DEAR WEHO: Public outreach for Laurel House project is dismal


Posted on the outside and the inside of the front gate to Laurel House were laminated flyers announcing December 2-3 neighborhood conversations regarding the artist residency plans.  Here are my questions and concerns:

*Why were these outdated flyers still posted on the gate?  And why were new flyers not posted announcing the March 17 conversation  that’s actually being held in Plummer Park?

*Why in a city that touts its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, is this 5:00 pm Friday, March 17 conversation scheduled on St. Patrick’s Day?  I have heard from several folks that this timing is bad, not only because it’s coming just as the work week ends but also because it indicates an insensitivity to Irish and Roman Catholic sentiments and residents.

I am dismayed by this inadequate public outreach and wonder how true community participation and engagement can be assured when the simple task of posting relevant meeting information is not available at least two weeks in advance.  I suggest the March 17 in-person neighborhood conversation be rescheduled and that it also be accessible via Zoom with the public commenters visible and not just heard through the telephone.

I also ask that this message be put into the public record and be posted online under public comment for the March 20 City Council meeting and for the March 23 Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission meeting. Public outreach and engagement need improvement in the city so let the community conversation begin.

–Victor Omelczenko, 21-Year West Hollywood Resident

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Wrong Purview
Wrong Purview
1 year ago

If there was ever a project that should have been placed within the purview of the Historic Preservation Commission, this is it. Shifting the purview of Arts & Cultural Affairs is simply misguided and patently wrong.

Squandered Gift
Squandered Gift
1 year ago

The future use of this historic property as specified in the gift of Elsie Weismann to the residents “plural” has now been summarily usurped by the Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission who is virtually absent any wit of knowledge or frame of reference in the field of architecture of historic preservation and related efforts. Not only usurped but the director of this divisions has a staff of five or six equally uninformed individuals that are proficient in composing staff reports after a scant information has been extracted from few members of the public and transformed into grandiose plans for the… Read more »

Stephanie Harker
Stephanie Harker
1 year ago

Here’s something else to consider…WE, the people have done all this several times before! The city plunked down $75,000 of our tax money and…you guessed it, HIRED CONSULTANTS 10 years ago. We met for several hours in the community center and then we met again on site at the Linick-Weisman for another several hours. We listened to outside consultants wax poetic about the house and what it could be for the community. The community dutifully filled out forms, wrote on colorful post-its and stuck the stupid little stickers under topics of what we envisioned and wanted. They had 242 responses… Read more »

Stephanie Harker
Stephanie Harker
1 year ago

Let’s at LEAST start by calling the GIFT to our city the Linick House or the Linick-Weisman House. It is NOT the Laurel House. Let’s honor Elsie Linick Weisman.

Squandered Gift
Squandered Gift
1 year ago

Just some info for the city to consider. There is a properly named structure to the south of the Linick-Weisman House rightfully called Laurel House. Let’s at least be authentic from the start.

Roy Oldenkamp
Roy Oldenkamp
1 year ago

I’m hoping this wasn’t intentional. After years of neglect, allowing the basement to repeatedly flood and roof to leak, Weho finally stepped up and spent a mil to stabilize the main structure, remove the later added portico and repair roof damage from a falling tree. Why the Maxwell Ivan Carrier sculpture under the Italian Stone Pine was removed is a mystery, I am hopeful that the artist-in-residence program will work out fine, and the idea of the Elsie Weisman Estate as a marriage venue should still be under consideration. The grounds are quite lush and beautiful. This was discussed way… Read more »

Valuable Landmarks
Valuable Landmarks
1 year ago

On the HPC Agenda for March 28 is the designation of Long Hall/ Great Hall an example of the WPA era and also Fiesta Hall as Local Landmarks of West Hollywood, a demonstration of Historic Preservation finally materializing after nearly 20 years. Laurel House is an example of deferred maintenance and willful neglect for 20 years after being gifted to the community. What does this say about a community? Is it like neglecting your family elders to which you bear a responsibility of conscience? Let’s make these three cultural resources vital components of a compassionate and respectful environment. They should… Read more »

1 year ago

Not only was the public outreach dismal, the uninformed discussion resembled one of hobbyists and unsophisticated people. Shameful, leading to the continuing desecration of this lovely site.

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
1 year ago

I am Irish & I not only resent this stupid scheduling but am also very offended!

Last edited 1 year ago by Eastside Straight Girl
Respect the Intentions of Elsie Weisman
Respect the Intentions of Elsie Weisman
1 year ago

There is no need for the expenditures that have engaged countless consultants with no knowledge of the subject matter which rightfully should have gone to the Laurel House and Property itself. The following list describe current properties that are fully operational in partnership with LA County and “Friends Of” non-profits organizing their social, educational events and special restoration projects. Several years ago when the Public Facilities Commission had Laurel House within their purview, an invitation was issued by Robinson Gardens to initiate the commissioners and advise them if necessary in structuring a program for Laurel House, The Commission/West Hollywood declined… Read more »

Respect the Intentions of Elsie Weisman
Respect the Intentions of Elsie Weisman
1 year ago

The question is, was this awkward scheduling accidental or accidentally on purpose? This once classic residence has been dissipated ever since it was gifted by the owner, to the people of the City of Hollywood. The proper reception could have been similar to that received by Virginia Robinson Gardens in Beverly Hills gifted to the County of LA by Virginia Robinson, Greystone from the Doheny Family in Beverly Hills and the Wattles Mansion all of whom have “Friends of” non-profits responsible for conducting social and educational events benefitting the public and securing funds for additional maintenance. Surely West Hollywood could… Read more »

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago

This scheduling amounts to complete municipal bureaucratic incompetence. The question is, was it by design?

Last edited 1 year ago by Alan Strasburg
Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
1 year ago

Why is this meeting on an important topic such as this, being held at such an odd ball, inconvenient time for us to get to? This is HORRIBLE public outreach & whomever is in charge should be fired! This deliberate tactic goes on wayyyyy too much so that “we the people” have no clue what’s going on in this city!