DEAR WEHO: Food carts are endangering crowds


There has been zero code enforcement keeping the sidewalks clear of vendors for a month. Friday night, there were 3 feet between them and Heart WeHo’s patio, 2 feet at Beaches, and a row from the front door of Block Party to the parking meters, blocking the sidewalk. People had to walk sideways to get through. I saw a fellow trip on a cart corner, fall, and his right hand went right into the hot grease plate. Screaming, his friend helped him away — probably to the ER.

Saturday night, there was a full army of carts. The code enforcement truck slowly passed by and did nothing. A girl in front of Heart WeHo walked into a cart that was in the middle of the crowd. The guy with her shoved the cart, yelling, “What is this doing here?” Again, there was a line of carts from the doorway of Block Party to the meters. And there were only 2 feet of sidewalk space in front of Beaches WeHo, with people having to slither by or walk in the street.

It’s known that keeping the sidewalks safe for the crowds is a low, if any, priority for the city.

-Weston Harris



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10 hours ago

Anyone dumb enough to eat this food……gets what they deserve. We’ve imported the third world.

1 day ago

Why do we always have to learn our lesson the hard way?! Things will get so bad and out of control, they’ll crack down once again on these carts. In the meantime, we have to put up with our city looking like a Third World country.

Last edited 1 day ago by JF1
1 day ago

These articles are meant to whip up anti-migrant frenzy and feed into people’s persecution complexes about how “they” are taking over. Such an ugly, wretched worldview that only serves to hand over “law and order” to white collar criminals and transnational crime syndicates masquerading as nationalistic protectors. This “invasion” narrative speaks to a deep rot and sickness inside people whose brains are fried on resentment and anger. Most of the time they are angry for no reason, and they’re hardwired to believe that someone out there is TAKING something from them. I doubt these same people think of solutions beyond… Read more »

1 day ago
Reply to  Josh

The issue isn’t who they are. It is that code is not enforced for them, but is for tax paying citizens of weho. There is nothing anti-migrant with wanting safe walking spaces free of potential burns while walking through crowded streets or wanting to ensure food is properly prepared to not get people sick.

1 day ago
Reply to  Josh

People are definitely eating the HOT dogs, heh heh heh….But seriously if people didn’t like buying food from these vendors, they wouldn’t be there. They’re just giving people what they want in West Hollywood and making them happy. We can’t have that, everything must be bad and gloomy and it’s the city council’s fault people are eating hot dogs. Or something, who knows, the complaint department is always open here….

17 hours ago
Reply to  Josh

So you’re saying that the issues described in the article are not true? You can’t see how this would be a problem?

If these vendors were white would you support them in the same way?

Frankly, I read your comment as virtue signaling.

1 day ago

Wow last time I was in Tijuana all I heard was “chiclets, chiclets,” now it’s “hot dog hot dog” or “elote, elote” in WeHo. I hope Gruesome Newsom never visits or he will call WeHo 3rd World like LA!

Smoking Mad
Smoking Mad
2 days ago

You should go see the huge crowds of sidewalk vendors on the Hollywood Blvd. block where the Chinese Theatre is. That block has lost its class & it’s dignity & looks like the open-air market of a third world country. People waiting to go into the theatre, plus the people outside looking at the footprints in cement, have to breath smokey air & strong smells. It’s horrible what they have done to that block, not to mention the hot dog & hamburger brick & mortar restaurants that have long depended on the tourist trade to stay in business. There’s something… Read more »

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
1 day ago
Reply to  Smoking Mad

Walk of Fame on Hollywood Blvd has turned into a total dump.

2 days ago

Unfortunately new laws by county council has allowed these vendors more leniency which gives code enforcement officials little to charge them with. This is a link to the new rules

C'mon Sense
C'mon Sense
2 days ago

This is the New World Order, at least for a few more weeks when Trump is back in office and restores law and order AND cracks down on crime by punishing those who inflict it upon others. Until Trump returns, this is the Democrat New World Order of biden, kamala, newsome, gascon and erickson. Please vote wisely This Time for once.

Long Time Resident
Long Time Resident
23 hours ago
Reply to  C'mon Sense

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You think Trump gives a damn about things like this. HAHAHAHA

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
2 days ago

Outzones, rental e-scooters, delivery robots, and now food, vendors carts! What’s next to make the sidewalks even more dangerous to pedestrians? Should they even be called sideWALKS anymore??? 😡

1 day ago
Reply to  Mikie Friedman

Good question!

Last edited 1 day ago by JF1
ADA Non-Compliant
ADA Non-Compliant
1 day ago
Reply to  Mikie Friedman

Seems the city is set on getting rid of all ada people whether that be employees or the public.