SEPT. 27: CERT Emergency Prep training


With a recent magnitude 4.7 earthquake having occurred in Southern California and with wildfires raging in certain parts of the state, many of us are asking ourselves: “When disaster strikes, would I know what to do?” The City of West Hollywood is urging community members to prioritize preparedness and is getting out the word that the Los Angeles County Fire Department’s Community Emergency Response Team (“CERT”) is presenting CERT Training in September 2024.

West Hollywood CERT Training is free and will take place on Friday, September 27, 2024, from 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Saturday, September 28, 2024; and Sunday, September 29, 2024, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the West Hollywood Park Aquatic and Recreation Center’s Fairfax/La Brea Room, located at 8750 El Tovar Place, adjacent to West Hollywood Library. Register early! Space is limited and expected to fill quickly. Participants must register in advance and attend all three sessions to receive a certificate of completion. To register for CERT Training, please visit the LA County Fire Department CERT training website.

Following a disaster, police, fire, and medical professionals may not be able to meet the immediate demand for emergency medical attention. Residents and neighbors may need to rely upon one another to help with immediate life-saving needs. CERT Training was developed through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide basic fire safety and life-saving skills.

CERT Training participants will learn valuable survival skills, including disaster preparedness, terrorism, disaster fire suppression, disaster psychology, disaster medical operations, light search and rescue, team organization, and drill simulation, which can be vital in the immediate aftermath of a major disaster.

For more information, please contact Jessica Anukam, the City of West Hollywood’s Public Safety Specialist, at (323) 848-6436 or at

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1 month ago

DEBBIE DOWNER COMING …..This city has no clue and is so ill prepared for even a Northridge sized event. Due to the fact we have little control over our own infrastructure and its repairs sadly it will be a ghost town here for months before repairs start….Water …Power…Sewer …we will not be first on any list …on top of that our own building and safety is so messed up even by the inspectors own standards imagine 50,100,1000 new projects start or wanting to all at once … But luckily we are really good at hanging rainbow lights so maybe it… Read more »

Carleton cro9nin
1 month ago

Wondering who else felt the jolt. My dining room chair was pushed forward about two inches and a water pipe dislodged at the meter box. BH water dept. said mine was the only one.

Carleton cro9nin
1 month ago

During the city’s early days we had over 200 CERTeam members, sponsored by the city, drilling regularly and ready to assist the community in a disaster. Now, go to to find fellow CERT members.

Waiting to hear from the city’s emergency management person regarding city preparedness with respect to residents and businesses.