during the move. And I did not, nor would I ever, harm or traumatize an animal. I left behind all of my kitchen items, including all appliances, cutlery, plate and glassware, as well as lighting fixtures, a bookcase, outdoor pillows, a table on the balcony, cast iron cookware, and camp gear. I did not trash or destroy the apartment nor did I steal thousands of dollars’ worth of property. Petitioner’s claim that I left a note admitting that I stole her property is yet another fabrication by Petitioner. Attached hereto as Exhibit “C” is a copy of the note that I left. As the court can plainly see, not only did I tell Petitioner that I ‘made sure Kitty (so cute!) and Drizzy were safe,’ I also wrote ‘I’m so glad we could close this chapter cleanly” and thanked her ‘for all the love and all the lessons.’ Nowhere do I state I stole her property!”

She took particular offense at Wright’s request that she be prohibited from entering WeHo council chambers, and defended herself against Wright’s accusations.

“I do not have any ill will toward Petitioner, and though I was shocked to see furniture of mine missing (sold or thrown away), I do not wish to drag this out with punitive measures,” Steele wrote. “I have never harmed Petitioner either physically or emotionally, nor did I trash the apartment and steal her property. Petitioner has not been truthful in her request. This litigation has also been highly traumatic for me, as Petitioner was my partner and certainly not how I expected her to behave. I am still grieving the loss of my brothers (I lost another brother in February) and I am now in trauma therapy due to this experience with Petitioner. Petitioner’s filing of a TRO is simply a hurtful attempt to tarnish my name and has been a shocking blow to me.”

Wright claims that a report for grand theft was taken by authorities on June 9, but WEHOonline could find no record of it. The protective order expired July 3. 

How the summertime quarrel between Wright and Steele connects to the felony charges Wright is facing — and how and why Mayor Erickson became involved — have yet to be revealed.

Whatever the outcome, the arrest is a nadir for Zekiah Wright, who relocated to Los Angeles in 2017 and built a solid reputation among the county’s progressive political bloc, becoming the first nonbinary member of WeHo’s Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board.

Wright was later appointed to the Rent Stabilization Commission by Councilmember Sepi Shyne, who in June called for their resignation for reasons unknown.

Just this year, Wright was awarded the Pauli Murray Justice Award by the Stonewall Democrats and was appointed by L.A. County District Attorney George Gascon to his African American Advisory Board. 

Wright lost by a mere handful of votes in the 2022 race for WeHo City Council, despite the backing of the UNITE HERE Local 11 special-interest union and their cutthroat vote-harvesting apparatus in West Hollywood. Less than a week ago, the political action committee of the WeHo Chamber announced it was endorsing Wright in the 2024 race.  

Thursday’s arrest casts a deep shadow of doubt on that endorsement — and over Wright’s once-bright future in local politics.


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1 month ago

I miss the ole he said/she said stories. With all these aliases and pronouns I can barely follow.

1 month ago

When the arrest was made, did the Sheriffs arrest “they”, or did the Sheriffs arrest “them”? No wonder America hates us.

Larry Block
1 month ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

Interesting to note that on the court documents, Betzner referred to Zekiah as ‘her’ at least three times

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 month ago
Reply to  Larry Block

That is so rich. Particularly given Jackie’s role as the woke hall monitor.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 month ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Self-appointed woke hall monitor, a/k/a interloper extraordinaire.

1 month ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Jackie, Patricia, whatever her name is, has always been a double standards fraud. We really need to understand more to what extent Erickson played in actively working with the fraud to hurt Wright.

1 month ago

We don’t need their mess permeating our politics. WEHO has enough issues already. They need to settle their personal problems and leave the residents of WEHO out of it. Can you imagine if all this was going on if she was elected to the city council? Are there any smart people running without all the drama????

1 month ago

In the not-too-distant future we are going to look back at this pronoun nonsense with embarrassment that any of us had ever even considered it might have been rational. When I was informed of the preferred pronoun of an acquaintance that was “xze” I thought, “I’m outta here! Not gonna do it!” Trying to read about a single person as if they were plural is just too much work. Expecting that is narcissistic and ego-maniacal.

1 month ago

I can’t say much except Jackie and Zekiah have both contributed a lot to iur town in their own ways. It’s hard when personal relationships become open to public scrutiny, but it’s part of the deal. I hope they both find healing.

1 month ago
Reply to  West

Can you please tell me what they have contributed to West Hollywood. I would really like to know. I am not personally familiar with any of their contributions so any information would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

1 month ago

So wait…..comments are allowed again?

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
1 month ago
Reply to  Jimmy

No, obviously, they’re not allowed.

Former WeHo Voter
Former WeHo Voter
1 month ago

For the sake of clarity, that is not the Sheriff Departments address and the address that was used on the form was not San Vicente but rather 8300 Santa Monica Blvd., which is the City Hall address.

1 month ago

Reading the attached request for a restraining order, Wright wrote “I was unaware she had a key”.

Why didn’t she *BUY A NEW LOCK* when Jackie moved out???

No one to blame on that one but herself.

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
1 month ago
Reply to  Singleguywh

Tenants can’t change the locks on the unit that they’re renting, duh! No wonder you’re still single.

Last edited 1 month ago by WeHo Mary!
1 month ago
Reply to  WeHo Mary!

No Mary
Tenants can change locks.
Their obligation is to provide the new key to the landlord.
Check the Civil Code.

1 month ago

You can rest assured that Wright has a side of the story to tell that will bring more clarity to this. I have a feeling that somehow Wright is a victim here.

1 month ago


1 month ago

This was an obvious and gross political hit by John Erickson to clear the way for his candidate: Danny Hang. Erickson will be unstoppable with Byers and Hang, who will both owe him big for their elections. The only way this doesn’t work out is if Nickel and Duran stop pretending and get behind Block.

1 month ago
Reply to  nothot2trot

Nobody’s getting behind Block.
Well – ok, maybe Brandon. But that’s it.