Sewage is seeping into John Reed showers, members say


Members of John Reed Fitness are reporting that raw sewage has on more than one occasion seeped up through the shower floors at the luxury gym in West Hollywood.

“They seem to have a lot of plumbing problems there but yesterday was a whole new level,” a reader who has been granted anonymity wrote to WEHOonline, referring to an incident that happened Saturday, June 8. 

“They had raw sewage coming out of the shower drains – actual pieces of shit.  It stank up the whole locker room and was so gross.  So much was coming out that it was getting into the hallway area between the actual shower stalls where some people were walking barefoot.”

The report was confirmed by other members of the gym. 

“That sewage backup happens (sic) twice in the last six month,” one member said. “They had to close the downstairs for four days to clean in January.”

“It happens sometimes lol (also in the sauna a few times) but they clean and fix it. Drainage is old so gonna happen sometimes,” another member commented on social media.


John Reed Fitness opened in fall of last year. WEHOonline has reached out to management and to city code inspectors for comment but has yet to receive a reply.

“They seem to be well aware of the issues but have no idea how to fix it permanently,” wrote the original commenter.  “It’s unbelievable that the city allows them to operate like this.  It’s a brand new facility so I don’t even understand how this could happen.”

If you are a member of John Reed Fitness who has witnessed the sewage or taken photos, please share your experience in the comments below.

The science of sewer leaks

Issues with the main sewer line that can cause feces to seep into showers typically involve blockages, breaks, or other malfunctions in the sewer system. These problems disrupt the normal flow of wastewater and can result in sewage backing up into household drains, including showers.

One of the most common causes is a blockage in the sewer line. These blockages can be caused by a buildup of debris, grease or foreign objects that restrict the flow of wastewater. When the blockage is severe, wastewater, including fecal matter, has nowhere to go and can back up into residential or commercial plumbing fixtures.

Tree roots might also be the problem. They are naturally attracted to the moisture in sewer lines and can infiltrate small cracks or joints in the pipes. Over time, these roots can grow and cause significant blockages or even break the pipes. This intrusion can disrupt the normal flow of sewage and cause backups into showers.

Older sewer lines, particularly those made of clay or cast iron, can deteriorate over time. Ground shifting, construction activities or simply the aging process can cause these pipes to break or collapse. A broken or collapsed sewer line can obstruct the flow of sewage, leading to backups.

Sometimes, sections of the sewer line can sag or “belly,” creating low spots where waste can accumulate. These low spots can eventually cause blockages, preventing sewage from flowing freely to the municipal sewer system. When this happens, wastewater can back up into household drains. Proper installation of sewer lines requires a specific slope to ensure gravity helps wastewater flow toward the municipal sewer system. If the slope is inadequate or incorrect, it can cause slow drainage and potential backups.

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Steve Zlick
Steve Zlick
4 months ago

I’m glad to live so close that I neither shower nor use the locker room there. Yeah, I hadn’t noticed the ottomans are gone; where do people sit to put on their shoes now?

But here’s one vote FOR the beautiful and eclectic decor that, while it may not appeal to everyone, at least IS undeniably decor.

But it’s an upscale gym with upscale prices, and this issue – whether it affects me personally or not – must be fixed pronto.

angry gay pope
4 months ago

I love it when upscale things fail!

C'mon Sense
C'mon Sense
4 months ago

I’m sure the Liberals in Weho are scrambling to indict President-To-Be-Again, Donald J. Trump for this poo problem. Wait and see.

4 months ago
Reply to  C'mon Sense

A jury found him guilty on all 34 counts. Sorry but your guy is a felon. Congrats!

Smells like...
Smells like...
4 months ago

I hope Reed goes down the drain. They replaced a fairly decent and more affordable gym (24 Hour) with this ! Say what you will about 24 Hour but in all the years I frequented that gym, I never once heard of a problem like this. Go away, John Reed, we don’t want you here.

Larry Block
4 months ago
Reply to  Smells like...

They replaced an empty, bancrupt 24 hour fitness that did not renew their lease..and had the same exact sewer problem that we have up and down the blvd, including my shop in the Rainbow District. Your memory is short, 24hour had many infractions. But one thing for sure, while they cant control the crap that comes up from the ground the crap your spewing is worse. They can fix the stench but not sure you can get rid of that hate.

David Reid
4 months ago
Reply to  Larry Block


4 months ago
Reply to  Smells like...


4 months ago

Maybe this will be enough to convince me to just drop my membership at that place. That has to be the ugliest, dark and almost depressing decor I have ever seen and I hate being there, but it is a very short walk from my home, so that convenience is what has kept me going. Those ottomans in the locker room make absolutely no sense, partly because there are always a couple of guys sitting on them on their phones leaving me with no place to sit when I change. I usually sit on the floor to tie my shoes.… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Those ottomans in the locker room make absolutely no sense”

They literally got rid of those months ago.

