Tristan Schukraft takes over The Abbey


Entrepreneur Tristan Schukraft announced he is now officially the new owner of The Abbey via social media on Friday. 

“It’s official! In a full circle moment, I’ve gone from longtime patron to owner of the world’s most iconic gay bar,” he wrote. “I look forward to honoring The Abbey’s storied legacy while bringing fresh energy and innovation to the most iconic address in West Hollywood.“

Schukraft reportedly paid $27 million for The Abbey and its sister establishment, The Chapel.

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5 months ago

Seems like Cooley is saying “ICONned out of more than it’s value”

Steve Too
Steve Too
5 months ago

He’s going to have to drop some more change to upgrade most of the furniture. Looks like the previous owners sold the good stuff and there’s dilapidated tables and chairs in need of replacing.

Iconic ?
Iconic ?
5 months ago

“Jconic Gay Bar” Really? The Abbey is NOT a traditional gay bar, especially as we knew them in the last century. And it’s becoming more straight as time moves on. Back in the day, when you went to a gay bar, it was ALL men (or women) and we were all on the same page with nary a person of the opposite sex in sight. And being occasionally groped was part of the experience. NOW it would probably be considered sexual assault. How fragile we’ve become.

5 months ago
Reply to  Iconic ?

That IS sexual assault. There are literal signs on the concrete that discourage unwelcome behavior such as being touched by a stranger. Times have changed and we’re certainly better off for it. No means no. One of the reasons the city changed the name from Boystown to the Rainbow district. Straight people patronage gay friendly business. It’s not the 1900s anymore. Sheesh.

Last edited 5 months ago by AreYouKiddingBoomer
Larry Block
5 months ago

The city did not change the name of anything, Boystown is a nickname and Rainbow District refers to the label of the Business Improvement District that was proposed which spanned along Santa Monica from Doheny to La Cienega where some of the businesses on hte western side of Robertson are not in Boystown so the larger area is called the Rainbow District.

5 months ago

Oh, lighten up. So many snowflakes!

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
5 months ago

Will he be providing poles for his partners to dance on?

C'mon Sense
C'mon Sense
5 months ago
Reply to  WeHo Mary!

Well, I can’t speak to that, but I’ve been disappointed to find less go-go dancers to ogle over.

5 months ago

He looks like he will provide a safer space than Heart WeHo. I wish him much success in making The Abbey great again (like it was 15 years ago as a neighborhood coffeehouse hangout, before the strippers and drag queens entered the fray).

Jerome Cleary
Jerome Cleary
5 months ago


Pedro B
Pedro B
5 months ago

Hardly the world’s most iconic gay bar. Last time I looked it was full of valley girls! Guess it’s a trophy property for him.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
5 months ago

Good Luck Tristan! It will be a new chapter in WeHo’s most iconic venue.