Op/Ed: A woman’s right to choose is an inalienable right for all Americans.


These words in the Declaration of Independence that are engrained in all of us. “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” These are our inalienable rights.

The draft release of the Supreme Court decision targeting a women’s right to choose is an assault on all of us. Each of us, all of us, possess the inalienable right to make choices concerning our well being every single day. None is as sacred as a single woman, or couple to make the choices that affect their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

It seems like yesterday but my mom had an abortion. She married young, gave birth to my sister and I in the first four years and then got pregnant again. It was 1965 and she had to fly to Puerto Rico to get an abortion. Later on she had my brother and another pregnancy. But it was a few years later and she was able to have that procedure at Brookdale Hospital in Brooklyn. It was the early 70’s and she was able to get that abortion in America. My dad drove us to the hospital and my mom waved to us from the hospital window. The decisions my parents made together were based on choice.

A women’s right to choose is a man’s right too. Couples who share in these decisions deserve the right to determine how to bring up a family.

While women control their bodies, along with trans men, their partners share in the decisions. In many cases these are joint decisions. Every one of us knows someone who had an abortion. Every one of us needs to respect a woman’s right to choice.

This discussion makes me wonder why Roe v Wade is not settled law. Democrats control all three branches of government. Why was Joe Biden’s number one item the first day to codify the freedom of choice as law? Why didn’t our City Council make it’s first order of business a request to the White House to codify Roe v Wade into law?


The right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is not a Democratic, or Republican, or Independent, or Green Party issue. Ir is the foundation of our Democracy. If the court does rule against Roe and takes away a right that has been the law of the land for 50 years whats next? ‘Gay marriage”‘ ‘A women’s right to vote’. ‘Inter-racial marriage’?

I reached out to our City Councilmember Dr. John Erickson. John’s day job is the Senior Director of Public Affairs and Communications at Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles. Abortion rights is one issue both John and I are passionate about.

John is Planned Parenthood only for woman? and he answered No. Are there services for Trans men who are child bearing,?- and he answered Yes, they have trans related services and do gender affirming care.

How bout a quote John? Whats the context he asked? “A woman’s right to choose is an inalienable right for all Americans is the title.” I woke up to John’s email and decided to add John as the co-author to this piece. We are in this fight together with all of you.

“The right to safe and legal abortion is an inalienable right that I, and so many people, grew up with and those that fought for prior to 1973.  Knowing that an individual has full autonomy to say what happens to their body is critical and to think that we could soon live in a world where that is not the case is horrifying.  I want to be really clear that right now, abortion is still legal and if you need to access it, there are resources available.  However, what we need to do is ensure that we stand up, fight back, and take to the streets to demand that what happens today will not happen in the future.”

“The link between the right to privacy etched in Roe v. Wade is tied to so many other fundamental rights that LGBTQ community members, both here in West Hollywood and across the United States, hold dearly.  If you’ve had the opportunity to read the leaked draft opinion, one thing is very clear: once they’re down overruling Roe and Casey, they’re coming for other items such as the right to consensual sex between gay men in Lawrence v. Texas and the right to same-sex marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges.”One thing I can promise you is that the City of West Hollywood, our leaders, businesses, community members, and those that live, work, and play here will fight like hell to ensure that no matter what, people know that West Hollywood will always stand up for them and be the place that fights for their rights both in the battles today and in the ones to come.  We have to get out and vote like hell because our lives and rights depend on it.  We took to the streets before and we’ll keep doing it again and again until everyone has full equality.  Onward.” 

Thank you John, UNITED WE STAND.

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Friendly Neighbor
Friendly Neighbor
2 years ago

Murder is not an unalienable right. And abortion (killing babies) is not in the constitution no matter what words you put together. Having said all of that, the supposed SCOTUS decision changes nothing except to confirm that abortion (the killing of babies) is a states right issue. It has been for the last 25 years if you have been paying attention you would already know this fact. And stop with the poor can’t get somewhere line. It is old, tired and a lie. There are plenty of people willing to transport WOMEN to an abortionist. Now, if you want the… Read more »

Bible Thumpers Holier Than Thou
Bible Thumpers Holier Than Thou
2 years ago

Most opponents of Roe v. Wade continue to cry “oh, but this pregnancy is a living being”. They care about one in the womb but fail to show care or compassion for living beings that have been born. And who in their right mind would ever curse a woman who has been through a rape and sentence to her a lifetime reminder of what might be the most devastating event in her life. Consider if she were your wife or daughter. They want to give additional devastation? Subhuman ideas compliments of your local Bible Thumpers and Holier Than Thou advocates.

