Progress Continues on AIDS Monument Despite Challenges


“I know we are all grieving for the destruction of major parts of our beloved Los Angeles,” reads a recent letter to supporters of the WeHo AIDS Monument. “It is heartening to see how Angelenos are supporting those who lost their homes and businesses. It reminds me how we banded together during the height of the AIDS crisis to support and care for each other.”

“On a happier note, there has been lots of progress in the construction of the Monument…”

History of the Monument

The idea for the WeHo AIDS Monument was first proposed in the early 2010s as a way to honor those affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The City of West Hollywood partnered with the Foundation for the AIDS Monument (FAM) to bring the vision to life. In 2016, the city officially approved the project, commissioning artist Daniel Tobin to design the monument. After years of planning and fundraising, construction began in 2022, with a goal of creating an iconic public space for remembrance, education, and activism. Despite delays, the monument remains on track for completion in 2025.

Construction Milestones

Despite setbacks, key advancements have been made at the monument site:

  • Concrete has been poured in several critical areas, including the foundation for the Traces installation, bench seating, pedestals, and a protest podium facing San Vicente Boulevard. Upcoming work includes pouring concrete for the donor wall and curb along San Vicente Boulevard.
  • The travertine stone, which will be used for various site elements, has started arriving at a warehouse in Turkey. It is expected to reach the U.S. in late March and be delivered to the site in early April.
  • Landscaping and irrigation installations are scheduled for late February.

A contractual issue related to the completion bond for the Traces fabricator caused a delay, but the construction timeline has been adjusted to minimize impact. The estimated completion date for the monument has shifted by six weeks to mid-October, barring any further unforeseen issues. Production on the Traces has resumed, with the first batch expected to be installed in early April.


About the Monument

The AIDS Monument is a collaborative project between the City of West Hollywood and the Foundation for the AIDS Monument (FAM) to memorialize the devastation of HIV/AIDS, honor courageous activists, caregivers, and community leaders through their STORIES, and raise awareness about the history and stigma of living with HIV/AIDS. The Monument will be located prominently in West Hollywood Park along San Vicente Boulevard and will function as an iconic public art experience and memorial site.

Designed by artist Daniel Tobin, the monument will feature a plaza, a donor wall, vertical bronze “traces” with narrative text, integrated lighting reminiscent of a candlelight vigil, and a podium facing N. San Vicente Boulevard. Set in the heart of West Hollywood, the monument will capture the community’s activism and the personal stories of those impacted by HIV/AIDS.

Grand Opening Plans Underway

As the project nears completion, preparations for the Grand Opening event and after-party have begun. More details will be shared in the coming months.

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Angry gay pope
15 days ago

A monument to french fries. embarassing.

14 days ago
Reply to  Angry gay pope

I’m guessing you eat too much fast food.

17 days ago

Typo: I think you mean the monument is on track for completion in 2025.