Pro-Palestinian protest at Plummer Park planned for Saturday


Code Pink is coordinating a protest of Israel’s military operations targeting terrorist organization Hamas this weekend in West Hollywood.

The “Rise Up For Rafah” rally is scheduled for noon Saturday at Plummer Park, in the midst of the West Hollywood’s Pride celebrations.

“Join us in drawing a red line for the people of Gaza and demanding an end to Hollywood and media complicity in the genocide!” a flyer reads.

Code Pink is a left-wing activist group founded in 2002 to oppose the War in Iraq through dramatic demonstrations and wild antics. The organization has since expanded its focus to include a wide range of issues such as drone warfare, the military-industrial complex, surveillance, civil liberties and women’s rights.

Code Pink has been criticized for its support for autocratic regimes like that of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, and their meetings with officials from Hamas have been contentious. The group has been accused of anti-Semitism, particularly in relation to its strong criticism of Israeli policies toward Palestinians and its support for the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement. 

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Robert Steloff
4 months ago

A highly divisive, dangerous, & potentially flammable gathering – This is not to create awareness, as NO ONE is unaware, there’s more to it & hope we don’t see unnecessary escalation given our political climate & temperature beginning to rise, bad move..

Everyone on this thread thus far is đź’Ż% correct!

4 months ago

The hatred coming from the Muslim community is as idiotic as it is evil. Not surprising for a community whose sole contribution to the modern world is terrorism.

4 months ago

I’m pro-Palestine and pro-Israel and would love to see a two-state solution, but I was there and these people were chanting “long live intifada”! Supporting terrorism is not acceptable. These people are idiots.

4 months ago

As they are referred to, “Useful Idiots”, by the terror group they support.

4 months ago

Wonder if antisemite Byers will be a featured protestor given her strong support for the organization and admiration of the looney tunes Madea Benjamin.

4 months ago

Let’s call it what it is, an anti-Jewish riot. Fortunately, the devils are losing the war they started.

Don’t forget that this demographic also wants to kill gay people. Shame on Chelsea Byers, John Erickson, and the morally bankrupt Sepi Shyne for desecrating our pride weekend.

4 months ago
Reply to  proud

Let’s get the facts straight. Shyne and Erickson both opposed the showing of a documentary about the Nakba than even Duran and Meister supported showing (Shyne would later accuse Duran of antisemitism in the press for that vote). Shyne and Erickson both voted for the adoption of the highly problematic IHRA definition of antisemitism. Byers and Shyne literally took a lobbyist-paid trip to Israel. Byers, Shyne and Erickson ALL adopted the “stand with Israel” declaration (when Byers said the word “Palestinian” in her closing comments that night, the power was shut off to City Council Chambers). None of these actions… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by West
Graham Kaye
Graham Kaye
4 months ago
Reply to  proud

Hamas and Palestine wants to host a stupid gay Karen’s for Palestine event on top of a building so they can throw them off.

Just like they do in real life in 50 % inbred Palestine. I would love for them to invite Erickson and Shyne

4 months ago

I hope there will be a lot of Renuzit in the park, too.

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
4 months ago

Rather than protesting Israel, these brainwashed, cowardly, hate-filled, protesters should be protesting the horror of the deceit of Hamas, a terrorist organization which uses the Palestinians, furthering their suffering in order to further their own political agenda and power!
Make no mistake, they do not in anyway want peace or co-existence with Israel!
And, on this, Pride weekend, they have no pride! What they are doing is merely acting as disruptive puppets of terrorists! How can they be proud of that?

Last edited 4 months ago by Mikie Friedman
4 months ago
Reply to  Mikie Friedman

It could be added that Arab nations have historically offered virtually no assistance to their Palestinian neighbors/cousins, as it is in their interest to have chaos and violence, (similar to Donald Trump’s interests). The Hamas slaughter on October 7th, where 1,300 innocent Israelis were murdered, is ignored by the terrorists and their supporters, including their supporters in our town, and even by some on our City Council. Somehow they think a suitable response would be for Israel to murder exactly 1,300 as an “appropriate response”, then call it a day, and retreat, and be ready to be invaded again. I… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Mikie Friedman

I agree with everything you wrote, Mikie. I can see where the ignorant Arabs of Gaza are seething with jealousy of the successful Jewish state, but an American like Chelsea Byers trying to enable the Muslim eradication of the Jewish people–and gay people–is hard to understand.

4 months ago
Reply to  Mikie Friedman

So well said! 👏🏻

4 months ago

These people are naive fools. I hate to break the news to them but Hamas and the majority of people in Gaza hate gay people. You tell a member of Hamas you are gay and they will kill you just like they killed all those young peace activists in Israel last October. Where are all the hostages that they took? Most were murdered.

Pedro B
Pedro B
4 months ago

Inevitable this would happen so it will be interesting to see who from city hall shows up. Hope it’s covered by the press.

Last edited 4 months ago by Pedro B
4 months ago

In America you can criticize your own government. But criticize a particular foreign government and you’re labeled an antisemite. No group does more to stoke tensions and fear among our domestic Jewish communities than the Israeli lobby.

4 months ago
Reply to  West

Wonder too, if you will be there holding hands with antisemite Byers.

4 months ago

Hope the police are able to protect the Jewish residents from the threat of these fools.

With our anti-Jewish city council members in the majority, it was only a matter of time before this menace infected our city.

This is a shameful day for West Hollywood.

4 months ago
Reply to  sickened

The protesters should go to Rafah.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
4 months ago
Reply to  sickened

While I support an immediate cease fire in Gaza, the location of this demonstration is meant to be provocative to our Jewish residents, particularly our Russian immigrant community, most of whom fled the former USSR due to religious persecution. Many of our residents lost loved ones during the Holocaust and some of the over the top anti-Israeli slogans will be traumatic. While we all have the right to disagree, choosing Plummer Park as a venue for this demonstration seems mean spirited and insensitive to the live experiences of the seniors who frequent the park..

4 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Do you not support the immediate release of the hostages, or did you just forget to include this is your first sentence? Wehoonline does have an edit feature that you can take advantage of if you like.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
4 months ago
Reply to  Eric

Of course I support the immediate release of the hostages but the bloodshed needs to stop because all Israel is doing is creating the next generation of Hamas leadership. 50,000 Americans died in nearly a decade of conflict in Vietnam; 35,000 people have died in Gaza in eight months of conflict. That is nearly equal to the population of West Hollywood.

4 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Glad to know, you didn’t mention it, so wasn’t sure how concerned you are about people like Hersh Goldberg-Polin, or baby Kifr. It’s all thanks to the terror organization Hamas. Really simple, release the hostages and surrender, stop the bloodshed immediately! The fire will then stop. Look what these monsters did on Oct 7, look how they conduct themselves, hiding under innocent people. They are 100% responsible for every single life lost on both sides. They still say they would and will do it again, they have continued to reject all deals negotiated and presented. So dunno, in any call… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

May your family never be kidnapped while the world demands you cease fighting for them. May your home and neighborhood never be attacked like on Oct 7th while the world demands your country stop protecting itself.

Long Time Resident
Long Time Resident
4 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

I agree, Steve.