Editorial: Council Approved Chevron Project Negligently


Planning Commission Used Fake Numbers To Waive Traffic Study

By Jerome Cleary

Last week, it was discovered from documents from city hall that the Chevron project at 1107 North LaCienega (at the intersection of Holloway and LaCienega) where the planning commission’s staff report omitted the large third part of the new development (the car wash). Then, it was approved by the planning commission and city council under negligence, whereupon a traffic study was waived when it should not have been.

The real traffic numbers and environmental concerns were left out, and the planning commission and city council waived the CEQA requirements.

If 20 vehicles are serviced at the car wash every hour—12 hours a day—on top of the vehicles getting to the gas pumps, the vehicles going to the convenience store, the new liquor store, and the new retail space at this already Grade F intersection of Holloway and LaCienega, this will be a nightmare and concern for public safety, first responders, and emergency vehicle access. There is gridlock every day at this intersection during the morning and evening rush hour, where vehicles block the intersection daily.

The pollution emissions at this location will be horrific too with cars idling endlessly at that property 12 hours a day. 

Finally, the petition the Chevron owner presented at the planning commission and city council was rigged and done underhandedly, never disclosing to the signers of the petition in support of this project that the repair station was being permanently removed because the owner knew the petition signers would never sign it then. https://wehoonline.com/2023/08/25/dear-weho-chevron-car-wash-project-got-approved/

Where do we go from here? Is the city manager and city attorney responsible for enforcing this legally? How do we as a city go back and rectify this major oversite and mistake? What can the residents do now to get a traffic study and get an honest legal procedure when the planning commission and city council approved this project with falsified numbers with the new largest part, the car wash, left out in the plans?

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About Jerome Cleary
Jerome Cleary was a columnist for West Hollywood Independent, blogger for AOL’s Patch for West Hollywood, published in the LA Times, The Advocate, Frontiers Magazine, formerly on the Lesbian and Gay Advisory board, was named as a Local Hero of West Hollywood in LA Weekly and is a small business owner in West Hollywood.

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12 days ago

I have used the car wash at the Chevron at La Brea and Beverly many, many times. Unless the car wash system they install is much faster than this one, there is no way that it serves 20 cars an hour. The most cars that have ever been ahead of me were 7, and that took at least a 30 min wait before I got in. That said, the cars do have to wrap around the property to wait in line, so it is a concern.

14 days ago

Tjere should be no doubt that the City of West Hollywood is doing a lot of business “under the table” and hidden from public input: and our City Attorneys office has participated in various suspicious activities over the last two years… Yes, traffic during rush hours – coming down Holloway – is beyond congested; drivers dangerously maneuvering to gain a few seconds of advantage. Three blocks away from City Hall and the planning commission pretends it’s okay to green-light numerous projects that should’ve never been approved! WeHoians need to start becoming curious, participate, look at the various (lobbied) individuals running… Read more »

14 days ago

This is why I moved to Redondo Beach y’all. It’s so much more chill and calm down here!

Rose (Rose Marie - upset)
Rose (Rose Marie - upset)
15 days ago

I’m a 30+ year veteran of living in weho. For decades the council, employees and managers and the planning commission have submitted thousands of false responses with false abatement formal (signed under penalty of perjury. The give ‘notice per law: but nobody really knows where and nobody (even experiments, lawyers etc..) can understand from the title of the “abatement” response is acknowledging and has abated the ‘problem or if they found out that with review ‘there was never any issue’ by the CA State and LA County departments involved with every kind of issue.’ THIS PROJECT THAT CORNER HAS BEEN… Read more »

14 days ago

You’re correct: instead of being upset; get active. Join the City Council meetings, speak up, align with like minded peeps and start investigating the individuals that are re-voted into positions they themselves abuse to their own advantage. Byers, Erickson and now Hang are in there to kickstart their political carriers – never for the true interests of the swear Hollywood community. Heilman has long abandoned his once brilliant perspective. Social gathering spots are eliminated, Danny Rivas on the forefront to “de-gay” the City as he whispers to others! His implementation of the Ambassadors program is basically intended to curb gay… Read more »

18 days ago

The people against this project just need to bring suit against the city claiming what is written in this article. That will stop the development until a ruling is made and if the article is true, the project will have to be resubmitted.

