DA isn’t tough enough on hate crimes, recall supporters say


Supporters of the recall effort against Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon held a demonstration today outside Sushi Fumi, 359 N. La Cienega Blvd., where Jewish diners were attacked in May for their ancestry in the wake of Israeli-Palestinian tensions.

The rally was meant “to raise awareness of the attacks last month and how Gascon’s policies have resulted in certain hate incidents not being charged,” according to spokesperson Karen Roseberry.

WEHOville asked Roseberry how the anti-Semitic attacks were connected to Gascon’s policies.

Which of the DA’s policies do you believe allows people who commit hate crimes to evade conviction?

Special directive 20-08 ended the addition of special enhancements on the prosecution of crimes. This included the enhancements of hate crimes, (though) Gascon would later loosely roll back these to allow for the addition of hate crime charges in the most “narrowly construed” of circumstances. Gascon also supports the submission of motions for the release of any criminal who has served over 15 years in prison regardless of the crime committed — this would include those sentenced for committing hate crimes.

What don’t people in general understand about hate crimes?

In general what people don’t always understand about hate crimes is that they have been rising and spiking, especially against the Asian community — but as also seen in front of Sushi Fumi, attacks against the Jewish community are also taking place. 

How many hate crimes have been prosecuted this year? How many convictions?

On a quick look there didn’t appear to be readily accessible data on the number of hate crimes that have been prosecuted (and convicted) in Los Angeles this year. Sheriff Villanueva has gone on record to express his disappointment in not seeing some hate incidents prosecuted.


How do the DA’s sentencing reform goals conflict with the need to protect minorities and targeted peoples?

Too often the criminals being released are being released back into traditionally minority communities, only to again repeatedly offend and commit more crime, particularly when emboldened by a lack of consequences and released without bail.

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3 years ago

Seems it would be more beneficial to advocate for your positions with DA rather than spending so much time, money and energy trying to recall him. Foolish people with so many opinions and so little knowledge of anything other than kicking up sand.

Jamie Francis
Jamie Francis
3 years ago

I think in my opinion George Gascon is hopping from one job to the other. He use to be DA in San Francisco and had a vote of no confidence from the city council and mayor all while being appointed many years ago. Voters eventually saw he was incapable so he resigned before he could get voted out. Then he comes to Los Angeles for personal and family reasons as he says, yet as always an opportunist, decides to run for Los Angeles County Attorney. First news conference he tells victims and families of victims of crime to “all of… Read more »

3 years ago

He ran on a platform of his kind of “reform.” was it a shock that he implemented it? People wanted Jackie Lacey out, and they got their way.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tom

So true. Be careful what you wish for. What did they think would happen when they vote for a guy that wants to slash budgets and put sympathy on the people that commit crimes rather on those that are victims of it. Hopefully he’ll be out after one term.

3 years ago

He’s not tough on anything. He’s more sympathetic to the people that are committing the crimes then the people that are victims of them.

3 years ago

Him and Mike Bonin should be forced to live in a tent together on Venice beach.

3 years ago
Reply to  Davedi

I think that is absolutely perfect. Their tune would change real fast.

Last edited 3 years ago by JJ1
3 years ago
Reply to  JJ1

Totally agree.

3 years ago
Reply to  Davedi

Chances are, both of these sleaze bags would kill each other, which would be a win for the people of California.