Do you remember what it’s like when you change careers or get a new job? When you find a position that you believe is suitable, you update your resume and send it in along with your application. The place you’ve applied for then reviews what you’ve sent them to see if you qualify, and if you do, they set up an interview with key people to know if you are a good fit. Unfortunately, when reviewing your documents, if you don’t meet the qualifications, you usually get a letter thanking you for your interest and informing you that you do not qualify. One would think that the City of West Hollywood, which has interviewed thousands of employees and potential employees, would know this. Unless, that is, they were incompetent or only going through the motions so they don’t get in trouble with the Civil Rights Department (formerly known as Fair Employment and Housing).
According to both the Civil Rights Department and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and as written in the notes by the City during the Interactive Process Meetings, the City must engage in a timely, good-faith Interactive Process with employees in need of reasonable accommodation. This process has been anything but timely, and no good-faith effort has yet happened due to the direction of the Director of Administrative Services, Janet Jimenez.
To date, the City has offered me five different positions to remove me from Code Enforcement to appease the desires of the Director of Community Safety, Danny Rivas. I write it this way because most of my work was done behind my desk two years before COVID. However, during COVID, 100% of my job was behind my desk for two years. Mind you, during COVID, my workload significantly increased. Much like what is happening to Whistleblower #3, Rivas overloaded us with extra assignments to make us fail. The stress and fear of losing my job caused me undue stress. Anyone with Multiple Sclerosis needs to avoid extra stress, or relapses can occur. On Black Friday of 2022, I was hospitalized and lost my ability to walk for six months. While I am not 100%, I could return to the job I was assigned, but Rivas changed a part of the assignment to make me ineligible to return, knowing I was still learning how to walk.
Of the five positions offered me, most of the positions did not align with the doctor’s restrictions. Part of the doctors’ orders aligned with the Telework Agreement the City has with the employees. This allows certain employees to work partially from the office and partially from home. The first position they offered me was 100% in the office. The second position required a paralegal background. My background is in Architecture, Construction, and Home Inspections. The third was in recreation and was already in the process of being filled. While the fourth was a maintenance position. They know I am re-learning how to walk, so this was obviously one that I physically could not do. In an effort to return to work and show my willingness to return, I informed them that if the City felt I could do any of these positions knowing my temporary restrictions, I would meet with the manager and director to discuss the duties. From this statement, they determined what position they would offer me and scheduled a meeting while my Union Representative was on vacation. I asked if it could be done the following week when my representative returned. I received a response from The H.R. Manager apologizing that they could not hold the position for me. All I requested was to hold off a few days so my union could be there to represent me.
A new position opened at the beginning of November, and I was offered an interview. This position looked promising since I knew the Director, Christof Schroeder, to be a good, ethical person. While I desire to stay in Code Enforcement, it has been challenging to fight Danny Rivas and Vtyo Adomaitis’s prejudice, so the possibility of the change was hopeful.
I returned to the Interactive Process Meeting on November 21, 2024, hoping to return to work but in a better environment that was free of abuse and harassment. With the departure of Rivas and Adomaitis, Christof Schroeder and the Human Services Manager Wendy Barreno were now in their place. Sadly, this turned into another circus performance overseen by Janet Jimenez. I requested that the meeting be recorded to protect myself from retaliation so that all parties would have to be transparent. This was denied. Janet claimed that this was not their practice and that they would have notes from Return to Partners, the third party hired by the City. The continual problem with this is that the notes are one-sided and only focus on what the City wants them to write. I have yet to sign these documents because they lack the crucial points that the Union or I have made. The City seems to be obstructing the Interactive Process because Janet Jimenez bends the rules to favor her and does so to enable her to cheat the system.
After discussing my experience, Christof informed me that I did not meet the qualifications requirements as my background is in Architecture, Construction, and Home Inspections. This is entirely understandable and acceptable. I informed them that while I had not done any work in the field they were offering me, I did not think there was anything I could not do. My follow-up question to Christof was problematic. I asked if he had been provided with a copy of my resume, and he replied that he had. Christof informed me that he and the City decided I did not qualify and assured me that this decision was only based on the job specifications and my experience. Rani Luther followed up with a question to the City about other open positions that could be reviewed at this time. Janet stated that there were not. I was asked if I was interested in any of the other open positions that had already been provided. I reminded them that I would be open to interviewing for any position they felt I could do that fell within the doctor’s restrictions. Rani then asked if they knew of any upcoming vacancies. Jenny Lu responded that she did not know of any and asked Janet if she knew of any. Miraculously, Janet appeared to have an epiphany and remembered that there were some candidates for a couple of positions in progress but did not know where they were in the process, so there could be some forthcoming. Rani stated that, at this point, there was no option for alternative work and asked if I had any questions.