Last edited 18 days ago by Kevin
Carolyn C
Carolyn C
17 days ago
Reply to  Kevin

Any suggestions for a knowledgeable attorney on these issues?

17 days ago
Reply to  Carolyn C

Any general services law firm is a place to start. Also identifying the firms helping some neighborhoods projects is a place to start. Good luck, you do not want that car wash in your neighborhood.

Carolyn C
Carolyn C
15 days ago
Reply to  Kevin

Believe me, we know how horrendous this will be. We’ve been fighting it since 2019. Looking for a specific recommendation. If you know someone who might know someone that would be a BIG help. Many thanks.

18 days ago

Doesn’t Heilman live in the highrise next door?

Roger O
Roger O
18 days ago
Reply to  TomSmart

Yes. Thats why he has recused himself & forfeited his vote

Had Enough
Had Enough
19 days ago

The whole City Council is corrupt. No wonder Jon Holub skipped town and went to Santa Monica

Roger O
Roger O
19 days ago

I keep thinking about the blatantly irresponsible & egregious behavior by Erickson when he said: “I’ll wait to see what everyone else does” before the vote. He alone could have prevented this nightmare from becoming a reality, And he got elected again when that move alone was enough to disqualify him from being on this Council again. If there was underhandedness & dishonesty & cheating & lying on any of the property owner’s presentation of the project to the city, that should render the Council’s decision null & void. Why should this case be allowed to set a precedent that… Read more »

Carolyn C
Carolyn C
18 days ago
Reply to  Roger O

Initially, when I asked John Erickson about the project he said “he had reservations.” I wish he had honored his instincts. The more I find out about the city’s process on this project, the more alarmed I am. By law, the city is supposed to alert the neighborhood about increased alcohol sales for any project. I spoke with the manager of the 7 Eleven across the street from the Chevron who said they were never told that there was a planned 24-hour store selling beer and wine. How could the city approve a business that would directly harm another business… Read more »

Neal Z
Neal Z
14 days ago
Reply to  Carolyn C

John Erickson has always been for sale to the highest bidder. He and that Jew-hating witch Byers (and their new lapdog bought and paid for by the same special interest whores) have destroyed West Hollywood. And sadly, the only two adults on the city council, John Heilman and Lauren Meister, will be termed out next year.

14 days ago
Reply to  Roger O

…and yet, so many of you voted for Erickson fully aware he is lobbied by influential outside business that aims to gain access to West Hollywood! He will never have the sanctity or the original value of West Hollywood in mind when consistently voting in support of developers interests! The true culprit here is the City Attorneys department! West Hollywood City Hall has employed characters that invites for a serious investigation!

19 days ago

But bike lanes will solve all these issues!

John McCormick
John McCormick
14 days ago
Reply to  anonymous

Or if they sell meat our new mayor will shut them down!!! Lol

20 days ago

Seems about right. This is going to be a mess. I’d also assume a huge drop in nearby condo prices due to the house and congestion!

17 days ago
Reply to  sdfdfs

Will you come back in a couple of years and show us the data on whether or not this caused the huge drop in condo prices you predict?

20 days ago

And add on top of that the Fountain Ave mess…where the city didn’t even ask the Fire Department if knocking down Fountain to one lane in each direction would impact emergency services…oh what a mess indeed!

19 days ago
Reply to  JF1

Wondering if John and his side kick Chelsea are going to maybe visit with the FD to discuss, given the recent observations of the gridlock in a time of crisis. Wondering if our dummies know that Culver City removed the disastrous bike lines that caused havoc for a couple years….or are they hell bent on messing up everything that they can. John, in reading, please let us know!!!

19 days ago
Reply to  Eric

A lot of cities have removed their bike lanes. And with the recent fires and the traffic with everybody trying to evacuate, this should clearly demonstrate to them that cutting Fountain down to one lane and each direction would be a disaster for emergency response.

18 days ago
Reply to  Eric

They are hell bent on pushing this project. They will use the concept that gridlock happened because of vehicles and that bikes and scooters can move you faster out of danger. They will also state that the voters elected them into office because that is what they mandate

14 days ago
Reply to  Eric

Culver City still had bike lanes.
Oh, did you mean the ones the City of Los Angeles installed on Venice Blvd.?