DEC. 18: Coyote Management Workshop


Generally, coyotes are reclusive animals who avoid human contact. Coyotes in urban and suburban environments, however, may learn that neighborhoods provide easy sources of human-associated food while presenting few real threats. Coyotes may visit yards and public areas even when people are present and may cause conflicts.

In 2018, the City of West Hollywood adopted a Coyote Management and Coexistence Plan. The plan outlines an approach to reduce the potential for harm and provides tips for coexistence.

With a recent uptick in community sightings of coyotes, the City of West Hollywood will host a Coyote Management and Coexistence Virtual Meeting on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. via Zoom. The aim of the meeting is to educate community members about coyotes and to provide information about how to respond to coyote sightings.

The meeting will include participation from representatives from the Los Angeles County Department of Agriculture, which is the County-level agency to report coyote sightings and encounters, and from staff from the City of West Hollywood’s Neighborhood and Business Safety Division, which oversees animal care and control services in the City of West Hollywood. The meeting is free to join and open to everyone. Join directly using the Zoom platform with this link:

For additional information about the City’s Coyote Management and Coexistence Plan and for details about why you may encounter a coyote and what to do if you encounter a coyote, please visit the City’s website coyote information page at


For more information, please contact Vyto Adomaitis, the City of West Hollywood’s Neighborhood and Business Safety Manager, at (323) 848-6531 or at [email protected].

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Andrew Harland
Andrew Harland
1 month ago

Yes, thank you, West Hollywood & Mayor John Erickson for your leadership with this issue, we have had 19 sites of Coyotes on Huntley drive. & 3 on West knoll drive,
triangle area. West Hollywood. On November 2, my cat Trumpet was killed by 2 Coyotes. So thank Mayor for your help, Andy Harland, Huntley Dr. West Hollywood

Angry gay pope
1 month ago

In the war of COYOTE V. CHUHUAHUA I root for the coyote every time!
