WEHO CRIME STATS | August 2024


The WeHo Sheriff’s Station’s crime statistics for August 2024 reveal both progress in reducing certain crimes and ongoing challenges in others.

When comparing the numbers to those from August 2023, there is a slight decrease in the overall calls for service, dropping from 1,934 to 1,846. While this suggests fewer emergency and service-related incidents, the statistics also show a significant drop in the total number of arrests for the month. Felony and misdemeanor arrests combined fell from 177 in August 2023 to 131 in August 2024, a 26% decrease.

One area of improvement is the reduction in violent crime, specifically in the categories of rape and aggravated assault.

The total number of rape incidents in 2024 has decreased by over 36% compared to the same period in 2023. While there were 22 reported rapes in 2023, only 14 incidents have been recorded so far in 2024. This decline could be attributed to increased awareness, more focused policing, or community efforts. Aggravated assault cases have also seen a decrease of just over 10%, from 107 in 2023 to 96 in 2024. This reduction, while positive, still indicates that violent crime remains an issue that requires sustained attention.

Homicide remains rare in West Hollywood, with only one reported case in August 2024, compared to zero in August of the previous year. This is consistent with the year-to-date figure, which also stands at just one homicide in 2024. While such cases are extremely rare, the occurrence of even one can be unsettling for residents.


Robbery, on the other hand, is an area where the city continues to face challenges. Armed street robberies and strong-arm street robberies combined account for 61 incidents so far in 2024, only slightly down from the previous year’s numbers. These types of crimes can create a significant sense of insecurity in the community, especially when they occur in public spaces or near popular nightlife areas. While strong-arm robberies, which involve force but not weapons, have seen a decline, armed street robberies have remained relatively steady, indicating that a persistent risk of robbery exists for those in the city.

Property crime remains a mixed bag, with burglary incidents showing an overall increase. In August 2024, a total of 206 burglary cases were reported, representing a 5.10% rise from the previous year. Residential burglaries in particular have seen a slight increase, and this trend could be attributed to a combination of factors such as economic pressures or shifts in criminal activity patterns. Other types of burglary, including break-ins at businesses and mailroom thefts, also remain common. There has been a notable rise in “other burglary” cases, with businesses and secure garages frequently targeted.

Vehicle-related crimes have seen a sharp decline in 2024. Theft from motor vehicles is down nearly 48%, with 202 cases reported this year compared to 388 during the same period in 2023. Similarly, vehicle burglaries are down by almost 45%, with 126 cases compared to 228 in 2023. Grand theft auto has also seen a notable drop, with the number of stolen vehicles decreasing by 18.63%. In particular, the theft of vehicle parts, such as catalytic converters, has plummeted by nearly 77%, from 91 incidents last year to just 21 in 2024. 

While these statistics might suggest that West Hollywood is making progress in reducing property crime, there are still some categories where the numbers remain concerning. Shoplifting, for example, remains a persistent problem in the city, with 14 incidents reported in August 2024 alone. However, the year-to-date figures indicate that shoplifting overall has dropped by 33.16%, from 193 cases in 2023 to 129 this year. 

Grand theft, a category that encompasses high-value property theft, has also seen mixed results. While grand theft shoplifting has increased by 35.9%, incidents involving pickpockets have decreased by over 30%. The total number of grand theft pickpocket cases in 2024 is 119, down from 174 last year. However, pickpocketing remains a persistent issue in the city’s nightlife districts, with 40 incidents reported in August alone. Despite this, there have been only six arrests for pickpocketing in 2024, suggesting that these crimes are often difficult to detect and prosecute.

When it comes to traffic-related incidents, the city saw a total of 75 traffic reports in August 2024. Major streets like Santa Monica Boulevard and Melrose Avenue were hotspots for traffic violations and incidents, with 50 and 81 incidents reported, respectively. DUI arrests continue to be an area of concern for law enforcement, with four arrests made during August. One DUI-related collision occurred at the intersection of Robertson Boulevard and Santa Monica Boulevard, underscoring the risks posed by drunk driving in the city. In addition, scooter and e-bike accidents continue to be an issue, with one reported accident and a total of 12 citations issued for scooter-related infractions. Most of these citations were given for riding scooters on sidewalks or failing to stop at traffic signs, indicating a need for better enforcement of the city’s regulations regarding scooter use.

