WeHo Mayor D’Amico Endorses Sandra Fluke for State Senate


West Hollywood Mayor John D’Amico has endorsed Sandra Fluke in her bid for a seat in the state Senate.

Sandra Fluke
Sandra Fluke

“Sandra has lived in West Hollywood for years and knows our community – there is no one better to represent our community in Sacramento,” D’Amico said in a press release announcing the endorsement. “She has a deep understanding of the diversity of issues that affect West Hollywood residents. Sandra has been a fierce advocate for the LGBTQ community throughout her career. Sandra is the kind of public servant West Hollywood needs – she is running a community-focused campaign grounded in the issues that affect us every day, and we can trust that she’ll be responsive to the people who sent her to office. I look forward to working with her to create the kind of community we all want to live in.”

Fluke is running against Ben Allen, a lawyer and member of the Santa Monica-Malibu Board of Education. Her campaign last week issued the results of a poll http://www.standwithsandra.org/polling-memo that showed Fluke leading by a seven point margin over Allen.

Fluke, a lawyer, has been an activist in issues such as domestic violence against women and human trafficking. She came in second — behind Allen — in the Jun3 primary election for the 26th District seat, which includes West Hollywood. The district was created by a redistricting effort in 2011 and largely contains the areas that make up the 28th district represented by Ted Lieu.

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Cy Husain
9 years ago

To whom it may concern, was me and me alone who posted on google + to feminist women, inviting them to post on the comments on Wehoville in order to get more diversity. So thanks can be directed toward me for this contribution. Please keep your thanks in email form as opposed to notes attached to bricks sent through my window at odd hours of the night! Thank You! 🙂

West Hollywood
9 years ago

More like shame on you BlusEyedBoy! The antichoice/antiabotion movement is STRONGLY opposed to birth contol:



Oh I CAN find LINKS backing YOUR POSITION, but they all call for denying any and all rights to LGBTQ individuals!

Keep in mind that I am doing this from my phone!

9 years ago

I am responding, not to you, Emilija, but for anyone who might be following this discussion (I can’t imagine anyone would be, at this point). When you refer to “contraception” and “birth control” you are including the drugs that induce an abortion. Only THOSE drugs are controversial; NONE of the other drugs for birth control are an issue for anyone. But you know that, don’t you Emilija. Shame on you!

9 years ago

I think that now, after last night’s election results, we’ve heard the last of the “war on women”.

Emilija Torbešic
9 years ago
Reply to  BlueEyedBoy

Republican War on Birth Control/Contraception would include their attempt to define contraception not as a health but as a religious issue, claiming that the availability of contraception is a violation of their religious beliefs. The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives is attacking the Department of Health and Human Services new guidelines that require insurance companies to cover contraceptive services free of charge. Committee Chairman Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA) claims the new rules do not protect religious groups who object to contraception. He claims the government is taking, “coercive actions to force people to abandon their religious principles.” As part of… Read more »

9 years ago

Emilija, I don’t know SWT, and I don’t listen to talk radio. There is no point in playing tit-for-tat with you because as anyone who reads what you have said here would know any information presented that doesn’t fit in your very narrow prism would go right over your head. I don’t have time for you. I enjoy civil debate, and WeHoVille provides a wonderful opportunity for that, but you’re not capable of civility. That’s too bad.

9 years ago

Very thoughtful observations, SWT. It’s a sad state of affairs when all the Dems have is this phony “war on women”, which is aimed at the low-information voter. ABC TV news anchor, George Stephanopoulos, got this started when he asked Romney at a presidential debate about taking away availability to birth control. Romney rightly said that no one wanted to do that and it was laughable that it was even being suggested. But Stephanopoulos wouldn’t let it go. Cy and Emilija seem to be using these talking points to keep this ridiculous “red herring” going, and we’ll see in a… Read more »

Emilija Torbešic
9 years ago
Reply to  BlueEyedBoy

Ok BlueEyedMonster, I’m sure you’re impressed by your friend willing to defend the political patriarchy, with stuff just from talk radio and NO Supporting evidence. Like show me a single link! Think you got it sewed up in the bag you little (in a phallic sense) sexists? So why is Bill Bloomfield Republican real estate mogul already spent well over $1.3 million in independent expenditures to boost the candidacy of Ben Allen? Ben Allen is celebrating a conservative mega-donor’s attempt to buy this election for him, and Sandra Fluke is standing up and fighting against it. Republican Party Tea party… Read more »

9 years ago

I wandered onto this post hoping to find out something about the candidate. My only knowledge of her was from the “Rush/slut” controversy and I wondered what she may stand for other than free birth control (surely we must all agree that the state faces much larger problems than who pays for birth control?). Before Cy and Emilija rip me for being a facsist, let me say that I am pro choice and most certainly pro birth control. Neither Cy nor Emilija make good points. Both are clearly angry, can’t tolerate dissenting (and clearly well-formed) opinion without resorting to name… Read more »

West Hollywood
9 years ago

Way to go Emilija! It’great to see a WOMAN standing up to our oppressors, with you and SANDRA FLUKE we are sure to win!

Emilija Torbešic
9 years ago

The forces behind the assault on the right to abortion are overwhelmingly against birth control as well. An examination of why this is the case sheds critical light on the essential agenda of the so-called “pro-life” movement. There is not a single “pro-life” organization that supports birth control! The mission statement of the largest right-to-life educational organization—The American Life League—reads “A.L.L. denies the moral acceptability of artificial birth control and encourages each individual to trust in God, to surrender to His will, and be pre-disposed to welcoming children.” The Pro-Life Activists Encyclopedia explains the justification for efforts to ban contraception:… Read more »

9 years ago

One more time ……. no one is against contraception. The four drugs that induce abortion are not contraceptives. It is ONLY those drugs about which there has been any disagreement.

Will Darcy
Will Darcy
10 years ago
Cy Husain
10 years ago

The “religious liberty” arguments in the Supreme Court case actually represent an extremely unorthodox definition of that term. By arguing that for-profit companies should have the right to deny coverage for specific health services from their female employees, these businesses are essentially using religion as a cloak to avoid following the law. The same strategy has been used to deny LGBTQ individuals employment and protection in the workplace . “Religious liberty is not about harming others and imposing your religion on them,” This from Sharon Levin, the director of federal reproductive rights policy for the National Women’s Law Center. The… Read more »