Chloe Ross
Chloe Ross
2 years ago

Fine article, but shouldn’t it have been written by a woman; maybe even one who has had an abortion and is past the age where she will no longer face such a decision?

Have one? Interested.

Larry Block
2 years ago
Reply to  Chloe Ross

please feel free to share your op-ed with us!

Wrong Communicator
Wrong Communicator
2 years ago

Planned Parenthood has chosen a dubious communications individual who although has academic credentials seems mighty unbalanced, wrestling with his personal issues but assumes he can fix others. It takes some folks a lifetime to find themselves but along the way become the mouthpiece for those he feels are dispossessed. Wrong leader for West Hollywood and wrong for the female flock, perhaps he might try the ASPCA.

2 years ago

Erickson is a twit (as proved by his hair color).

Women have over 15 birth control options available and funded Obamacare, private insurance and state funded medicaid assistance – in addition to the billions of funding for PP by all levels of government.

Women need to be responsible with ensuring they don’t get pregnant – if they don’t want children.

Restrictions with legal abortion are key to ensure society is responsible for their actions.

2 years ago
Reply to  DeShawn

Abortion is a societal cleanup effort because messes happen, despite efforts taken, or not taken beforehand. For whatever reason you seem to want to think you can prevent messes in the human race, but your thought process is not a practical one. If you don’t want to be a part of the cleaning up of societal messes, you forfeit the right to consistently complain about the messes being a drain on society by being a part of it.

Chloe Ross
Chloe Ross
2 years ago
Reply to  DeShawn

And you are right until you decide what women can and should do. If you are a male it is NYOB.

Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Conception
2 years ago
Reply to  Chloe Ross

And men absolve themselves of the entire process of impregnating women to produce a fetus ? How daft is that? Oh, the art of the immaculate conception. LOL

2 years ago
Reply to  Chloe Ross

Thanks, Chloe. That is the bottom line. I asked my right-wing brother if he thinks it’s okay to force a young girl or women to have a baby against their wishes. Even he can’t answer this question without admitting that women have a right to control their bodies.

2 years ago

Sen. Elizabeth Warren says that Americans overwhelmingly want reproductive choice. So what’s the problem? If she’s right then the voters of each state will maintain the status quo on this issue. Or does she not trust the voters?

I don’t know why it is so hard to understand that this is not a federal issue, but is a state’s right. Roe should never have been presented to SCOTUS in the first place, but instead to whatever state the case originated. Each state would have had their own version of “Roe”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gimmeabreak
2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

You are right. Warren is wrong. Contrary to popular belief, America is not, nor was it meant to be a pure democracy. America is a republic. America’s Founders carefully thought through the problems of direct democracy and explicitly rejected this model—and for a good reason. They say that because ancient democracies lacked any social or institutional forces that could check, refine, or moderate the majority’s will, they were prone to significant instability, driven by factionalism, and subject to the passions and short-sightedness of the public. Ruth Bader Ginsburg wasn’t fond of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision that in… Read more »

2 years ago

Very. Well. Said.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

I’m not surprised you agree with Michael Grace who constantly spreads lies and changes his username on a daily basis.

Remember this line next time:

A republic, if you can keep it. Our supreme court has been hijacked by theological extremists unfortunately.

Last edited 2 years ago by greeneyedguy
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

You just said it yourself; a republic! A pure democracy would equal mob rule. No matter how the US Constitution is twisted there is no way an issue such as abortion can be determined in it, but it does clearly state the rights and place for the states to make such decisions. SCOTUS in 1973 did a grave injustice by taking on Roe. But the radical Left has learned to not trust the vote of the people and to find a radical judge (and there are plenty of them) to give them what they want after they (the Left) throw… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Gimmeabreak
2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

The states rights concept is outdated and impractical in contemporary society. Just like a lot of conservative people are. This is a nation. A nation where in 2022, people flow freely between the states within the same day, they don’t just pick a state and settle for life, where you could keep some consistency among a state’s population with lifestyle and beliefs. Outsiders in states were a lot more rare. This design clearly worked better in the early days of the US. The states rights philosophy today only leads to more division within a nation, and that’s why the nation… Read more »

Chloe Ross
Chloe Ross
2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

It is only the “right” of the pregnant women”. The government has no. business in that part of a woman’s body

2 years ago
Reply to  Chloe Ross

Progressives are really big on being the “voice” for the voiceless, but who speaks for the voiceless who are in the womb? What would they say if they could?

