What are Lindsey Horvath and John Erickson hiding?


An Update from Council Member Horvath is below.

An Update from Acting Captain Bill Moulder is below.

Sheriff seals bodycam footage of ‘incident’ under criminal investigation

The L.A. County Sheriff’s Department is investigating a criminal incident at a West Hollywood bar involving at least one of the city’s council members. According to sources who did not wish to be named for fear of reprisal, the Council member, who was allegedly intoxicated, called deputies to the scene of a battery, then interfered with their investigation and verbally accosted them. Two City Council members were present at the establishment.

WEHOville obtained a copy of a public records request made by a West Hollywood resident who was familiar with the incident in question. A copy of the request is below and the resident’s name is being withheld..

The Public Records Request as stated was for: “Bodycam and incident reports related to any incidents at or near V Wine Room at 903 Westbourne Drive, West Hollywood, 90069 that occurred on or about September 9th, 2021 involving members of the West Hollywood City Council.” The PRA was updated to clafify ” “on or about September 9th 2021 involving members of the West Hollywood City Council. Those members are – John Erickson and Lindsey Horvath.

The response from the office of Sheriff Alex Villanueva and Shawnee N. Hinchman, Acting Captain:

“The video footage will not be provided in response to your request. These records sought are part of a criminal matter.

WEHOville received a number of reports from various sources concerning the night in question.

The unconfirmed report:

Thursday evening, September 9th, 2021. Councilmember Erickson phoned the sheriff station to report a battery he witnessed. The Sheriff responded to the V-Wine Room to find two persons of African American or Hispanic descent fighting. The sheriff is attending to the call with the subjects. Council member Erickson steps in toward law enforcement. Law enforcement asks Erickson to step back. Erickson continues forward and law enforcement asks him to step back again. Erickson begins berating the sheriff, and continues loudly, Do you know who I am?” ‘Do you know who I am?’ The sheriff told Erickson he did not care who he was, Step Back.


It is a crime to interfere with a law enforcement proceeding.

We believe the public has a right to know when their elected officials are involved in a criminal investigation. Witnesses are strongly encouraged to come forward.

Update From Council Member Horvath: 4/23 10am. ‘The report is inaccurate. I was at the Hollywood Bowl that night.

A follow up question: Do you have any knowledge of the item in question?

Lindsey’s reply”. I’m not aware of any such public records request. It appears the Sheriff’s Dept is not producing what you are looking for. I’m not hiding anything.

— please note this PRA was made by a private citizen unrelated to WEHOville. WEHOville has submitted its own public records request and has yet to have a reply.

WEHOville reached out to Council member Erickson for comment but did not receive a reply. If we do receive a reply his comment will be posted immediately.

— Update from Acting Captain Bill Moulder:

The Body Worn Camera footage pertains to the call West Hollywood Deputies were responding to and the crime they were investigating.  Both Councilmember Erickson and Councilmember Horvath were not involved in the criminal investigation.

William Moulder, LieutenantLos Angeles County Sheriff’s DepartmentWest Hollywood Sheriff’s Station780 N. San Vicente BoulevardWest Hollywood, California 90069

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2 years ago

Erickson and Horvath are hiding the fact that they are corrupt grifters who sell out our community at every opportunity.

Whether this incident occurred doesn’t change the fact that Horvath and Erickson have hurt our community in so many ways.

WEHO Grifters
WEHO Grifters
2 years ago
Reply to  voter

So right, Horvath and Erickson star in a new reality show called: WEHO Grifters!

2 years ago

Release the body cam!!

2 years ago

And now that everyone has been stirred up and dumped all over Erickson, the owner of V Wine Room confirms that this “contributor,” was not even at the V Wine Room that night, and their report of what happened was inaccurate. https://wehoonline.com/2022/04/25/v-wine-room-owner-mikey-comstock-confirms-sale-and-clarifies-incident/ Erickson should be commended for calling the Sheriff, and also for following the homeless person who assaulted the owner of V Wine Room, and one of the customers, so they could be identified by the Sheriff. They were, and charges were pressed. Not everyone would have the courage to follow someone who just punched two people in the… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Randy
2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

Nice try Randy. Erickson interfered with the investigation and yelled at a deputy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

OK so the other article does not vindicate him. But he should still be commended for standing up for a local business. What we have here is more than one contributor who is trying to take a hit against him. They gave inaccurate info, including Horvath’s presence, who was involved, etc.. The Sheriff didn’t charge him with interfering. I know, that doesn’t vindicate him, either. One might think if they cared, they would have. Based on the other article, I think what we should (also) be reading and discussing is the Sheriff department response. Consbruck didn’t see an officer for… Read more »

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

So whether or not the latter happened is irrelevant to you, Randy? What happened during those 45 minutes?

2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

I never said anything was irrelevant. You drew that conclusion.

I said that we should be more upset about the fact that the Sheriff did nothing, after a stranger walked into an establishment and punched the owner in the face. And another patron. And I’ll stand by that.

But very few people in these forums seem to want to discuss the behavior of our Sheriff department. Some are too busy ragging on three Councilmembers, day in and day out.

2 years ago

Erickson is not fit for office!

2 years ago

Typical hubris from our elected officials, always thinking they’re above the law. Erickson needs to step down if this is accurate.

2 years ago

Notice the anonymous accounts baselessly accusing other accounts of being city hall employees without a SHRED of evidence.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Got your work cut out for you running interference for them

2 years ago

Full time job.

Not the smartest guy
Not the smartest guy
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Unfortunately you fail to make a good case for yourself.

2 years ago

I don’t need to make a case.

2 years ago

Notice all the city hall employees using anonymous accounts to defend their corrupt friends!

2 years ago

Here we are attempting to decipher the nefarious moves of our “leaders” within what the residents deserve….a transparent plan and a safe environment. It’s like speculation abut Putin’s next move. But anyone watching the current Rise of the Nazis on PBS can see the connection of like minded folks large and small who ultimately meet their end after unnecessary exponential mayhem and destruction. Rise of the Nazis also is set to the great classical music of the era. LOL.

2 years ago
Reply to  Beethoven

“Do you know who I am?” -John Erickson

2 years ago
Reply to  Beethoven

What’s do decipher? Erickson is an elected official, not royalty. Laws apply to him as well as the people he serves. If he interfered with a police investigation he needs to step down immediately. If he can’t follow the laws he shouldn’t be involved in making them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rodrigo

You missed the point. Find some scope.

2 years ago

“Do you know who I am?” “Do you know who I am?”

So embarrassing.

Last edited 2 years ago by WehoFan
2 years ago

Joshua88 is frantically defending his city council buddies!

2 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

I don’t do anything frantically and I read the article and comprehended the story.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

WEHO fan is right. Joshua 88 has frantic gay panic. Greeneyedgal is his lap dog. It’s like those traitors Hilary and Michael Sussman…

Don Jones
Don Jones
2 years ago

Is Miss Horvath naive enough to think the public wouldn’t realize she could have done both. Certainly she could have met Councilmember Erickson at the V-Wine Room after going to the Hollywood Bowl.

Chloe Ross
Chloe Ross
2 years ago