Returning to the problematic question I asked, I requested that the next time a position became available, if the City had already determined that I did not qualify, don’t ask me to come in for an interview and waste everyone’s time again. Janet stated that they had to offer it to me. Still, I corrected her, explaining that according to the Investigator at the California Civil Rights Department, the City should be offering me positions that I can do based on my restrictions and ability rather than offering me positions they know I cannot do. The City is only going through the motions to appear to comply with their legal requirements. Janet responded that they are transparent in sharing all the positions to show there is nothing malicious. Janet, if you are going to begin speaking of transparency, how about you start by honoring my requests and begin recording the meetings? Before the meeting concluded, Jenny Lu inquired about my next appointment. I informed the group that I would receive another infusion and MRI in early December. I recently supplied HR an updated letter from my doctor, which shows my condition is improving.
To date, Whistleblower Bear is gone, Whistleblower #3 is still being harassed, and a new player has entered who has brought legal action against the City Manager. The Whistleblowers have come forward in this two-and-a-half ring circus called the City of West Hollywood and are speaking about the injustice that is changing our City. Saying nothing when faced with injustice is complicity. We will not be silent. You would think David Wilson or the City Council would reach out to us, but that is not the case. Why are they allowing this abuse? How long will they all be complacent? Please let your actions speak louder than your words.
On December 12, 2024, the Union had its monthly meeting, and City Manager Wilson was invited to attend because of a traumatizing incident at City Hall. Wilson gave his side of the story, but it appeared that many staff took it for just that: a story. Allegedly, an individual threatened to kill an employee and then himself. No information from the Director of Public Safety was disseminated to the rest of the staff. Thanks to the quick thinking of some of the supervisors, parts of City Hall were cleared, and some staff were moved to a safe location. Even the Director of Public Safety was seen exiting the building. One would imagine that the Director of Public Safety would first send information to go to safety before he fled, but he ran away and no information came from him. Thankfully, no one was hurt or killed.
Wilson refused to blame anyone for the mishandling and promised there would be changes. These same promises were made in 2017 when a staff member was attacked by a transient inside City Hall when he jumped over a counter. Both situations were brought up and Wilson was questioned whether his executive team were the right people for the job. While he stood by them, I pondered this erroneous decision laced with nepotism rather than merit and experience. We have a Director of Public Safety with only Code Enforcement Experience and a Human Resource Director without HR experience. It is no wonder why grievous mistakes are continually being made. As we listened to Wilson talk, it was evident that he was more protective of the executive team than addressing the real problems.
The City Management and the Union conducted separate city employee surveys from outside companies over numerous issues. While the City was naturally tight-lipped about its findings, it expressed some areas of concern. On the other hand, the union survey showed that the relationship between regular staff and supervisors was normal. The findings reflect that employees are very committed to serving the people and business community of WeHo and their fellow employees. In contrast, the survey showed that the relationship between upper management and staff was in a state of serious decline and was marked as critical, particularly regarding communication. They state that this is known to cause stress and unnecessary work burdens on employees.
The City Council needs to review these findings and then the qualifications of its Management Team so ongoing problems can finally be addressed. Everyone needs to question why the quality of public service is diminishing. Then, changes need to be made. The City of West Hollywood is moving away from its core principles as the quality of city services has declined in the past few years. This leadership needs to be questioned!
City Council, it is time for you to examine what is happening within City Hall more closely rather than turn a blind eye. Many of you claim to be pro-union, so now is the time to prove your words by taking action. We need your help as management is failing us, the community, and you. Now is the time to act. Saying nothing when faced with injustice is complicity.
In a small communication with one of the council members, I sadly discovered the lack of empathy and compassion that this council member once had. Mind you, this is a council member who not only had I backed but defended against other union members who told me that this council member was a fake. To the rest of the Council Members, I hope this is not the case with the rest of you. Don’t let Lord Acton’s famous quote, “Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely”, be your mantra. Please help us.
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John Erickson who says it all when campaigning only to forget his promises when he is re-elected. His loyalty is to himself.
America is outraged at Trump’s administration for putting people without merit in positions of power. America is being ran like a corporation which is exactly what the City of West Hollywood has been doing. What will it take for us to rise up against our own city leaders and executives? Wrong is wrong and right is right. No exceptions.
Hi I’m Ana, whistleblower 3, and I approve this message. 🙂
Ana, reach out to me:!I would like to talk!