The owner of the Chevron service station on La Cienega and Holloway is battling back against belligerent neighbors who are trying to stop city-approved upgrades to the building, which include a new automatic car wash.
They held a public mid-day meeting Wednesday so concerns could be heard.
Neighbors in attendance cited fear of more traffic and the dangers of pollution in opposing the project. The owners believe complaints should be directed to the city, which greenlit the plans in 2020. Construction is set to get underway next year.
You gotta love how the cretins on the city council who at the time voted for this, are all surprisingly nowhere to be heard in the matter anymore. Crickets.
More exhaust going into open windows at the high rise building above it,and not to mention the chemicals used to wash the cars !
KTLA TV Channel 5 News found the attendees concerned with public safety in West Hollywood as highly newsworthy and aired interview segments on all their news shows starting at 12 noon through 6:30 p.m. See link. So proud of those neighbors who participated and spoke with KTLA as well as the Chevron owner Bob Pollard and the construction team headed by Mario Sadaka about their plans (demolition will last a month and construction will take at least 8 months). Albert Torres, the city’s newly appointed Code Enforcement Office joined us, and he will be the point person should any… Read more »
Correction, it’s Ben Poulgar, owner of Chevron gas station
Correction, it’s Ben Pouldar, owner of the Chevron station. .Flying fingers on the keyboard :0)
Be Careful what you wish for neighbors …Although I agree carwash traffic could be a nightmare, the owner could ask to put in a high rise like 8500 SMB …. I was a plan review board president for 6 years in LA and prior to that remember when the subway was to go through the valley..they all fought cut and cover because they were honestly concerned about influx. Well they got an at grade bus and now every crossing is backed up waiting for buses and traffic to cross. …so there is no such thing as NO Change at all… Read more »
We aren’t asking for no change, but simply protection of our health and welfare. A high rise was never in the mix. Not sure at that corner one could even be proposed. We have a new team on the City Council and we are hoping they have better judgement than their predecessors.
Terrible idea! Terrible corner! Terrible city council decision! There was just a big accident there the other day and there are accidents happening all the time…that’s considered an F intersection!
What’s more important… the owner making money or public safety? I guess we know which one city Council and the owner consider more important!!
Yes, a five-car pileup on Monday morning at the F grade intersection of La Cienega and Holloway. Facts and community voices did not seem to matter in the Planning Commission’s and the City Council’s approval: Heilman recused himself due to his living nearby. Meister supported the appeal opposing the project. The significant public stats in opposition to the project were ignored by the City Council: 13 of the 16 emails that the city received were in opposition. The majority of community members speaking during the public forum in August were opposed. The 100 petition names collected by the local HOA’s were… Read more »