At The Abbey, LeAnn Rimes Dances Like She Doesn’t Give A …..

LeAnn Rimes, The Abbey
Leann Rimes at her album launch party at The Abbey last night.

“Dance Like You Don’t Give A …..”? That’s the name of LeAnn Rimes‘s remixed collection of her dance hits. And if anyone doubts that she doesn’t mean what the title says, he wasn’t at The Abbey last night.

Rimes was there for an album release party. And she danced like she didn’t give a …., bracketed by some of the restaurant and bar’s all-too-sexy go go dancers.

Wondering what you missed? Take a look at the photos on the pages that follow. And see if you can spot Rimes’s hubby, Eddie Cibrian, who we wouldn’t have minded seeing dancing with his shirt off.

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10 years ago

She looks really nice.