Weho resident Jeff McMullen bids to become Assembly District delegate

Jeff McMullen

West Hollywood resident Jeff McMullen has launched a bid to become a delegate to the State Assembly. MuMullen is a resident of Palm Ave and has lived in West Hollywood for over 20 years. 

Jeff is a real estate attorney and has no political background.

Read Jeff’s Candidate Statement below:

2025 Elections for California Democratic Party

Assembly District Delegates

California Assembly District 51

Candidate Statement: Jeffery McMullen

Candidate PIN: 51-0-0005915

Fellow Los Angeles County Residents,  

I hope you, your family, friends, and other loved ones are safe from the wildfire affecting our community.

If you remain at threat, please listen to local authorities and evacuate to safety as quickly as possible. Please everyone remain vigilant.

If you lost a loved one, my heart and prayers go out to you and them. May you find solace in your loved ones still with you and the larger community supporting you as you grieve.

If you lost your home and/or business and all the personal belongings they contained, I share your grief as well. While I empathize with your loss, I hope you find comfort knowing that material things can and will be replaced.

As we respond to the threat these fires pose to our community, I encourage everyone to be aware of and sensitive to the suffering of our fellow community members and to take personal responsibility for being a part of our recovery. Ask yourself what you can do to help those in need and do it.


Finally, my deeply felt gratitude to all those who are doing everything they can in service to our community. It takes all of us doing big and small things to protect our community and help it to rebuild.

Yes, we are all experiencing loss, fear, and confusion at this most difficult hour, and certainly there will be challenges to come on the pathway to recovery. But keep hope, we will get through this together.

Dear neighbors of the California 51st Assembly District and fellow Democrats,

I am Jeff McMullen. I am running to represent you as an Assembly District Delegate (ADD) of the California Democratic Party (CADEM). Please vote for me.

You likely do not know me. I am not a public figure. I am not part of anyone’s slate of candidates. I do not have consultants working on my campaign.

The reason for this is simple. I have been, like most of you, content living a private life focused on my family, friends, and career. Beyond my immediate sphere of influence, I trusted my welfare and that of our larger community to career politicians who I believe are mostly good, decent people.

The 2024 election caused me to reconsider the trust I placed in them. You too have likely been doing some deep reflection; I hope everyone is at this critical moment. Here’s how I see things.

I am a patriotic American who believes firmly in America’s core values: freedom and equality. I am a Democrat because our party best safeguards these values and furthers the interests of all Americans.

As Democrats we are members of America’s largest political party with 49 million voters. As Californians we are among the Party’s most important constituents providing 10+ million voters. Thus, CADEM should be the nation’s most influential party, the gold standard by which all others are modeled. Is it? Consider CADEM’s 2024 election performance.

CA had an 11% drop in voter turnout with 1+ million fewer voters than in 2020. Of the 156 offices up for election, only 76% of CADEM’s endorsed candidates won. Of the 10 ballot measures before CA’s voters, only 4 of CADEM’s positions won.

CA voted against affordable housing for middle and low-income households, rent control to protect cost-burdened renters, and raising the minimum wage to help low-income workers. CA voted for increasing criminal penalties on theft and drug crimes and CA’s constitutional slavery exception.

That last one bears repeating as it places CA with Louisiana as the only two states in the 160 years since the 13th Amendment was ratified to affirm their state’s constitutional support for slavery.

Where is our compassion?

We can do better. We MUST do better.

To do so, new leadership is needed. CADEM’s ADDs provide the best pathway for introducing new leaders, and why I am seeking this office.

I am from Grand Isle, Louisiana and have lived in Los Angeles County for 25 years. I count Louisiana as my native state and California as my home state. I am a grateful resident of West Hollywood.

I am a Queer American and veteran of the United States Navy. I earned a Juris Doctor from Tulane University Law School, completed Master of Public Policy and Administration coursework at CSU, Long Beach, received a BA in History from CSU, Fresno. I work in the housing industry as a multifamily asset manager.

While I was born to poverty, the promise of and my belief in the American Dream empowered me to rise above scarcity and with the help of my government and community I achieved personal actualization and financial abundance. Thus, my lived experience affords me the empathy to understand my diverse fellows, analytical skills necessary to break down complex challenges, and the practical know-how necessary to find and execute solutions… the precise qualities of excellent leadership.

Please vote for me and let us make CADEM into the gold standard political party it has the potential to be, bring compassionate leadership back to CA, and lead America by example. Thank you.

The deadline to register is January 31st and voting takes place online and in-person the weekend of February 22nd and 23rd.  The election results will be announced on March 3rd.

