Scooters by the numbers


City staff presented some interesting numbers related to the dockless mobility pilot program at the Public Safety Commission’s meeting Monday night. They’re seeking to make permanent the program that put Lime, Bird and other rideshare scooters on the roads of West Hollywood — often to the chagrin of city residents.

total scooter trips taken in the pilot program
percentage of total trips that have generated complaints
Helmets distributed by the city
Scooter-related injuries noted last year by the Sheriff’s Department
Scooter-related citations issued by the Sheriff’s Department last year
Percentage of dockless mobility complaints related to scooters blocking sidewalks
Average scooter trip length in minutes
Average scooter distance in miles
scooter parking stations within WeHo
kgs of carbon dioxide eliminated by the dockless mobility program
miles of vehicle trips saved by the dockless mobility program

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Ross DeFranco
Ross DeFranco
2 years ago

It’s good to see West Hollywood finally getting with the times. These scooters are the perfect first/last mile solution. I don’t need a 4,000lb car to carry around my 150lb self.

Travel Smart
Travel Smart
2 years ago
Reply to  Ross DeFranco

Try walking or bicycling it’s better for you, and btw, that circa 2017 “first/last mile” gibberish has been dropped.

John Ryan
John Ryan
2 years ago

The “green” argument about carbon dioxide elimination is nonsense. The manufacture of these beasts is very “un-green”, and their shelf life is a lot shorter than you may think. This assertion of being “green” is ridiculous talking points dreamed up by the manufacturers.

2 years ago

Yeah we know these are poorly conducted and likely funded by the scooter companies (I doubt we are picking up the cost). Also just because we don’t report it doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem. Am I going to call the police on someone riding their scooter on the sidewalk, leaving them on sidewalks, etc.? I’ll likely sit in annoyance for 30 seconds and then move on with my day.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
2 years ago

Who came up with these concocted stats? In my observation nearly all of these “trips” are recreational, so to say that 262,000 in vehicle miles were “saved” is misleading and inaccurate. One of the stats that was missing was the amount of liability insurance scooter companies carry: ZERO. You may have read a recent op ed in the Los Angeles Times, ( a newspaper that staff may have heard of), that decried that these companies are not taking any responsibility for injuries caused by users. In the fine print, the inexperienced scooter drivers are completely liable for any injuries arising… Read more »

Christopher Roth
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Here is the liability insurance provided to Lime customers by Allianz Insurance.

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
2 years ago

If it hadn’t been for public comment from residents complaining about the scooters, the public safety commission would have put it on the consent calendar, and the staff was preparing to recommend that the program become permanent after December 31!
I hope that counsel won’t let that happen, but I’m not optimistic.
At least now it’s off consent and it’s being discussed in the public safety commission!

2 years ago

The council seems hell bent on doing everything they can to piss off their constituents. Defund the police, support keeping the bars open until 4am, pots shops everywhere, instruct the sheriffs to not enforce certain laws. Along with skyrocketing crime, this city is becoming a real dump.

2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

AGREE!! Less police, bars open late, pot dispensaries, scooters zooming around, all under the Council’s goal to turn Weho into Emerald City. We live in West Hollywood, not on Emerald City. If the Council Members want to be in Amsterdam, they should move there. Wait, Amsterdam is no longer allowing these activities. Hmmmm… I wonder why…

2 years ago

Just because we’re not reporting reckless scooter drivers on sidewalks, or scooters lying on sidewalks causing tripping hazards, doesn’t mean it’s not an issue.

I reported plenty of issues on the City of WeHo app, but nothing ever gets done, so guess what, I stopped reporting, as I’m sure most people have done.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bastian

Yup, very true. And it is an issue..a big one.

2 years ago

These statistics brought you by the Bird CEO, the Lime President and the Wheels Executive Vice President of Marketing.

Not believable
Not believable
2 years ago

Calling for a forensic audit. Now the figure of 262,000 miles of vehicle trips spared will be advanced to claim the Climate Reality Remedy Award at the next world conference. The 69% complaints figure is meant to be obliterated. Love how these city sponsored surveys work out. LOL.

Not Believable
Not Believable
2 years ago
Reply to  Not believable

Standing corrected. The city sponsored survey should have been correctly entitled “biased statistics compiled by the scooter companies” endorsed by the city to brain wash the public into thinking that their eyes deceive them. 🙄