What we heard at the City Council meeting


Highlights from public comment during the Monday, September 17, City Council meeting.

Bike to work?

“If I go to the local hardware store to buy a ladder, I’m not taking my bike. If I go to the grocery store, I cannot do big shopping on my bike. I’m a real estate agent — I’m not going to take a client out on a bike, no less buy a tandem one. Especially when I show property from here to the beach, I’m not going to restaurants all dressed up on a bike.”

— Rory B

High hopes, low expectations

“Anyone who thinks that disrupting traffic on Fountain will cause more people to miraculously give up their cars and ride bicycles, taking cars off the road, or take public transportation across the several hundred square miles of suburban sprawl of Los Angeles may have been spending too much time in our numerous cannabis cafes.”

— Laura Batti

Dead end

“Many people didn’t come tonight because they said it wouldn’t matter anyway, that there’s already three votes for this project, so why bother coming. And to me, that’s the real problem—the fact that people don’t feel heard, the fact that the voice of the many is ignored for the opinions of the few. That’s anti-democratic, and that’s not who we are as the city of West Hollywood.”

— Zekiah Wright

Crush the NIMBYs

“We must not let a small but loud group of antisocial residents block the path toward becoming a city that’s well-equipped for the challenges of the future.””

— Jordan Beard

Roots of revolution

“For some, change can be scary — alternatives to current forms of life can feel distant. However, plant-based is not something only of the future; it is in our roots. Our ancestors safeguarded the knowledge, seeds, and plants that sustained ancient civilizations. Time is cyclical. Our future will change, and it is in your hands to make sure it changes for the better.”

— Erica, an “independent climate advocate”

Urgent business

“On the topic of preparedness, the city is offering CERT training with County Fire Department in a couple of weeks. The thing is, though, it was announced about five weeks before the class, and it was fully subscribed after about three days, over a month ahead of time. People who want to take this class and become trained are not able to in this community. I think the city can do much better. If there’s a problem with resources with the County Fire Department, find other trainers. But the city can do better.”


— Kevin Burton

Unshare please

“I need to announce that there was an unauthorized post on the Eastside social media account endorsing Mayor Erickson and Danny Hang. That endorsement was posted by Catherine Eng, who I believe is the Mayor’s appointee to the Business License Commission. I was not aware that this endorsement was posted on our social media — it was not authorized by our board. We don’t endorse politically. I don’t believe it’s allowed, and certainly not a good look. We are trying to focus on neighborhood issues, not personalities. While I understand that hijacking our social media and putting up a false post probably doesn’t amount to a felony, it certainly violates the city’s code of ethics and code of conduct for a commissioner. I would ask that the city look into that. Our membership deserves better, and the integrity of our organization deserves better.”

— Steve Martin

Quote of the week

“Your city wants me dead.”

— Annie Jump Vicente


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5 months ago

A little late all things considered, but my question nonetheless;ess: DID ANYONE ON THE CC or Bike Lane ‘committee consider asking anyone in Weho (via the internet or snail mail) with other city experience with bike riding and bike lanes to chime in on their personal, upfront experience re: bike lanes in high traffic cities???? ANYONE??? It seems as if residents who had lived elsewhere and knew firsthand how it works and if it works should have been part of the conncept. We have residents from US cities with colleges in cities where bikes are an integral part of the… Read more »


[…] Story continues […]

5 months ago

Annie jump needs mental health services. Catherine Eng, John Erickson‘s lapdog, is unethical. And reducing Fountain to one lane in each direction is only going to be a big huge waste of our money.

5 months ago
Reply to  JF1

And an increase in ambulance calls.

5 months ago

Add one more: “Whose assinine idea was it to make Fountain even more of a traffic nightmare than it already is?”

John Arnold
John Arnold
5 months ago

Not a good day for Catherine Eng.

5 months ago
Reply to  John Arnold

She’s had many of those days.

self entitled
self entitled
5 months ago
Reply to  JF1

She is very arrogant and self-entitled…much like Erickson!

5 months ago
Reply to  John Arnold

What about the neighborhood group guy who wrote the unauthorized bike lane support letter and admitted he didn’t really know anything about the project???

Enquiring Minds Want to Know
Enquiring Minds Want to Know
5 months ago
Reply to  Oops!

Bad day for him, too!

5 months ago

I’m so glad you included a quote from Annie Jump Vicente. We need vocal people who don’t just casually agree with the Marxist Majority. Not that Lauren Meister and John Heilman are always reasonable either. Some people may not like Annie Jump’s tone and use of foul language, much in the way some didn’t like the tone of the late and very great Jeanne Dobrin. But Annie Jump usually has very valid points and concerns, usually backed up with facts. Plus she is very entertaining, and I suspect most don’t have the courage to admit it, but most of us… Read more »

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
5 months ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

Annie entertainingly (albeit crudely) engages in the very type of disruptive behavior advocated by Chelsea Byers through her Beautiful Trouble organization. Byers seems to want anarchy. Let’s deliver it to her in council chambers.

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
5 months ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

If that’s true, how sad. When Annie speaks I feel sadness. People who live with mental illness experience pain everyday, and unless they get help, it never goes away. My hope for Annie is that she finds help and is able to live as close to a happy life as possible.