Public safety in West Hollywood continues to be bolstered by outreach efforts and targeted crime suppression initiatives. In August, the city’s Crime Suppression Team held five meetings, resulting in 10 arrests and citations. The team’s focus on addressing crime at the community level reflects a commitment to preventing criminal activity before it escalates. Additionally, outreach efforts targeting unhoused individuals remain ongoing. In August, 85 services were offered to the unhoused population, but only two services were accepted. This low rate of service acceptance highlights the challenges in addressing homelessness and providing resources to those in need. The city also performed 383 location checks in August, with the majority of these checks taking place in vacant properties, businesses, and entertainment venues. 

The distribution of crime across West Hollywood’s districts shows some variation. The West District continues to experience the highest proportion of crime, accounting for 57% of all reported incidents in August. This is not surprising given the concentration of nightlife and entertainment venues in this area, which can attract both residents and visitors. The city center and East Districts accounted for 19% and 24% of the city’s total crime, respectively. These areas, while still experiencing crime, appear to have lower overall rates compared to the West District, though they are not immune to issues such as burglary and vehicle theft.

One emerging trend in West Hollywood’s crime statistics is the rise in public order offenses, such as disorderly conduct and vandalism. These types of crimes, while not as severe as violent crimes or major thefts, can contribute to a general sense of disorder in the city. For example, there were 17 felony vandalism incidents in August, a number that includes graffiti and property damage. Misdemeanor vandalism was less frequent, with only seven incidents reported. Disorderly conduct also saw a small rise, with one reported incident. 

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28 days ago

Speaking of crime… A land Proposal for 1105 N Laurel Ave. West Hollywood, CA 90046 They want to build a 4 story medical marijuana store and a Palestinian restaurant on top… The traffic,noise,crime,smells,are going to be unbelievable,not to mention the complex will be higher than the houses around it, that’ll be a privacy issue in the neighborhood…

29 days ago

DONT BELIEVE THE NUMBERS !!..years ago in my area of weho we had some alarming crimes happening. Having been very active civically in the past i knew i could go to a public safety committee meeting to be proactive. As a newcomer I watched and listened as they discussed crime in the area and read their official report “THE NUMBERS” When they finished I asked does this include the events we spoke of in the begging of meeting. ” NO Many times people will not report the crimes for many reasons so they are not included in our report” NOW… Read more »

1 month ago

I remain skeptical that any crime in WeHo is down.

Cy Husain 🌹
29 days ago

So offer some credible supporting evidence to which your claim can stand on and why it effectively refutes the evidence given by other sources.

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
29 days ago
Reply to  Cy Husain 🌹

Many people have already made this statement, but not all crimes are reported. This is especially true today when people are told NOT to report crimes because they’re told that the police will attack them in some way. I’ve reported crimes at the Sheriff’s station, and this is simply not true. Since you love gaslighting so much, it’s really horrible to tell people who experience and witness crime that they’re in denial, or that it’s their imagination. You’re not only gaslighting, but victim shaming. It makes victims afraid to speak up, report and reluctant to get help to deal with… Read more »

Cy Husain 🌹
25 days ago
Reply to  WeHo Mary!

I in NO way intend to gaslight anyone or blame any victims ❗ A large part of serious gang activity is coming from the LASD 🐷 itself and, NOT members of any oppressed minority groups. From the LA Times Crypto ‘Godfather’ used L.A. deputies for extortion, feds allege and, YES people fear reporting crimes to police because they may be attacked. For very good reason which I have cited.

Robert Steloff
1 month ago

Thanks for the insight & facts, ALARMING that we had 22 rapes in ‘23 & 14 YTD, that’s an average of 1.5-1.8 monthly, unbelievable, ridiculous, & shocking.

29 days ago
Reply to  Robert Steloff

Do they differentiate the gender identity of the rape victims? How many identify as female, male, trans masculine, trans feminine, nonbinary? How many white, Latinx, Black, Asian, etc? This would illustrate the nature of the crime patterns.