Lindsey Horvath’s closing argument: Deflection and Drama


With just days to go and no winning message, Lindsey Horvath resorts to finger-pointing, deflection and drama in the race for County Supervisor against Bob Hertzberg.

In today’s episode of Horvath’s instagram, she attacks Bob Hertzberg for a mailer sent out by an Independent Expenditure Committee. The Alliance for Affordable Housing mailer accuses Horvath of being anti-semitic.

Horvath posted on her instagram: I am sickened by the latest attacks from @hertziela & his cronies. #Antisemitism should not be weaponized, especially for one man’s personal political interests.

Who is weaponizing?

If Horvath is accusing Hertzberg of being anti-semitic that is not true. If Horvath is accusing Hertzberg of being responsible for the mailer of an Independent Expenditure Committee she knows better.


Did Lindsey take responsibility for the illegal mural painted on Santa Monica Blvd by her independent expenditure committee? No! She said, “that is an independent expenditure committee!”

This is similar to the way she acted after her appointee Nika Soon-Shiong brought forward the motion to defund the West Hollywood Sheriff. Lindsey defended Soon-Shiong and picked up the endorsement of the LA Times. De-Fund Lindsey accused anybody who opposed that decision of being racist.

The deflection is that Lindsey Horvath encouraged Chelsea Byers to run in this years’ WeHo city council election. Last year I asked Lindsey if she knew of other candidates who may run in 2022. Horvath replied, ‘Chelsea Byers, I hope she runs”.

Chelsea Byers lives with Austin Cyr. Cyr is on Horvath’s campaign team for Supervisor and a former campaign manager. Chelsea Byers has been loudly admonished and denounced for her antisemitic views. Specifically the Israeli-American PAC opposes only one candidate in the West Hollywood City Council election. That candidate is Chelsea Byers. Lindsey Horvath is deflecting from her own support for an antisemitic candidate for the West Hollywood City Council.

Bob Hertzberg helped to build the first green solar plant in Los Angeles in the 90’s, and was selected with Al Gore as one of 4 Americans to save the planet. Horvath wants to calls him “Big Oil Bob,” yet she supported “Big Oil Bush” in the 2000 campaign for President.

On abortion Horvath screams loudly “my body, my choice,” but she supported”pro-life” George Bush against pro-choice Al Gore in the 2000 election.

Horvath’s campaign is driving a pink van around down with #metoo and face of Hertzberg. Her closing argument is lots of drama and deflection.

If you scream loud and tweet like Trump you can be Horvath… .

Remember when Lindsey Horvath banned Trump from coming to the City of West Hollywood? It was by her decree. Is that how Lindsey plans on solving the problems of Los Angeles County?

Are any of Lindsey Horvath’s closing arguments filled with ideas? Lindsey’s closing message is DRAMA, NOISE, antisemitism, big oil, me too, smear and blame. That’s why so many of us who know Lindsey Horvath up close will be voting for Bob Hertzberg.

I’ve asked Bob over the course of the campaign how come he didn’t attack Lindsey at all and his answer was always the same. “It’s just not right to do. It’s not the way to bring people together”. “I have other things to talk about”

If we are going to tackle the problems facing Los Angeles County we need leaders who talk ideas and solutions. That is not Lindsey Horvath. Don’t be fooled by the drama.

In her own words:

“I don’t even know if I would count as a 100% pro-choice because I’m not an on-demand-and-without-apology person — to me, that’s 100%. I’m not that person.”

Lindsey Horvath on supporting George W. Bush over Al Gore during the 2000 Presidential campaign. George W. Bush appointed pro-life justices Samuel Alito and John Roberts to United States Supreme Court:

Governor George W. Bush will use his ability and implement his effective plan of action to lead the United States through the beginning of the 21st Century… Governor Bush will renew and strengthen the [social security] program by providing new terms and options, such as investing a portion of a person’s payroll tax into personal savings accounts for increased profit… He will empower parents to protect children from harmful material on the Internet, television or radio, as opposed to Vice President Gore’s desire to limit free speech and expression… will remove the excessive taxes placed on couples simply for being married… will restructure the military to more effectively deploy troops and better spend funds, while also increasing funding toward military efforts to better prepare them to protect America… will be an effective global leader.” – Lindsey Horvath writing from her student newspaper at the University of Notre Dame.

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1 year ago

Stupid question here. How is the city pool heated? Who voted on it?