Do you even workout there?

4 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Well that’s good to know because now I suppose I have one less reason to not go into the locker room. As I said I live very near there so I dress for the gym at home and don’t need to bother changing, although I did in the beginning. But let me ask you, guy-with-brown-eyes, why are you consistently so unpleasant and snarky with pretty much everyone? You seem to take every opportunity to take a serious jab at someone who you perceive to not know as much as you do, when there are ways to inform or present a… Read more »

angry gay pope
4 months ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Those are the kind of people who are total wimps when you meet them in person aka IRL.

David Reid
4 months ago
Reply to  angry gay pope

So you’re a wimp??

4 months ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

So you’ve never even used the bathroom during a workout? I’m sorry but your story doesn’t check out. The ottomans have been gone for many months.

I don’t think my comment was that snarky. Why are you so soft?

4 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Ya’ see? There you go! No, my workout is less than an hour and I haven’t needed to go to the bathroom during that time. And, truth be told, I don’t go the gym nearly as often as I should/could. There is snarkiness in most your posts. Your whole body of work here is pure snark. You are dismissive, condescending, and rude. You come to conclusions about people based on very little information. It is possible to disagree agreeably but you haven’t learned that skill, or are unwilling to utilize it. Why was it so important to you to claim… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Gimmeabreak
4 months ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Sorry but I find it strange that you were still complaining about an issue that was fixed like 4 months ago?! Most people hated those ottomans (me included). We all complained and they listened! Problem solved! I don’t shower or change in the locker room either. But I definitely go in there to wash my hands, take a piss, sometimes lock my gym bag up so I don’t have to carry it around. I think it’s very strange you’ve never had to use the bathroom in 4 months. But whatever! Happy to inform you about the ottomans being gone! You… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

You are making my case for me!

I have no idea who that conservative leaning city council candidate is.

4 months ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Let me guess what the response would be on Google reviews: “That’s just the John Reed Way! We’re not for everyone. Good luck!”

4 months ago
Reply to  Outaged

And I would agree! They have every right to decorate however they want. The free market will respond. I am still paying for my membership but, if they’re reading this, they will know that my continued patronage is based merely on the convenience of their location. I would think they would want customer feedback. Most successful businesses do.

4 months ago

Hey, the poop spillage is not a problem. Just jump up on those lovely gilded thrones! Issue solved. (Eye roll.)

4 months ago

Because that’s what everyone wants in a gym: Gilded thrones, mirrorball lollipops, and music so loud it could wake the dead.

Larry Block
4 months ago
Reply to  Outaged

They have the best equipment in the city, and everybody is entitled to their opinion or to join the gym they choose. But the numbers show they are ahead of plan for their first year and its not even 9 months since their grand opening.

4 months ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Larry, I think the comment is more about where West Hollywood is headed and not so much about money, business plans or equipment. JR was created in the echoes of the Hollywood Regency style for vacuous, self-absorbed narcissists.

Larry Block
4 months ago
Reply to  David

the owner died in a plane crash about two years ago, our weho location is locally owned and operated.

Smells like...
Smells like...
4 months ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Hmmm…constantly defending John Reed throughout this post. Methinks you may have a financial interest in that gym and/or wanting them to buy ads (if they haven’t already) to place on this site along with the insane number of ads we have to negotiate to read anything.

Larry Block
4 months ago
Reply to  Smells like...

Your absolutely wrong but entitled to your opinion. And it posted. Im a tenant in the building, two in WeHo and both have sewage problems. My house just had the same backup and a plumber left yesterday. Its not fair to single out John Reed. The author of the article did not bother to ask any of the tenants including myself. And do you think John Reed controls the sewer and all the underground pipes? BTW, if you dpnt like the ads then don’t read the publication.

Had Enough
Had Enough
4 months ago

Must be a Monem property.

John Ryan
John Ryan
4 months ago

Oh, Danny! Danny Rivas! Where are you?
Most likely conducting a years-old continuing and ongoing investigation.
BTW, why is the gym member wanting to remain anonymous? I respect their decision, but of what are you afraid? If I was paying that kind of membership money to this place, I sould shout this from every rooftop and demand restitution from management. UNACCEPTABLE

4 months ago
Reply to  John Ryan

Why would Code Enforcement come in and deal with icky poop back-ups when there are hot go-go boys to ticket?

I wonder, did they put the citation in his g-string?

4 months ago
Reply to  Tom

LOL! Exactly.

4 months ago

Ouch. That stinks! All their renovation costs into cosmetic build out and none into fixing old pipes.

4 months ago
Reply to  sdfsdf

It’s West Hollywood. Of course the cosmetic takes precedence over actual structure.