One Candidate Drops Off in June WeHo City Council Race


west hollywood city council, election 2015The number of candidates in the June 2 election for one seat on the West Hollywood City Council has dropped from five to four. The official listings of candidates by the City Clerk’s office does not include Ariane Kamp, who had filed papers for the June election but didn’t meet the qualifications. Any one interested in running in a city election must file a petition signed by at least 20 people who can be verified as registered voters living in West Hollywood.

That leaves Larry Block, Cole Ettman, John Heilman and Heidi Shink in the race. The special election is to fill the seat vacated by Jeffrey Prang, who stepped down from the City Council in December after being elected L.A. County Assessor.

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All Smiles
All Smiles
9 years ago

Unless you’d like to see Heilman re-elected than you need to dismiss your “preferences” and vote for Heidi. If you don’t care if Heilman wins than vote for Block or Ettman so that the votes split & Heilman wins. It’s that simple.

Guy Privaton (@guyprivaton)

Heidi Shink is backed by D’Amico

we do not need a new boss same as the old boss by having another solid majority

we need a more politically diverse council
not a replacement regime

David Reid
David Reid
9 years ago

If John Duran were to fall on his sword and resign would there be a 3rd election in one year? As Mayor D’Amico said ‘when an elected official raises funds to attack a citizen of our community we need to take a long look”. What? Duran resign? (The posts were getting a bit dull so I thought I’d toss this bone to the mob). My issue has squat to do with deputygate, but more about a $200,000+ PAC (final numbers aren’t in) used to attack women. (As to June its quite the horse race. Maybe to old war horses will… Read more »

9 years ago

This is pretty much Heilman’s election to lose. I can’t stand Larry Block, his actions in the last election showed he lacks integrity.

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
9 years ago

So John Heilman is Hitler and John D’Amico is Gandhi? I rest my case. John Heilman Derangement Syndrome is out in full force.

9 years ago

@Chris: so by your logic, if 3 Gandhi’s and a Hitler run… give the open seat to the Hitler because, after all, he did come in 4th. Makes total sense.

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
9 years ago

Woody – let me try some logic here, and get away from the personality-based reaction to candidates. A bunch of us suggested that the 4th place finisher in the March election be selected by the new council for the 2 year term. That would have been the fairest solution, saved the city a bunch of money, and had the winner selected by an electorate around 5,000, rather than the much smaller group in June. I pushed this not knowing if someone I had favored would have ended up 4th. If it had been Meister or D’Amico, then so be it.… Read more »

Woody McBreairty
9 years ago

Chris Sanger: Yes anyone who loses an election is rejected by the voters just as Heilman was & as were the other candidates on the March 3 slate. If you don’t win, you lose. Lauren Meister is/will be an “entry level’ City Council person & she came in 2nd. John D’Amico is a 1-term Councilmember & he came in 1st. Lindsey was considered Heilman’s “protege” & riding on his coattails. She came in 3rd. John Heilman is a 30 year incumbent & he came in 4th. Do you get that? 30 years! It does not take a MENSA member to… Read more »

9 years ago

Well said, Woody. I’m not sure why Steve Martin is not himself running. But since he isn’t and the community needs to coalesce behind someone viable to oppose our dear leader the councilman-for-life John Heilman, then Heidi Shink is the one who is getting my vote and my support. I’m not throwing away my vote this time around on a protest candidate. The stakes are way too high.

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
9 years ago

Woody – help me out here – if Lauren Meister had come in fourth by under 100 votes, would you similarly say she was “rejected”? Somehow I doubt it – if that had happened and she filed for this race, you’d be supporting her 100%.
You can’t make up different rules for different candidates just because you hate one of them.

Woody McBreairty
9 years ago

Steve I can’t help but feel you are campaigning to keep Heilman in office & I find it very disturbing. How & why can you possibly keep expressing your objection to people making their own personal choices as early as they wish? No, we do not need to hear from the 4 candidates, we need to hear from at least two as Larry has already made his platform clear & if you need to hear from John Heilman to know where he stands, then go for it but I think Heilman’s agenda is already very clear & the voters rejected… Read more »

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
9 years ago

Everyone seems so anxious to decide the June 2nd Election this week. Why don’t we wait and hear from the four people running? Let’s see who best reflects the values and issues that are important to you rather than trying to play this parlor game of pseudo power politics. We owe it to the four people who are running, (even if we already have some opinions about them), to hear their vision for the future. Maybe we will find John Heilman a bit more humble and nuanced in this race; maybe Heidi Shink will talk about issues other than gender;… Read more »