City Manager David Wilson is being sued for negligence.


The City Manager of the City of West Hollywood is being sued. The plaintiff seeks no monetary damages. The complaint filed in the Beverly Hills Court alleges gross negligence on the part of the city manager.   

A copy of complaint was sent to major publications including the Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post as well as WEHOonline. The summons names plaintiff Alis Margareta Rivera and defendants as David Wilson, Tina Simmons, Laurie Cannady Udit, and Sonia M. Garcia.  

The allegations as stated:  “civil harassment triggering PTSD, inflicting irreparable harm and rapidly declining health and wellness with destructive, devastating impact on quality of life and community, in violation of due process clause, peaceable assembly, city code section 9.44 malicious harassment and Americans with Disabilities Act, and 8 amendments cruel and unusual punishment.   

Relief sought: Plaintiff ‘prays to the court to prohibit defendants, to put an immediate halt to introductions in manuals and contracts instructing city staff in hazing, instrustive stalking, and encourage stomping at orchestrated complimentary sharpshooter drills, under false pretense, based on publics trust in uniforms amid crisis mode.  No monetary relief sought.

The city promised no inconvenience was to be expected forpeople with disabilities due to construction of the exploitation of aids victims, yet PCL construction jeopardizing the life of group of people in park that was abruptly displaced with no offer of relocation assistance, instead we was close to being hit by a gigantic tree branch falling down from being oversaturated when PCL dug of a sprinkler line gushing water fordays. The big majestic tree is dying. The large family of green parrotshad to move somewhere else, because they got scared when thebiggreen fence came up.The bunny that lived thereprobably got killed and the kids playground is swarming with fat rats that are multiplying rapidly, when cleaning crew cant goin and empty trash container filled with left over lunch and snacks and trash littering contributed by PCL contruction who calls the sheriff when we aint doing no crime, punishing me for being handicapped.


CA Penal Code Section 365.6 (a) Any person who, with no legal justification, intentionally interferes with the use ofa guide, signal, or service dog or mobility aid by harassing or obstructing the guide, signal, or service dog or mobility aid user or hisor her guide, signal, or service dog, is guilty ofa misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment ina county jail not exceeding sixmonths, or bya fine of not less than one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) nor more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), or both.

Over the past months WEHOonline has highlighted a number of city staff whistleblower claims with similar allegations against West Hollywood City Hall for violations of the Americans for Disability Act. Whistleblower’s claims were just the tip of the iceberg; New whistleblower seeks protections under city statute; Part 2: New City Hall Whistleblower ‘Bear’calls for lower pay increased transparency; WeHo whistleblower continues to fight for job

The summons and complaint can be viewed below:





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5 days ago

Praise the Lord, systematically targeted unhoused individual was spared during this incident on January 27, though unfortunately, evidently, with cops and saftey commissioner actively recruiting into city resources of terrifying trafficking, stomping, stalking, hazing and tortious interference, sooner than later, many falls to gross manipulation, including inhumane brainwashing. We have lost count on how many times LASD been called upon us, making it clear, spelling it out, in loud voices, we are not wanted here, within this past year. How many arguments there has been where we are NOT allowed to file police reports following malicious assaults, with video exhibits,… Read more »

5 days ago

“When I went on a ride along with a deputy, we stopped in an area where there is frequently a place for unhoused individuals will hang out. We made contact, the other commissioner I spoke to was invited in because the individual was ok with that, and the individual was young, and was open to services. And the deputy tried ad nauseum to connect with agencies to help this individual. No one picked up the phone. There was no one available for this deputy, who was going somewhat outside of his duties and tasks to try to help this young… Read more »

Ash Kel
Ash Kel
25 days ago

David Wilson is incapable of doing his job. City hall staff recently found out just how shady he is. Thanks to his designated executives city staff lives were put on risk when one employee threatened the life or another. He sent an all staff claiming that staff had an unauthorized evacuation which caused chaos but did not mention that HR Director and Public Safety Manager evacuated the building too. So I why blame us for his people. During an all staff meeting questions were asked and he was very vocal about trusting Public Safety Director and HR Director. Last I… Read more »

25 days ago
Reply to  Ash Kel

He said there was no threat but then said that they put employees in a safe room. The man is a walking bubblehead. Puppet.

26 days ago

Not a fan of David Wilson but a quick google search of the plaintiff shows that they seem to do nothing but sue people, and the complaint is nigh unto incoherent.

Last edited 26 days ago by Tom
27 days ago

So what did he do??

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
28 days ago

Politically and bureaucratically this city has fallen into disrepair and it’s time for the State of California to step in and place it into receivership.

27 days ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Not a bad idea, just wondering where the confidence in the state comes from, but willing to roll the dice at this point.

28 days ago

Yep. All of this is true.

28 days ago

The level of incompetence I have seen regarding the city of West Hollywood is astonishing.Ever since the trio of Sepi,Byers and Erickson have entered city politics,the respect for the city government has gone downhill.Instead of the residents being served,it is United Here who has benefited from the rulings of the council.

David Wilson is not a very engaged city manager.He just lets things sit or happen.He is helped along by the city council.If the city council were more upright and aggressive,Wilson would have been released a long time ago.

28 days ago
Reply to  hifi5000

There are two sides, at least, to this story. “Pray” some patience.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
28 days ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Perhaps an ill-timed proverb but where there’s smoke there’s fire.

27 days ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Excuse me, Alan?

There will be a rapid rush to judgement in this small town of provincial egos, but we must remember that all people charged with a crime are innocent until proven guilty.”

Those are your words. You might be THE most hypocritical person in this city. Just zero integrity.

28 days ago
Reply to  hifi5000

So true.