What did WeHo spend money on this time?


Highlights from the city’s demand register to be certified at Monday night’s City Council meeting. 

City Delegation to the 2024 Paris Olympics

Several members of West Hollywood’s delegation to the 2024 Paris Olympics incurred expenses related to travel, accommodation, and related costs. Cleo Smith incurred $5,652.06, covering airfare, taxi services, hotel accommodations, and per diem costs. Christine Safriet’s expenses totaled $1,333.95, which primarily covered taxi services and per diem. Laura Biery’s costs amounted to $2,932.53, which included airfare, taxis, hotel expenses, and per diem. Mayor John M. Erickson incurred $973.96 in travel-related expenses, including taxi and per diem costs. Erin Taylor’s expenses were $175.67, covering hotel, taxi, mileage, and per diem expenses. The total? $11,068.17.

Transportation Services

MV Transportation was paid $200,318.67 for services provided in July 2024 for Cityline, Dial-A-Ride, and TLC. Arcadis was paid $7,916.66 for its work on curb management technology. DKS Associates received $15,757.50 for work on the Vision Zero Transportation System, which included traffic and safety studies. The city also paid Toole Design Group LLC $7,361.00 for their work on the dockless micromobility program.

Infrastructure and Construction

PALP Inc. was paid $290,832.05 for construction work on the Santa Monica Blvd./Crescent Heights parking lot.

Hardy & Harper Inc. received $28,060.00 for engineering and construction services related to improvements on the Dorrington and Ashcroft medians. Iteris Inc. was paid $62,583.97 for a signal feasibility study and a right-turn-on-red analysis. WGJ Enterprises Inc. was compensated $20,932.21 for traffic calming measures and neighborhood improvements throughout the city.

Berg & Associates Inc. received $80,624.53 for construction management and inspection services related to the Melrose Street project. Additionally, Crosstown Electrical & Data Inc. was paid $172,696.70 for the installation of traffic signals and related work at various fire stations over multiple months. Psomas received $14,840.00 for engineering services related to the replacement of bollards at Hammond and Alta Loma.


Public Safety and Maintenance

Public safety expenditures accounted for a substantial part of the city’s spending. The LA County Sheriff’s Department received $3,683,530.45 for services provided in July and August 2024, which included costs related to the CicLAvia event and general patrol operations across the city. The LA County Fire Department was paid $405,326.48 for services provided during the WeHo Pride and OUTLOUD Festival, ensuring fire safety and emergency readiness during these large-scale public events.

Woods Maintenance Services Inc. was compensated $103,086.25 for graffiti removal and pressure washing throughout the city, focusing on areas such as the Big Belly location. SCA of California LLC received $104,400.99 for street sweeping services, which included regular cleaning of parking structures and citywide street sweeping.

The Block by Block ambassador program was compensated $473,586.40 for providing security ambassador services throughout the city in July 2024.

Cultural and Community Events

The city’s MIMA program continues to guzzle funds. Nancy Baker Cahill Studio received $23,125.00 for the display of moving image media artwork on Sunset Boulevard, and another $15,000 was paid to Florie Hutchinson for related consulting services.

JJLA received $144,553.57 for permit services related to the city’s 2024 Pride Parade and OUTLOUD event.

Heroica Foundation was paid $20,000.00 for a sponsorship tied to the “Equal Means Equal” final impact campaign.

Pacific Opera Project Inc. was paid $16,000.00 for a production of “Cinderella” as part of the city’s free theater in the parks program.

Pickle was paid $7,500.00 as the second installment for the city’s Drag Laureate program.

For the 2024 Halloween Carnaval, the city paid $298,500.00 to Authentic Agency Inc. for production services, covering various aspects of this major cultural event. 

Public Art and Monument Initiatives

The city paid another $24,475.00 to Federal Heath Sign Company for repairs to the Rainbow Neon Dog, a revolving sculpture on Sunset Boulevard that stopped revolving soon after being installed last spring.

AAA Flag & Banner Manufacturing Co. Inc. was paid $9,600.01 for fence banners related to the AIDS Monument project.

LPA Inc. was compensated $32,483.50 for design services for the AIDS Monument, and Mark G. Anderson Consultants Inc. was paid $12,985.00 for construction management services for the monument.

Photography Services

The city engaged multiple photography services to document key events. Viscott Limited received $1,365.00 for photography services related to the Community Garden Grand Opening and the LA Kids Book Festival, and another $585.00 for shooting the LGBTQ Certification Summit. Joshua Barash was paid $900.00 for photographing two city events: Women’s Equality Day and the Botanical Ball Senior Dance. Additional photography services were provided by Oleg Volovik, who was paid $300.00 for photography at the “Masterpieces of World Hits” event.

