WeHo Term Limits Passes by Overwhelming Majority


Term Limits West Hollywood

West Hollywood voters Tuesday passed a measure imposing term limits on City Council members by an overwhelming majority. The measure, dubbed Measure C, won 62 percent of the 4,343 votes cast. The measure was promoted by its supporters as a way to eventually dismantle a system in which council members, with few exceptions, stay in office until they die or decide to step down.

The measure will have little immediate effect, however. While it restricts council members to a maximum of three four-year terms, it is only applicable from this point forward. Thus Councilmember John Heilman, who has served on the council since the city’s founding in 1984, will be able to serve 12 more years if he wins re-election in 2015.

Proponents of term limits, whose campaign was dubbed “Yes on C,” have argued that council members are beholden to out of town campaign donors, primarily real estate developers, billboard owners and city vendors, and have little incentive to pay attention to neighborhood concerns. Most donors to an independent committee established to oppose West Hollywood term limits were real estate developers and other businesses located outside West Hollywood.

Sitting council members have rejected the term limits supporters’ accusation, arguing that they are responsible for the strong financial position of West Hollywood during a difficult economic time and for a city government that provides a wide range of services to its residents. They also argue that their experience is necessary to effectively govern the city. Only Councilmember John D’Amico has supported term limits, although he also has endorsed the incumbents in this election, declaring their challengers to be unprepared.

“West Hollywood voters sent a message tonight,” said Yes on C campaign chair Lauren Meister. “Measure C ensures that West Hollywood has a mechanism in place to bring fresh perspectives and new energy to the council. It opens the door to broader public participation in the legislative process in our city, which benefits everyone.”


“I want to personally thank the people of West Hollywood for engaging in the conversation about our city’s future,” said campaign consultant Scott Schmidt. “To the thousands who signed our petition, to the dozens who gave time or money, and everyone who voted today, I have this to say: we are the change we have been waiting for. You did what they said was impossible. Together, we can continue to do even more for West Hollywood because you understand that yes, we can do better.”

“West Hollywood is fortunate to have many dedicated public servants who give so much of their time and effort to the City Council,” Schmidt continued. “Measure C preserves their ability to continue serving—for as long as 12 years—but it also gives fresh faces and new voices a seat at the table as well. This was a win for everyone in West Hollywood.”

Prang, Duran keep their seats. Read the story here.

Get a blow-by-blow account of election night at our live blog here.

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11 years ago

@TMS, you need to analyze the numbers. Support for both incumbents was down from 2009, when, with less people voting (4136 in 2009 vs. 5303 in 2013), they had higher numbers — both in votes and %s. In 2009, Prang had 2751 votes (67%) vs. 2709 (51%) in 2013. In 2009, Duran had 2542 (61%) vs. 2366 (45%) in 2013. And, the number of votes that were cast for non-incumbents in 2013 was not insignificant — 4400 votes distributed among the challengers. That support for Measure C was very strong — 3139 “yes” votes (62%) — is not surprising considering… Read more »

11 years ago

Clearly measure C was not targeting Duran and Prang.

11 years ago

If you mean Steve came off as a liar, then I guess we can agree. It’s easy to appear any way you choose if you exaggerate the facts.

Larry Block
Larry Block
11 years ago

WeHo voters are quite smart. While Im a Steve Martin supporter he didnt have the same tools as Duran had. Im just suprised at John.. he could have run on his own merits with confidence but instead he ran scared and hit below the belt with all he could muster. The other challengers were not that strong. I like Sam Borellii but he is soft spoken and truthfully nobody challenged Duran on the his issues… or really nobody brought up any issues. So the incumbants win, — and the people win too. They can accept Duran and Prang (Prangs a… Read more »

11 years ago

C passes but incumbents easily win re-election. I guess Weho voters are idiots.
We have 12 years to overturn Measure C.

Woody McBreairty
11 years ago

For another example of the condescending & crude manner of one John Duran, see today’s LATEXTRA section of the L.A. Times, where Duran says “If the intent was meant to slap at the current council, it doesn’t really affect us. WE GET 12 MORE YEARS!” What an arrogant ass.

11 years ago

The Orange County Republicans who cared so much about us here in WeHo and spent all that money to get over 4,000 people to vote yes on C must be celebrating in the streets today. I hear that when the huge developments the outside developers are building on the eastside of WeHo are completed all the Orange County Republicans are going to move here just so they can vote in WeHo.

Larry Block
Larry Block
11 years ago

Thank You to all the Volunteers.. Measure C started on Huntley Drive and started because of neighbors talking to neighbors, myself and Donald Elmblad about the DA investigating John Duran, Abbe Lands conflicts of interests and John Heilmans inability to shake Damicos hand. I knocked on Steves door to suggest writing the language for term limits, Im a 100% full blooded Democrat. Steve began including 12 or so insiders to develop a consensus on the language..a consensus of local neighbors.. in summer gatherings on Steves front lawn.. then we began collecting signatures. Nothing has ever been more Democratic. It hit… Read more »

11 years ago

Measure C received broad bipartisan support and applies equally to all candidates, regardless of their party affiliation. This idea that some how the EEEEEEEEEVIL Republicans were behind it was a fabrication by John Duran’s lackeys. It was nice to see that both Democrats and Republicans in West Hollywood came together to push for the passage of C.

And yes, there are many Republicans in West Hollywood. Even GAY Republicans (OMG, are you clasping your pearls yet?)… and they live, work and party in the city and care for it just as much as the Democrats in West Hollywood.

11 years ago

how depressing – another 4 more years of the ever vapid John Duran… maybe when all of the construction projects are finished on Santa Monica/San Vicente, Sunset & Melrose – weho will say enough – good luck navigating through all of the congestion

11 years ago

Awesome!!!!!! As a non republican this is awesome!!! Their days are finally numbered.

11 years ago

well then the city must be becoming republican cuz the majority voted for it…..the presidential race has term limits, why not the council?….thanks for doing the right thing WEHO!!