Councilmembers are giving themselves another pay raise


While wage growth for most Americans continues to lag, West Hollywood is aiming to make sure its city councilmembers, as well as its dozens of commissioners and boardmembers, get paid properly.

Each of the five councilmembers will soon receive $1,724.79 per month, up from $1,568, for a total of $20,697.48 annually.

The amount is determined by the State of California based on the population of the city, and the law allows for an increase of up to 5% each calendar year after the last adjustment by an action of the City Council. When no action is taken, the allowable percentage accumulates for each year that no increase is granted.  Council also has the option of raising the amount at a rate lower than 5%. 

City Council initiated pay increases only four times in the past: 1997, 2007, 2017 and 2022. 

In addition to the $1,724.79 per month, the councilmembers also receive allowances of $150 per month to cover telephone and internet expenses and $100 per month for miscellaneous office and transportation expenses, plus medical contributions and other health and welfare benefits, such as life and disability insurance, as well as reimbursement for actual and necessary travel expenses incurred in the performance of official duties. 


The councilmembers’ raises, if approved at tonight’s meeting, will take effect in December.

The city’s many appointed officials on its boards and commissions will start receiving $100 per meeting, an extra $25, though they are capped at $200 per month. Their raises will start in January. 

The recent trend in U.S. wage growth indicates a gradually declining pattern, even though wages remain elevated compared to pre-pandemic levels.

This reduction in wage growth is evident across various measures, including average hourly earnings, hourly compensation, unit labor costs, the Atlanta Fed’s wage growth tracker, the Employment Cost Index, and posted wages from job listings on Indeed.

Despite the decline, wage growth is still more equitable than it was before the pandemic, with lower-wage workers experiencing faster wage growth than their higher-wage counterparts, although the gap is closing.




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4 months ago

But they could be getting kickbacks. For example, which one is getting a commission from the Ambassador organization? It happened in Santa Monica, and most likely, the former city manager is getting a kickback. We need a Watch Commission to check on everyone. As we all know, politicians make big bucks “serving the county,” like Nancy Pelosi, who has made over a hundred million! PS: Getting calls from campaign checkers asking if I am voting again for Erickson. I laughed.

3 months ago

“Could be”

I’ve seen you make this comment hundreds of times without a shred of evidence. There is no evidence ANYONE is getting a kickback from utilizing Block by Block.

4 months ago

Well deserved considering the amount they get now.

Last edited 4 months ago by Joshua88
4 months ago

It’s been widely said that running for city Council takes about $100,000 of ones personal money, and then fundraising on top of that. For a job that pays $21,000 per year. Now, why is that? Are they just being charitable that they don’t mind being very approximately$80,000 out-of-pocket because they just so generously want to be civil service? No. Follow the money. They only spend a lot of money to get elected on the promise that much, much, much more money will somehow end up in their pockets as result of having that office.

3 months ago
Reply to  Outraged

Just not true. Have you followed up with the many council members not on the council now to prove your point? Abbe Land, Steve Martin, for example and I can tell you Sal Guerillo did not profit and John Duran, like him or not, was a successful attorney before he ran and still is.

4 months ago

So, raises used to be every 10 years, then it was five years, and now it’s two years since the last one. Gotcha.

4 months ago

Wow, it is pretty clear why we get the candidates we do and why they need so much fundraising. A whopping 21k is not going to bring many people to the table. Also, wage growth has been its strongest in a decade or more, so the opening sentence is not really true.

4 months ago

How are these folks getting away with this? Kooky Cali is earning its rep.

4 months ago

The majority of government bodies everywhere vote on their pay, including the federal House of Representatives and the Senate. So not a Cali issue. What amazes me is the low amount they get. Who would sign up for that.

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
4 months ago

The only one who deserves a raise is Lauren Meister!

4 months ago
Reply to  Mikie Friedman

“only the people that align with me politically deserve more money!”


4 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Raises are typically given based on performance, given Meister is the only council member that does perform, I would say Mikie is right.

3 months ago
Reply to  Eric

Yes, i’m sure you would say she’s right. You both are corrupt as can be.

3 months ago
Reply to  Eric

Political raises are done by office and not merit as the raise stays with the position long after a particular elected official leaves. Mikie is right on Meister just like the people who successfully fundraised fir and elected John Erickson are very happy with his performance and happy to see get a raise. Thus why raises are by office.

Rules for Thee But Not For Me
Rules for Thee But Not For Me
4 months ago

Shouldn’t their raises also be tied to the rate of inflation and capped at 3% like rent? Asking for a friend.

4 months ago

With what they have done to this city… they don’t deserve a dime more!

4 months ago
Reply to  JF1

You get what you pay for as they say…………

Reading Rainbow
Reading Rainbow
4 months ago

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could give ourselves a raise.

4 months ago

We all need it since their policies have made the cost of EVERYTHING go up. (I guess that’s why they’re asking for a raise..their own policies have hit home!…but they’ll still keep pushing this crazy crap!).

4 months ago

The parasite council members should be paying us for all the perks they get and the damage they have done to our once-proud city. Shame on them!!!