To learn more about the 2025 California Assembly District Elections see https://adem.cadem.org.

Thank you for your consideration.


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WeHo Conscience
WeHo Conscience
22 days ago

I don’t understand the slavery comment. I do not recall an initiative on the ballot that affirmed “CA’s constitutional slavery exception”. Perhaps someone can clarify this statement. It appears there is a misunderstanding about the nature of the position Mr. McMullin is running for. The California Democratic Party is composed of volunteer unpaid voting delegates that attend state conventions each year and help shape the party platform. They also elect party officers. Any registered Democrats can run. It is what puts Democracy into the Democratic Party. Delegates participate in endorsing candidates and initiatives. They may join and/or serve in various… Read more »

Last edited 22 days ago by WeHo Conscience
26 days ago

Not going to vote for you after seeing your public comment you’re a boot licker! .

24 days ago
Reply to  Voter

I agree. Big no to him.

Last edited 24 days ago by BloodshotEyedGuy
26 days ago

Big nope. Progressive crazy. Lol at, “voting for slavery.” Nobody voted for slavery…we voted for criminals being held accountable. Sorry, not sorry.

26 days ago

Mr. McMullen has a beautiful vocabulary and indeed knows how to turn a sentence. Unfortunately, these qualities no longer ensure support to citizens, legislative maneuvering or solid governance. Beautiful sentences are only that. Obama had years of community organizing to support his first venture into elective office plus his beautiful vocabulary. Mr. Mullen doesn’t offer any public organizing/service. His work experience echos conservative judgements and although he is a queer American there is no mention of queer sensibility, volunteering, charity work or desire to put our agenda in the forefront. He is a democrat because my party safe guards our… Read more »

Last edited 26 days ago by :dpb
26 days ago

The people of CA voted more conservatively this year, as apparently the rest of the country did. Crime was a hot ticket and I wished both initiatives had been defeated.
Frankly, I don’t care what CADEM does or says.
And your party has lost its way. badly.

And frankly, our assemblyperson is doing a fine job.

What are you offering that Rick Zbur is not doing or can’t do?

27 days ago

For a minute there……I thought he was a normal guy. Turns out he’s just more of the same.

Jeff McMullen
Jeff McMullen
26 days ago
Reply to  Earl


Good evening. I hope you are well.

I’m not sure what a “normal guy” is or what it means to be “more of the same.”

I am sincerely interested in earning your vote. So, perhaps you can elaborate on your comments.

Was there something I said that you dislike or disagree with?

Anything that you liked or agree with?

Thank you for your feedback.

26 days ago
Reply to  Jeff McMullen

I’m sorry but you come across like a desperate pansie ass

24 days ago
Reply to  Dean

It’s ok to disagree and have different political views, but it’s unnecessary to call him names. Plus, he seems anything but what you’ve called him. He’s served our country and seems to be an upstanding guy. I’d vote for him in any other case, but I’m indifferent to progressive policies.

26 days ago
Reply to  Jeff McMullen

You know exactly what I meant.

25 days ago
Reply to  Earl

I don’t think he knows what you meant.

Just explain yourself? Is it because he’s gay?

24 days ago
Reply to  Jeff McMullen

If you’re not woke, you’ll get my vote

24 days ago
Reply to  Earl

Yep. I thought the same until I saw the wokie nonsense.

27 days ago

Will u be hosting any events?

Jeff McMullen
Jeff McMullen
26 days ago
Reply to  Voter


Good evening! I hope you had a fun, productive day and are well.

Yes, I plan to host events. I am planning some now and will be announcing them soon.

To that end, I welcome any suggestions you might have. What kind of events would you like to attend?

Meanwhile, have a great evening!

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
27 days ago

On the plus side, McMullen appears not to be a part of the entrenched, incestuous cabal of party politics. On the questionable side is his need to spew out his identity and born-to-poverty bone fides. That alone indicates that he either does actually have a consultant, or he’s simply read the political consultant’s handbook of manipulating the masses. I’ll hold out hope that being outside the intransigent clique is good enough for my vote.

26 days ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

need to spew out his identity”

But you were okay when George Nickle did this?

24 days ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Zbur is a gatekeeper

27 days ago

Never heard of him and do not know anything he has done for Weho. Sounds like a wannabe

27 days ago
Reply to  90046

What have you done for weho?

Snarky girl
Snarky girl
27 days ago

‘I’ – nineteen or twenty times? Go back to elementary school for writing lessons. Yawn.