OPINION: Chelsea Byers is employed by anti-Israel protest recruiters. That’s unacceptable.



Newly revealed documents obtained from the State of California indicate that West Hollywood Vice Mayor Chelsea Byers is compensated up to $100,000 annually as the Director of Operations at Beautiful Trouble, a group deeply involved in anti-Israel and antisemitic activism. This discovery, found within Byers’ recently released Form 700 “Statement of Economic Interests” filing, underscores a serious potential conflict of interest.

Form 700, officially known as the Statement of Economic Interests, is a critical disclosure form required of many public officials in California. This document requires transparency from officials about their incomes, investments, real estate interests, and business positions to prevent conflicts of interest in their duties. The findings raise serious questions about Byers’ priorities and potential misuse of public resources or sensitive and specialized information.


Beautiful Trouble is notably involved in promoting anti-Israel extremism, including supporting the Pro-Palestinian university encampments and other disruptive actions that often lead to violence. The organization’s recent posts branding Israel as “IsraHELL” and their advocacy for the controversial #shutitdown4palestine movement illustrate its provocative tactics. 




Documents also show that when the activist group ShutdownDC inquired about funding, Beautiful Trouble responded affirmatively, “Yes!!!,”highlighting Byers’ likely role in fueling discord in other cities – even potentially financing actions that incite chaos in WestHollywood’s streets.




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3 months ago

This is quite the anti-American headline.

Only pro-Israel protesters allowed?


Weho Resident
Weho Resident
3 months ago

Couldn’t disagree more with this piece. Most elected politicians in the US take money from Pro-Israel organizations. That’s why we are funding Israel’s GENOCIDE on Palestinians. That’s why no one has arrested or charged the pro-Israel mob that showed up to UCLA to assault the protesting college students. Criticizing the fascist Israeli government is not anti-Semitic. It has nothing to do with hating Jewish people. In fact, many Jewish people in Israel were protesting their own government just last year. How convenient this all has been for Netanyahu. So enough with this rhetoric conflating anti-Israel sentiments with anti-Semitic ones. Israel… Read more »

weho resident too
weho resident too
2 months ago
Reply to  Weho Resident

you ve been brainwashed by believing your not anti semite. hate to break it to you, but protests in front of synagogues, or prevent American jewish students to go to school is anti semite. Israel is not committing genocide nor they stole any land because they were there before. If you disagree, I invite you to open a history book for once.
Ps. what do you call what happened on October 7? resistance maybe?

4 months ago

Israel has for years pursued peace, gave up Gaza to Palestinian rule, and this mess is the result. It’s been relentless rockets into Israel for years. In truth, this is on the adults in Gaza, and I don’t just mean Hamas. 75% of Gazans before October agreed with Hamas’ position that Israel must be destroyed. True, they didn’t love the way Hamas ran the city (a dump), but they did support the Hamas platform to destroy Israel. And Hamas has played this game beautifully– force Israel to embargo Gaza to keep out weapons, start a war on October 7, use… Read more »

4 months ago

Her affiliations are no surprise. But There’s plenty of other reasons to get rid of her without looking beyond our city’s boundaries

Michael Carr
Michael Carr
4 months ago

Protesting Israeli genocide of Palestinians, and Netanyahu by extension, is not ‘anti-semitic.’ And this constant conflation is what is actually troubling.

4 months ago

Ship Byers back to Arizona wiith Shine and Erickson!

4 months ago

That really sucks. I actually liked Chelsea Byers until I read this article. Now she’s an enemy 👎🏽

4 months ago

As long as Chelsea delivers on your beloved rent control, every one of you renters will vote to reelect her. When the choice is freeloader’s personal greed, or alleged human rights, you know how you will vote.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
4 months ago

This piece exposes Chelsea Byers as the angry, intolerant political fraud that she is. Hers is a space of zero engagement in the marketplace ideas and is all about an ideological brain rot that informs a lack of civic discourse. In the real world people have diversity of thought, while in Chelsea Byers’s privileged product of intellectual indoctrination camps there is zero room for anything but adherence to a toxic purity enforced through petulant disruption. It’s tired. It’s lazy. It’s anti-democratic in the extreme.

