L.A. Log Cabin Republicans Endorse Donald Trump

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

The L.A. Chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans, an organization of LGBT members of the Republican party, has endorsed Donald Trump for president.

The chapter announced the endorsement in an email today.

“The Los Angeles Chapter of Log Cabin Republicans proudly endorses Donald J. Trump for President of the United States of America,” the email message read.

“Needless to say, this has been a wild election year, and Donald Trump has been anything but a conventional candidate. But our chapter is excited to unite behind Trump as the most pro-LGBT candidate in our Party’s history, and help defeat Hillary Clinton on November 8th!

“Please show your support for our chapter’s endorsement by joining or renewing your membership with Log Cabin Los Angeles.”

The organization works within the Republican Party to advocate equal rights for LGBT people in the United States. It was founded in 1977 in California in response to the Briggs Initiative, which was an effort to ban LGBT people from teaching in public schools. Prominent California Republican Ronald Reagan opposed the initiative as he planned his successful run for president.

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7 years ago

Mike Dunn … The reason the discharges went down was because of 9/11, and they did not go up with Obama. This chart did not copy properly, but if you look at the last number in every column, those are the numbers for that year.The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit, Collins v. United States, against the Department of Defense in November 2010 seeking full compensation for those discharged under the policy.[138] Not the damn Log Cabin idiots.Obama is the actual one who got this ball rolling and saw it through. Year Coast Guard Marines Navy Army Air… Read more »

Robert Muniz
7 years ago

Log Cabin Republicans, what a joke. Placing greed over civil rights and a just and verdant society for nearly 40 years. Just proves that there are gay people who are just as messed up as their straight counterparts…

7 years ago

The Log Cabin bunch are entitled, usually older, and they only care about their stock portfolios. and real estate holdings. Why on earth would any self-respecting gay person want to be aligned with the enemy camp? Making change from within? Right.

Jimmy Palmieri
Jimmy Palmieri
7 years ago

Trump picked Pence as his running mate. The most rabidly anti LGBT politician on earth. Log Cabin republicans are a sorry lot. A really sorry, shameful lot. As far as Saudi money….bet your ass I’d take it. Using it for purposes that they do not support, makes perfect sense to me. Should recovery programming turn down money from alcohol companies? NO. END OF THAT ARGUMENT.

mike dunn
mike dunn
7 years ago

Anyone who believes the Democrats are friends of the gay community is out of their mind. It was the Democrats that gave us Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Discharges did not go down but instead increased significantly. Discharges decreased under George Bush to number below when DADT was passed. When Obama entered office they increased again. It was the Log Cabin Republicans who sued in federal court and won invalidating DADT as unconstitutional. And it was the Obama Administration that filed a appeal. We got DOMA from the Democrats, the anti gay marriage federal law. The Democrats may say they support… Read more »

7 years ago

“If Trump wins it will be an amazing moment of change because it would destroy the power structure of the Republican party, the power structure of the Democratic party and destroy the power of the media. It would be an incredible release of energy… at a moment of international tension and crisis.” Camille Paglia

“People will vote for Donald Trump as a giant FU, and he’ll win big.” Michael Moore

This out and proud gay man is happy to support Trump, drain the swamp that is Washington D.C. and see Hillary behind bars before she starts WWIII.

Rick Watts
Rick Watts
7 years ago

Mindless, gutless, selfish toadies

7 years ago

Gay Trump supporters regularly do want to point out that Trump wants to block a perceived influx of Muslims who are anti-gay so we should be supporting him in that. So basically his party wants our support now after treating us like crap up to now just to help the anti-Muslim fear agenda. Hell no, not in this lifetime. Even if this fear-mongering somehow morphed into reality down the line, I’ll go out that way rather than accept the historical treatment the Republicans have dished out. It’s scorched earth, too late. Republicans could have easily defused this and embraced gay… Read more »

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
7 years ago

You can’t be “pro-gay” and have Mike Pence as your running mate. Hopefully we will see an increase in mental health spending in a Clinton Administration.

7 years ago

Daddy. Issues.

7 years ago

Just because one is Gay, Lesbian, etc doesn’t mean one is a liberal. I used to be a Reagan Republican and I attended a few Log Cabin meetings. My impression was that it was just a bunch of older and richer Gay men looking to hook-up with younger Gay men. No real issues were discussed. Also, I always wonder how anyone could vote for a political party that doesn’t really care about them. By them, I mean working-class people, regardless of sexual preferences. Instead of addressing the issues that really confront most Americans the GOP has adopted policies that work… Read more »

7 years ago

The local homosexual brownshirts just endorsed the man who promised to appoint supreme court justices that will take away our civil rights. With all the current Republican presidents and notables like Colin Powell coming out against Trump, they could have easily not endorsed him and remained in the Republican mainstream.

Its time to let all four of these toads know they are not welcome in the gay community.