Bootsy Bellows, which, since David Arquette opened it last year, has made Chateau Marmont look like your grandfather’s celebrity hangout, is taking its own version of suave and hip culture to Paris. Arquette and business partners John Terzian, Brian Toll and Markus Molinari (along with a few of their marionettes) will host a pop up of version of Bootsy Bellows at Le Bar du Plaza Athenee on Saturday. It’s the beginning of Fashion Week, le plus chic semaine a Paris. Bootsy, named for Arquette’s mother’s stage name during her days as a burlesque dancer, hosts a stream of celebrities. The paparazzi have caught Paris Hilton being knocked down on the sidewalk, Emile Hirsch urinating in a potted plant and Arquette himself giving Adam Lambert a lap dance to celebrate his birthday.