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

“The voiceless who are in the womb?” That’s about as worthwhile as asking what unicorns or leprechauns could say. What kind of drugs do you have to take to think about these things? Maybe you should try some different ones.

2 years ago
Reply to  C.R.

I was gonna Reply to you but I think I’m going to let your comment just speak for itself.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chloe Ross

Looks like the Left has decided how to define “woman”. If they were consistent they would be using the phrase “birthing person” here.

carleton cronin
carleton cronin
2 years ago

Perhaps it is time for women to remind men that sexual :”favors” are just that and recall how Lysistrata acted to end the Poloponesian (Sp?) Wars. Aren’t you tired of these dusty old guys telling you how to live? SCOTUS has been taken over by MAGA – what’s next? End of OBAMACARE, Social Security.?? Democrats and worthy Independents better act fast…

2 years ago

Yes, a comedy by Aristophanes. Perhaps the women Representatives and Senators could reenact this on the floor of Congress and hold Senator Manchin hostage until he becomes more compliant and less of a contrarian.

Chloe Ross
Chloe Ross
2 years ago

Those without a vagina and the other adjunct organs need to butt the ****out?!

Jo no knows
Jo no knows
2 years ago
Reply to  Chloe Ross

I completely agree with a woman’s right to choose. Your anger, frustration and general ignorance towards a mans role is however not helping and alienating 50% of the population. Grow up!!

Ethical Challenges
Ethical Challenges
2 years ago

Please consider a substantive and rational point of view in contrast to one given by Council Member Erickson. Former Mayor Bloomberg has nothing personal to gain by his words other than reinforcing the integrity of the subject. Contrary to Mr. Erickson’s objectives which have been shown to be disingenuous through self promotion, dramatically absenting himself from Council proceeding responsibility in a fabricated urgency. Was this to escape any comment on the resignation of Commission Hoopengarner after he nominated himself as Chair. of the Planning Commission after ruthlessly dismissing an overly qualified individual for a position in which he had little… Read more »

Wacky Weho
Wacky Weho
2 years ago

“Their body their choice!”

If it applies to women, it applies to the unvaccinated

2 years ago
Reply to  Wacky Weho

Good one!

I wish I had thought of that.

Michael Dolan
Michael Dolan
2 years ago
Reply to  Wacky Weho

When were you dropped on your head? The only similarity is both pregnancy and pandemic (deadly and contagious) are spelled with a “p,”

Wacky WeHo
Wacky WeHo
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Dolan

If you’re enthusiastic about raping people with needles then you’re no better than any stereotypical GOP/Religious Nut, wanting to ban abortion

2 years ago
Reply to  Wacky WeHo

You were already put in your place on this one. So one more time for you, and we’ll never have to see you make this comparison ever again anywhere: when abortion becomes contagious by merely breathing the same air as another, and abortions are overwhelming the hospitals, then you have a worthwhile point. Get vaccinated.

Wacky WeHo
Wacky WeHo
2 years ago
Reply to  C.R.

Bodily autonomy is an absolute. If you disagree, you’re a hypocrite and a danger to society

Nic M
Nic M
2 years ago

Larry & John – thank you both for this. This isn’t just a symbolic gesture. The right to bodily autonomy and personal choice is essential to the matter at hand (and the history of WeHo) and the unfortunate political reality we face might require even more personal and public efforts to protect this. Proud to have you both as neighbors and allies.

2 years ago

what heartwarming blather from medical segregationist Erickson

2 years ago

I believe the law makes it illegal after the sixth week. Please explain to me, wouldn’t a woman know she was pregnant by the sixth week?

Not enough time
Not enough time
2 years ago
Reply to  David

No. Average menstrual cycles are every 28 days to 35 days. That means regular periods are every 4-5 weeks. Many cycles are not regular and it is not uncommon to have a late flow. Most women have few, if any, pregnancy symptoms until late in the first trimester. So no, a woman wouldn’t know by 6 weeks. And these laws are coupled with other provisions that even if she knew by 4 weeks, getting an appointment and performing a termination can’t logistically be done by the 6th week. And why 6 weeks? The embryo isn’t viable to live outside the… Read more »