Block by Block presents June report tonight


The Block by Block security ambassadors will present their monthly report to the Public Safety Commission tonight.  The June 2023 report shows a notable increase in service calls and response times, as well as decreases in several areas.

The report highlights several incidents, including those involving unhoused individuals, threats, and intoxicated individuals. The incidents occurred in various locations, including Plummer Park, Robertson Blvd. & Santa Monica Blvd, Las Perlas, and Revolver Bar. The response times varied, with the quickest response recorded at 2 minutes and the longest at 14 minutes.

In terms of service calls, the report shows a significant increase in calls for service across the East, Mid City, and West regions. The report also indicates an increase in business contacts and unhoused resident contacts across all regions.

The report also notes an increase in park violations, business referrals, and pedestrian assistance in Plummer Park compared to May 2023. The number of unhoused resident contacts also increased in the same period.

In terms of residential patrol activities, the report shows an increase in hospitality assistance, unhoused resident contact, and sheriff assistance across the East, Mid City, and West regions.

The report also provides data on the activities in West Hollywood Park and the ARC. The data shows an increase in life guard escorts and pedestrian assistance. The number of unhoused resident contacts also decreased in June compared to May.


Sheriff contacts — the group’s primary law enforcement function — remained low throughout the city.

The security ambassador kiosks showed activity except for the Melrose and Sunset locations.

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1 year ago

Block by Block has beaten euphemisms into the scorched ground of WeHo 2023. Their report makes us sound like a gated community and why don’t we simply have beat cops with the full authority to police our streets? Finding new terms to describe URBAN blight does not make URBAN blight disappear.

1 year ago

West Hollywood hired the blue shirt ambassadors,to try and make the homeless leave West Hollywood,but it’s not working,it’s only putting Residents and businesses owners in harms way !

Ted Baxter
Ted Baxter
1 year ago

A complete and total BOGUS Dog and Pony Show compliments of Septic Shine and her FELON FRIEND running BBB

1 year ago

One point in favor of Block by Block. They have cleared several vagrants sleeping on my street–in broad daylight–after I texted them. The police would never have helped.

Your neighborhood
Your neighborhood
1 year ago
Reply to  voter

Yup and transplanted them to someone else’s yard or street. Ingenious solution.

1 year ago

If anybody happened to catch the Public Safety Commission meeting tonight… after the beautifully detailed lengthy report that the sheriffs’ department gave, Block by Block leader, Shay Gibson gave his report, which lasted maybe four minutes, and it was a total joke! Also, one of the new commissioners really gave him a dressing down as to the terrible service he received as a business owner who needed and called for help! If you want to see it for yourself on YouTube, his report starts at two hours 19 minutes in to the meeting. And for this, we pay them millions… Read more »

1 year ago

If people are disatisfied with the level of crime, blame the sheriffs. They have had a couple of years to adjust to the new paradigm.
More policing isn’t the answer: better policing is.

1 year ago

On Saturday afternoon, I attended the WeHo Heights Neighborhood Association meeting. I was there to give them the phone number of scooter pick up, which most people don’t even know exists, to ask them to take the scooter survey, and to give them the phone number of Block by Block to help with unhoused individual activity and picking up scooters and moving them out of the way. The attendees were very happy to get the scooter, pick up phone number and the survey website, but when it came to Block by Block, there was a chorus of people saying “they… Read more »

1 year ago

Please pull the plug on this pathetic excuse for security. This costs us tax payers significant cash. Reroute the BbB funding to the sheriff department for another couple of deputies. Get these clowns off the streets.

1 year ago
Reply to  :dpb

Yup. These “ambassadors” (doesn’t that name sound so nice)…are NO substitution for well trained armed deputies with the power to arrest. Make no mistake about it. Taxpayer dollars would be better off if we eliminated this program and hired more sheriffs deputies.

1 year ago
Reply to  :dpb


Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago

What defines a contact, and more important. what is the outcome of those contacts? The city got fleeced by this sham that we call “security ambassadors”. Call them public concierge and get on with true public safety functions in the hands of sworn deputies.

A Body
A Body
1 year ago

The only benefit in any situation requiring assistance from pending disastrous situation in West Hollywood is the simple presence of another human body. The city has provided Block by Block bodies. That is all these personnel truly represent. No real expertise, heightened judgement, defensive skills…….only a human body.

1 year ago

“life guard escorts”……..Huh?

1 year ago
Reply to  Manny

We would be better off calling a certified Life Guard from the beach.

1 year ago
Reply to  Manny

Accompanying ambulances to ERs?

Last edited 1 year ago by CHLOE ROSS
Sanity Now
Sanity Now
1 year ago

They should be called “the bad news bears”. Every time I see them…..I just shake my head.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sanity Now

Every time I see them they are looking down on their phone. Nice people..but a waste of money that could be better spent on my deputies!