Even in WEHO!

“Trumper!” I heard someone yell. Followed by a louder voice: “Trumper!” The crises came from two young men walking by as I was setting out the US flag on Presidents Day in February. I have been musing about the incident since.
There seems to be a prominent belief among certain people that only those who support Donald Trump are patriots and flying the flag and even despite long-established federal rules regarding the use of the US flag, find reason to adorn themselves with every item of clothing sporting some or all of the US flag. I am not a Trumper.
First things first: Donald Trump is what was once called a “draft dodger”. To avoid conscription during the Viet Nam War he found a doctor who would confirm that Trump had a bone spur on his heel and therefore exempt from military service. Too bad. The experience might have made him  a better human being. I will put up my eight years in the US Air Force against any of his flag-waving, insincere  rhetoric.
Every citizen has at least some germ of patriotism or who would all those people be who stand at the ball park to hear a singer butcher the national anthem – or take a moment to honor a fallen soldier. True patriotism is seldom loud and bright. As for me, I wear nothing on my sleeve. What you see is what you get.
“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
My flag will still be flown on all federal holidays – and some others in between.
Carleton Cronin
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About Carleton Cronin
Carleton Cronin and his wife, Toby Ann, have lived in West Hollywood since 1974. They have raised four sons here, and Cronin has long been an astute observer of civic life. Carleton publishes the blog crobarcogito.blogspot.com

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Christopher Lee
Christopher Lee
1 day ago

Wow.. Some very hostile reactions to this article. I believe what the author is trying to say is, you can be patriotic without being a Republican. Thanks for your service btw. I served in silence for 11 years through the 90’s before they intentionally stationed me in Texas where they followed me around, violated Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, outed me by confronting my boyfriend, invaded my privacy and as such ended my career as a Military Officer in 2003. I still honor those who served in silence loving a country that didn’t love them back. I have LGBTQIA+ brothers and… Read more »

carleton cronin
carleton cronin
1 day ago

Unfortunately, too few. Our Bill of Rights offers Constitutional protection for everybody, even you and others who “don’t care”.

1 day ago

Joe Biden played football in high school and was active in sports throughout college. He spent one summer as a lifeguard at a local pool.

But after he graduated college in the spring of 1968 and became eligible for the draft, he received a diagnosis that let him avoid military service. Joe got 5 deferrments.

1 day ago

I care. I care very much about the United States of America, the intentional dismantling of our individual rights, our country’s position in the world and the freedoms we have worked so very hard to win. I care that the flag has become a symbol of oppression, greed and incompetence. I care that people like you give no thought to what is happening here or what the future holds. I care greatly that you are the damn problem and weapon of this god-for-saken fascist/nazi administration.

Roger Oleson
Roger Oleson
2 days ago

I have only one question for you: “Who cares”?