OPINION: The corruption infesting West Hollywood


West Hollywood is a vibrant and welcoming city—a place I’ve proudly called home since 2013. Much of its success as a progressive bastion has been attributed to the leadership at City Hall, which has long been seen as a model of transparency and good governance. However, these values are now at serious risk, and the threat comes from none other than the individual entrusted with preserving them: Mayor John Erickson.

The weeks leading up to an election are a crucial time—not just for engaging voters, but for fundraising. Many businesses, organizations, and individuals contribute to political campaigns because, even in a democracy, money talks. Recently, I spoke with someone who has ongoing business interests in the city. For their protection, I won’t name this individual, but they have a long history of contributing to various candidates across multiple election cycles. This person recounted a troubling conversation with John Erickson, who warned them, “I wouldn’t think you’d be unwise enough to contribute to Jordan Cockeram.” This veiled threat carried a clear message: support one of Erickson’s opponents, and you can expect your projects to be voted down.

This isn’t an isolated incident, nor is it merely a reflection of political competitiveness—it’s a dangerous abuse of power. Erickson’s influence currently rests on a narrow 3-2 majority on the City Council. With Council member Sepi Shyne stepping down after her defeat in the 30th Congressional District Primary, that majority is threatened. In an effort to maintain his control, Erickson has not only sought endorsements for himself, but has also pressured other officials, suggesting they refrain from endorsing candidates who might challenge his grip on power.

Such tactics are not just ethically questionable; they betray the trust placed in our city’s leaders. Erickson’s actions reveal a leader whose first priority is his own political future, not the well-being of West Hollywood. His use of intimidation and coercion reflects a stark departure from the values of openness and fairness that have long defined our city’s government. At the end of the day, Erickson cares about one thing: preserving his own power. Is this the kind of leadership we want? Is this the kind of government West Hollywood deserves? To that, I say nay.

Adding insult to injury, Erickson’s ambitions extend far beyond West Hollywood. He is already laying the groundwork for his campaign for California’s State Senate District 24, prioritizing his own political advancement, not to mention his ego, over the responsibilities of his current office. Should he win this November, he will spend the bulk of his term campaigning for higher office, leaving West Hollywood taxpayers to foot the bill for a costly special election to replace him. Once again, it will be the residents of West Hollywood paying the price for his ambition.


To John Erickson, West Hollywood is little more than a stepping stone—a convenient launchpad for his personal aspirations. When the results are in, Erickson won’t be here to serve this city; he’ll be campaigning for State Senate, absent when we need him most. And who will cover the costs of his departure? You will. Re-electing him this November would be a grave mistake.

I hope to earn your trust and one of your two votes in this upcoming election. I’m running to represent you—the people of West Hollywood—because I believe in this city and its future, not because I’m beholden to special interests or willing to sacrifice our community for personal gain. Let’s return West Hollywood to the people who live here, not those who would sell it out.

For more information or to share your concerns, please visit my website at JordanForWeho.com or reach out directly at [email protected], or (323) 252-0992.

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About Jordan Cockeram
Jordan Cockeram is a candidate for West Hollywood City Council.

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Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
3 months ago

Meanwhile, outside interests have contributed yet another $50,000 in recent days to influence our elections. The ethical rot metastasizes by the day and there is zero accountability for it.

3 months ago

Hoping we send John packing. Cockeram would be an outstanding Council member.

Jack Westside
Jack Westside
3 months ago

Part 2 – tell your stories Misogynist – I am glad Jordan pointed out what we all know – Erickson is running for Senate not West Hollywood Council. John Erickson is banned from certain female organizations and others female organizations wont’ allow him to attend their events. MONEY – Erickson’s 200,000 union money for Danny and himself has them knocking on doors 24/7 saying not to vote for Larry, Jordan, or George. But they do not tell you why or why to Vote for Erickson and Danny. Does Unite Here Local 11 know where their dues and fees are going???… Read more »

Jack Westside
Jack Westside
3 months ago

THANK YOU WEHOONLINE for letting people speak out against a alleged criminal running for re-election I know I wasn’t voting for John Erickson and Danny Hane but, now Thank you, Jordan Cockeram for having the courage to speak out about John Erickson. I finally mailed my ballot this morning after reading your op-ed yesterday and I bullet voted for you this morning! Of course, I researched your positions on your page jordanforweho.com. BULLLY – John Erikson is a bully! There I said it! He has spent the last several years bullying anyone who comes in his way and giving gifts… Read more »

WeHo is the Best Ho
WeHo is the Best Ho
3 months ago

And lets not forget John Erickson’s record… He used City funds to travel to Rome to meet the Pope. He used City funds to travel to Paris with his besties. Voted against requiring 100% affordable one-for-one replacements of rent stabilized units Voted to cut number of Sheriffs, then added them back because it was politically expedient and WeHo crime increased substantially. Voted for Viper Room project on Sunset even though neighborhood residents opposed. (he’s in the pockets of the developers – Look up the finance reports – Its there). Erickson doesnt give a Ef about you. He’s in it for… Read more »

3 months ago

The progressive agenda is very destructive. All common sense is thrown out the window. Just so a few people’s feelings aren’t hurt.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
3 months ago
Reply to  Earl

The word progressive has been hijacked by forces whose true motives are being uncovered. They want to control where you live, where you work, how far you can travel, all based on hostility to cars. While such utopian goals start with noble ideas, the reality and the methods by which those who “debate by conflate” are ignoble bullpucky. We should have conversations in sunshine but we are being bombarded with manipulations and outright lies printed on card stock funded by hundreds of thousands of dollars of outside special interest money. They are using those funds to divide a city and… Read more »

3 months ago

We need Jordan Cockeram! Based on John Duran’s support for him (and their sexual relationship) I assume Cockeram is a top. We need more tops in this city of bottoms, which dominate the City Council. And I support Larry Block. It’s Cock Block for November!

S. J. Harker
S. J. Harker
3 months ago

This is very distressing.

3 months ago

Wow, totally agree! Great piece.

Michael Dolan
Michael Dolan
3 months ago

Best of luck, Jordan. My partner and I decided to do a bullet vote. We have already voted. I only voted for Jordan Cockeram, and my partner also sent his bullet vote to you.

3 months ago

This is no surprise to me (just look at the way Erickson conducts himself and the projects that are important to him and how he gets the results he wants. No. Not even. Never Erickson. It’s time for house cleaning at City Hall. My votes go Block and Nickle.

Stop Corruption
Stop Corruption
3 months ago