Other Operational and Business Initiatives

The city made significant payments related to various operational and business initiatives. Community Partners was paid $47,440.00 for its role in implementing the Green Business Program, an initiative aimed at promoting sustainable business practices within West Hollywood. Community Partners also received $5,405.00 for their work on the city’s 40th Anniversary “Young City at War” exhibition, which commemorates the city’s history.

Civitas Advisors received $13,700.00 for their work related to cannabis BID assessments, focusing on the city’s cannabis sector and business improvement initiatives. Blue Systems USA Inc. was paid $15,000.00 for data aggregation services tied to the city’s dockless mobility program.

Mercury Mailing Systems Inc. was paid $28,591.84 for the production and mailing of postcards related to key city projects, including the Sunset Boulevard and Hotel Rooftop Projections. HouseKeys Inc. received $12,500.00 for their work on the inclusionary housing program, supporting the city’s ongoing efforts to address affordable housing.

Waxies Enterprises Inc. was paid $832.34 for disinfectant wipes used in city facilities.


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8 days ago

Were paying for the Security ambassadors to sit down at the abandoned house on Fairfax and fountain while the owners transfer the building ! SMH make the building owners pay the city !

9 days ago

$10k for 10 banners?

Brian Holt
Brian Holt
9 days ago

Come again? Are we paying nearly half a million dollars a month for the security ambassadors program? That has to be a typo or what else am I missing? Someone please help clue me in.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
9 days ago
Reply to  Brian Holt

Rather than restore our Sheriff’s deputies to their former level, Mayor Erickson and his allies decided to expand Block by Block in a huge way to make up for NOT hiring two deputies. Unfortunately it seems that Block by Block is not able to hire and retain enough good people, even if you assume the premise of replacing sworn deputies with unarmed security is a good idea.

Cy Husain 🌹
8 days ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

You realize that the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department’s own data clearly shows there is NO CORRELATION between the rising costs of the sheriff contract and crime reduction❓

8 days ago
Reply to  Brian Holt

lol. well I no longer hear retail stores/restaurants tell transients they will call the police its now “we will call the security/ambassadors” HOWEVER I’ve noticed a LOT LESS of the ambassadors on the streets lately. maybe they are over it! They are not police but the city is relying on them way to much and treating them like they are. Meanwhile we have so many new transients/homeless and now some are also carrying weapons including swinging NEW tennis rackets (who is giving these to them) as they walk down behind people.

Angry gay pope
10 days ago

Nancy Baker Cahill Studio is such a rip off! I cannot believe how much money that mediocre artist got to make billboard animations. I’m a Disney CGI artist and I know mediocre narcissistic stuff when I see it.

Angry gay pope
9 days ago
Reply to  Angry gay pope

When I say money I mean $140,000

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
9 days ago
Reply to  Angry gay pope

That is the salary of an entry level Sheriff’s deputy.

10 days ago

why are we as tax payers paying for city officials to attend the Olympics? Sorry but there are people (tax payers) in the city that would have loved to been able to go/afford it.

11 days ago

Cleo gets over 5 k covered . That’s great, cause my $75 commission stipend check was put on hold. Who do I see about this???….anyone??, Cleo??

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
10 days ago
Reply to  Jimmy

For a guy concerned about everyone else’s carbon footprint it did not make a lot of sense for the Mayor to lead an “official” delegation to Paris.
The carbon from the four people’s flight will not be offset by a couple of hundred bike trips on the “protected” Fountain bike lanes. An unfortunate junket with no benefit to the tax payers.

10 days ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

@ Steve Martin 👏👏👏

10 days ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Amen. Stupid stupid stupid corrupt hypocritical self-serving “leadership”. Get them OUT.

9 days ago
Reply to  Outraged

You should specify your objections.
Brandon laid expenses out so nicely for you.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
11 days ago

I think this is one of the most important things that WEHOOnline is doing right now. We must highlight the reckless spending on the public dime. The city bureaucracy and some on council act like drunken sailors on shore leave with their profligate spending habits. Note that the expenditures for the Paris boondoggle do not fully reflect the actual costs. These are merely reimbursements to these individuals for out-of-pocket costs and do not reflect amounts charged directly to city credit cards. In the case of John Erickson, total expenses for him alone amounted to almost $5000 and that included a… Read more »