DEAR WEHO: Don’t be fooled by Robert Oliver’s blue-collar façade


In the past weeks we have been inundated with an avalanche of mailers praising Robert Oliver and vilifying Mayor Meister and other candidates with cheap and contemptible accusations, distortions of the truth and outright lies. In one of his latest mailers Oliver cites a quote by Einstein about the nature of insanity. Oliver, again attempting to smear his opponents, demonstrates only a complete misunderstanding of Einstein’s philosophy. Einstein was a humanist. An Einstein quote that actually demonstrates Oliver’s disgraceful conduct in the course of this campaign is “Der Teufel scheisst auf den groessten Haufen,” or, “the devil sh-ts on the highest pile.”

I refer not only to the massive contributions that have made his campaign the wealthiest of all, enabling those endless cosmeticized poses of Robert in full-face close-up, Robert walking his dog, chatting with residents, just a regular guy. Einstein’s quote also references the inevitability of social inequality in all its manifestations.

Oliver’s UNITE HERE proponents tell us that he understands our disadvantaged citizens because he once had a temporary job in a restaurant, working among ordinary wage earners. What an insulting and patronizing statement to the less fortunate citizens of WEHO whose concerns he promises to champion! This man clearly lacks a sense of proportion necessary to understand the critical issues that face us.

On a personal note, both my parents were born in Eastern Europe and witnessed the Nazi atrocities. My father suffered from nightmares his whole life and never spoke of it almost till the day he died. During the recent Candidates’ Forum at Kol Ami, the question of anti-semitism was addressed. I do not need Robert Oliver to raise my consciousness about this blight on civilization. He should rather address his words to his running mate, Chelsea Byers, whose virulent anti-semitism prompted Rabbi Norbert Weinberg of Hollywood Temple Beit El to write a strongly worded Op-Ed to WeHoville (May21, 2022) questioning the advisability of having such a person on our city council. Mr. Oliver should exercise better judgement in choosing his political allies.

Oliver’s fliers constantly enumerate the issues he will tackle where others have failed, though they neglect to explain exactly how he will do so. In reality, his only political experience is limited to his having been a low-level political staffer. To deflect focus from his limited experience, his campaign persists in vilifying Mayor Meister and others who have dedicated their lives to serve WEHO’s best interests.

None of Oliver’s ideas is original. In February 2022, in the most damning of his actions, Oliver seconded the motion by Nika Soon- Shiong, another privileged Safety Commission appointee of limited experience, to partially defund the police. Whether his vote was impulsive or one of political expedience, it reflects his lack of judgement and maturity. He retracted his vote only after a huge wave of public protest.


The vital issues that face WEHO should be addressed by experienced politicians. Robert Oliver and his supporters urge us to vote now, “it’s as easy as texting.” When you do vote in the upcoming election please consider the candidates’ behavior as indicative of character, record of accomplishments and experience (or the lack thereof) and choose people who have served our city with honesty and integrity.

Alexander Kekesi,
West Hollywood

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1 year ago

They put up campaign signs on our property in our planters without asking…

Robot Oliver
Robot Oliver
1 year ago

Every single move by Oliver is dripping with smarmy deceit. Shallow and dangerous guy

Last edited 1 year ago by West Seegmiller
against this man
against this man
1 year ago

Horrible person and candidate. He needs to get a better photographer. Doesn’t really look human in the photos that I see.

1 year ago

He even has campaign signs placed on Fountain, in Los Angeles, right across the street from WeHo’s border.

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
1 year ago

This is very well expressed article of WHY not to vote for Oliver, Byers, Wright, or Thomas Below, Alan Strasberg also commented on this “social engineering laboratory” which is happening all over the country to the small cities with George Soros (an admitted communist Biillionaire) funding these Unite Here types of groups that only back socialists/communists. Why do you think that the Socialist Democratic Party has endorsed these people? The vision in this “laboratory experiment” is to “control” every aspect of our lives but the first rule in the book: “Rules for Radicals” written by Sal Alinsky, is to… Read more »

1 year ago

So you’re demonizing prominent Jewish philanthropist George Soros in your longwinded attack against Jewish candidate Robert Oliver. Got it.

Ethically Challenged
Ethically Challenged
1 year ago
Reply to  Stephen

Lack of ethics is not confined to or excused from any race or religion.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stephen

You clearly are not familiar with George Soros’ very destructive political realignments, which is understandable since he operates under several different names.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

The only people who rant and rave against “gEoRgE sOroS!” are the most basic tools of the right supremacist propaganda machine. The Koch brothers are corrupt billionaires whose influence has warped America far more than anyone on the Left, and yet none of y’all utter one damn peep about them. Gee I wonder why? I did nazi that coming…

1 year ago
Reply to  Stephen

There’s no comparison … at all! You know far too little about Soros ….. or the Koch brothers, for that matter … for me to bother explaining it to you.

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
1 year ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

It is not worth a breath to respond to this absolute uninformed dumbass! Fools always use the race card & name calling when they are ignorant about real facts.

Scott Sigman
Scott Sigman
1 year ago

Wow. I turned my ballot in weeks ago. Odd timing
Viper May it disappear. I rather have other clubs reopen. Starwood
Just a little late. I voted incase I was away watching Turnstile in Vegas at a bowling alley 11/08

Thomas Cook
Thomas Cook
1 year ago

This is why we can’t have nice things!

1 year ago

A conniving amateur that West Hollywood does not need.

1 year ago

Oliver is a hard NO. He would be disastrous for West Hollywood. (along with Byers and Wright)

Last edited 1 year ago by JF1
Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago

Just got a mailer promoting Oliver and Chelsea Byers that was paid for by local developers Emser International and 8919 Sunset Blvd., LLC. 8850 Sunset, the Viper Room project, is also a major supporter. For candidates talking about changing the culture at City Hall, including pay to play politics, they look like clones of the candidates they like to criticize.

Last edited 1 year ago by Steve Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Other than developing beautiful flooring. etc., what does Emser do that you find offensive?

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
1 year ago

Just what I was thinking. This article really sums it up well.

1 year ago

I agree that Robert Oliver is dangerous, and I wold add, downright creepy.

Let’s hope this is the last we see of his ultra-white face.

1 year ago
Reply to  voted

Please leave race out of it.