Michael Hickland
Michael Hickland
4 months ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

instead of a mouthpiece of the isreali murdering state we had before if jews don’t like it then tough given their murderous goverment is doing in occupied palestine

Last edited 4 months ago by Michael Hickland
4 months ago

It’s important now more than ever to distinguish between a government and the people it lords over— just like an increasing majority of Israelis do not approve of Netanyahu’s administration, and Palestinian civilians are not Hamas, Americans across the political aisle do not approve of Biden’s escalation towards WW3 in Ukraine or the ME– it may even cost him the election, especially among young voters according to recent polls.

4 months ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Please consider the words, philosophy and actions of Archbishop Desmond Tutu published in this chain. That is the goal and if individuals decide to play the the weak anti-Semitic card as a criticism of the government in Israel that appears distinctly inhuman transporting us back to the time of Neanderthal man.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
4 months ago
Reply to  Realism

Please read what I wrote as I did not make that statement.

4 months ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

You were not quoted in the comment It was an invitation to be aware of the sentiment before you continue to eviscerate Ms. Byers.

Cy Husain
4 months ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

That piece is garbage 🗑 citing “Instagram posts” as it’s sources ❗ 🤣 No Chelsea Byers is doing her political duty honorably in addressing the very legitimate concerns of the indigenous Palestinian people when angry racist zionists (christian zionist are the biggest problem) have had a complete monopoly in the marketplace of ideas. Note that USC VALEDICTORIAN Asna Tabassum‘s a Pro-Palestinian Muslim had her commencement speech cancelled. This is antidemocratic in the extreme.

4 months ago

These campus protests began October 12th before Israel had done anything to retaliate against Hamas.

Cy Husain
4 months ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

NO, more like there were Campus antiwar protest opposing israel and the mistreatment of Palestinians going back to the 1950s❗

4 months ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

“Within the first six days of the war, Israel claimed to have dropped 6,000 bombs on Gaza. Overnight, the Israel Electric Corporation cut electricity to Gaza (80% of Gaza’s electricity is controlled by Israel). Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said he had ordered a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip, cutting off food and fuel from entering Gaza in addition to electricity.”

Given Israeli history of brutality and air strikes…

4 months ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

If only you had your facts straight:

From al-Jazeera:
“The Israeli assault began on October 7, the day Hamas attacked southern Israel.

During the Palestinian group’s attacks, 1,139 people were killed and more than 200 were taken captive. Some hostages have since been released, others have died and dozens are still being held.More than 35,000 Palestinians have been killed, mostly women and children.

Much of the Strip has been reduced to rubble, and the majority of Palestinians have been displaced, many of them multiple times.”

Jamie Francis
Jamie Francis
4 months ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Joshua88 to repeat what others are saying, This War would not have been started if 1200 Israeli people were not killed and 200 kidnapped and some killed as captives. The war wouldn’t have been happening outright, A War the Hamas terrorist organization wanted to happen and started! Hamas a terrorist group that now governs Palestine under a caliphate, where Palestinians reside and are being killed all in the name of Jihad! Do you remember the Munich Olympics where they killed 15 people! Do you think the argument is that why would they come into a country to kill and kidnap… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Jamie Francis
4 months ago
Reply to  Jamie Francis


Last edited 4 months ago by jason
3 months ago
Reply to  Jamie Francis

And I repeat what others are saying. Palestinians have been under an apartheid rule for decades. If the Israelis didn’t allow the illegal settlements and murdering Palestinians who can only throw stones and lob periodic missiles, then Hamas would not retaliate.

weho resident too
weho resident too
2 months ago
Reply to  Joshua88

clearly you speak about stuff you don’t know. probably never been to Israel and repeating Hamas rhetoric. Thank god they can only throw stones..
There’s no apartheid in Israel.. go look what apartheid means retard

4 months ago

It would be helpful if Mr. Hosier could provide the documents received from his inquiry with ShutdownDC regarding support and funding of Ms. Byers.

Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
4 months ago

Y’all starting to figure out that aligning with far left causes is a death sentence yet or nah?