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael
Authenticity Matters
Authenticity Matters
1 year ago

Clip On Campaigns, Clip On Resumes This is what our City Council Election has devolved to. Folks without real experience in the matters of running a municipal government, without authentic resumes, without standards. The erosion of a city that once advocated respect and fairness to all has now become a collection of self serving duchys each in conflict with each other, the very antithesis of the original purpose. The problems run deeper than the immediate slate of candidates and likely have origins in the gradual exponential buildup within the city government itself with department heads and legal minds seemingly controlling… Read more »

1 year ago

I don’t have opinions about Lindsey but I do have facts. I happened to discover a few matters with my licensed Investigator with his over 35 year background that both of us address privately for many in Govt Oversight issues, cases assigned by DA to attorneys to US Attorney level, he has legal teacher background, thus we are trained professionals. Lindsey is definitely with a white privilege WASP Irish Catholic straight or bi background. She really should have chosen the Valley to start her career not Weho. At least Lauren Meister can say she is straight and John DAmico can… Read more »

Authenticity Matters
Authenticity Matters
1 year ago
Reply to  Jodi

Very strange comment divulging matters that may have required confidentiality or ethical value. On the other hand, it is curious that today in the latest Lindsey Horvath campaign ploy, she is endorsed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom. Very curious in that she recently stepped out and revealed her poor judgement re: the reprehensible Harvey Weinstein being a “victim” of his in the first place and now public claims to set the stage for possible testimony. Although I have favored Gov Newsom in many matters, this does not look good. It all goes back to authenticity and integrity or lack thereof.

1 year ago

The same Jennifer Siebel Newsom that tried to intimidate Weinstein victims while claiming to be a victim herself. Of course she endorsed Horvath— another stooge cleaning up for the Dem establishment while silencing activists critical of her Party. I watched it with my owns eyes with the Ed Buck situation. Lindsey is working for the same people who protected him.


Authenticity Matters
Authenticity Matters
1 year ago
Reply to  West

Thank you. I have just drafted a letter to Jennifer Siebel Newsom evidencing my surprise given Horvath’s long list of using people and political opportunity without the real facts. and saw your comment. My thoughts entirely. Next I picked up a Hertzberg campaign flier that clearly mentions the endorsement of Governor Newsom.

What is going on here?

Tom Van Patton
Tom Van Patton
1 year ago

The best part of this website is the comment section. It brought to mind a true story shortly after Israel became a state and the first president was a man named Chaim Weizman. Chairm Weizman was a hightly educated scientist and had a brilliant resume. Harry Truman who had great respect for Weizman said to him one day. “Mr. Weizman, I am so aware of the imbalance of our relationship. Here you are a brilliant scientist highly educated the president of 800,000 people and I only finished high school and no higher education and I am the president of 150… Read more »

No Imposter Needed or Wanted
No Imposter Needed or Wanted
1 year ago

If folks recall, Lindsay Horvath once attempted to get a position with Gavin Newsome, she then attempted with Eric Garcetti, believe she even attempted something with Pete Buttigieg, finally cuddling up to and becoming the darling of Shiela Kuehl. Lindsey thought Nika would be frosting in the cake. Always a seeker of another’s notoriety never the results of her own. What a career while leaving West Hollywood in ruins. Enough of this imposter.

1 year ago

Our local & regional politics appear uglier and more irresponsible by the moment. Competency and ethical behavior are not even in the picture when they should be requirements. It’s a very sad situation.🙄🙄🙄.

Peter B
Peter B
1 year ago

I hear Nika has a spare bedroom in her Oxford mansion.

1 year ago

Calculating self entitled liar opportunistic political monster Lindsay Horvath terrible disgrace to all the people

1 year ago

If I knew all this she would not have had my city council vote. Fooled me twice.

1 year ago

Vote for her or not (I’m not…), we must adamantly oppose this persistent smear that Byers’ previous activism for Palestinian human rights is anti-Semitic. Civil society can do better than this tired old canard.

1 year ago
Reply to  West

Speak for yourself, and quite honestly, your comment is insulting to me, a Jewish person, who remains quite alarmed by the previous activism, which to date, has not been explained(guess cause there is no way to explain it other than for what is is….antisemitism)

1 year ago
Reply to  Eric

Not to me.
Being against Israels policies against & treatment of Palestinians (and being called an apartheid state by prominent Israeli leaders) does not make Ms. Byers antisemitic.
It is too ignorant and too simplistic to equate the two, when to any thinking person, they are obviously NOT.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Really! It’s you who is ignorant and simplistic, and out right embarrassing. Assuming you are a member of the LGBTQ+ community, or at least a supporter that people in this community should live free and open lives, why aren’t people such as yourself standing up to the Palestinian governing bodies for not treating LGBTQ + with equal rights. Anti Zionism is anti semitism, you are obviously completely illiterate on the subject.

1 year ago
Reply to  Eric

I am a supporter of LGBTQ+ and abhor all groups/nations who discriminate.

However, that is not the topic of my complaint.
Nor did I mention Zionism or anti.

You are obfuscating, Eric.

1 year ago

She’s starting to look like her momma Sheila Kuehl. Watch out Erickson, you’re next with your daddy.