CSW to Present LA Pride Plans Tonight to WeHo Gay & Lesbian Board


Christopher Street West (CSW) will present its plans for the June LA Pride event at a meeting tonight of West Hollywood’s Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board (LGAB).

The meeting will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. at the West Hollywood Library Community Meeting Room, located at 625 N. San Vicente Blvd., south of Santa Monica. Validated parking will be available in the adjacent five-story structure. This meeting is free and is open to the public.

CSW will be making major changes in the Pride parade and festival this year. One reason for the changes is the redevelopment of West Hollywood Park, where the festival takes place. This year roughly 55% of the park area used in the past by CSW will be unavailable. Also this year CSW ia planning to stage a protest march as a reaction to moves by the Trump administration that are considered harmful to LGBTQ rights.

The parade traditionally has been staged on Sunday and runs along Santa Monica Boulevard from Crescent Heights to Robertson in West Hollywood. This year’s protest march will begin on Hollywood Boulevard at Highland Avenue and continue to La Brea Avenue. It then will head south and turn right onto Santa Monica Boulevard. It is not clear whether the protest march will supplant the array of floats with music and dancers and representatives of local non-profits and community institutions.

The public will be invited to comment after CSW’s presentation.

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7 years ago

People are still asking me. “Why are we marching”. They say; “So far the only thing that has happened is the fait of trans people has been handed to the states.” THAT IS ENOUGH PEOPLE. Try being a trans person in Mississippi now. Do you seriously think we should sit by and make our trans citizens battle on their own?…When they’ve been fighting by our sides for decades? Do you think the repeal of the ACA isn’t going to decimate funding to our most vulnerable citizens? We are NOT the “I got mine, so good luck getting yours” generation. We… Read more »

Mary R
Mary R
7 years ago

I’m straight and a conservative. I have a gay family member and planned to attend this parade this year. But after reading that it’s goingbto be a protest instead, I’m cancelling the plan.

7 years ago

Nir, you don’t live in the USA anymore, why are you still commenting on this thread? I see no reason they could not make the Pride parade and the March a mixed event, seems like a no-brainer.

Nir Zilberman
Nir Zilberman
7 years ago
Reply to  kab1200

Like i say before, i own my properties in WEST HOLLYWOOD. I AM one of the 18% who DID vote by mail. Why do i care, because i know better. i will be in WEHO in June, and it’s very simple. Let me be clear, when you have a relationship with someone, you stop to care because your partner live in other city? I gave this city so much and very proud of it, i was the one who spoke for the homeless, and now people at least talking…I love WEST HOLLYWOOD. I Hate the grid and what our, MY… Read more »

David Fanarof
David Fanarof
7 years ago

For the time being, I feel better after speaking with Genevieve at The Chamber. Apparently, they are still trying to work it all out and find space for the festival. I hope it all comes together. It would be nice if moving forward there could be input from the public as well as businesses in the community to create the Pride we all want to see happen in West Hollywood.

John K
John K
7 years ago

A massive protest parade ending at the entrance gates to a reduced capacity festival that on a good year is impossible to get into. What could go wrong?

David Fanarof
David Fanarof
7 years ago

JD90069 you’re right that once the businesses along SAMO BLVD find out about this, they will express their displeasure. Let me start. I’m livid. My business is a restaurant. We do NOT serve alcohol and Pride is an event that we depend on every year to help cover our high rent, fees, etc for the privilege of doing business in West Hollywood. This is another death nail into the heart some of the small businesses along the possibly former parade route in West Hollywood and dying gay village. I’m all for making Pride more relevant and attracting more than just… Read more »

Nir Zilberman
Nir Zilberman
7 years ago
Reply to  David Fanarof

i’m all about Pride, but Pride can look different ways. our WEHO gay village? where? It’s starts with our own “leaders”. they are they one that “running” our lives and forcing our LGBTQ to move out of our city. As far as business go, i agree with you 100% last year we could not even have a booth. Just imagine, every store, every restaurant will display images of our LGBTQ History, bring some ART, LIFE MUSIC and have ALL people walking from business to business and experiencing real pride. what “kills” me that you are right, It’s very sad that… Read more »

Nir Zilberman
Nir Zilberman
7 years ago

Just to let you know, on Pride Weekend, Sundays, all my location were closed on santa monica blvd.
the only business who benefits from this events are again, bars and restaurants who serve Alcohol. We had to closed because so many drunk, drug users came to our stores made a mess. i had to hire extra people, so we lost money. our money was made 1-2 weeks before when people shop for pride. during pride, again, it’s all party.
no one wants to carry shopping bags and party. simple.

7 years ago

The PRIDE event is for the community to express ones self and there will also be a business aspect to the event as we need it to be profitable yet fun, to have it produced every year, but I do think that once the businesses along SAMO blvd and the surrounding areas find out that there will not be thousands of ppl over that weekend it will be panic time for City Council. The businesses need to express their displeasure for this decision as it will reduce their revenue for the month and hence decrease the money going into the… Read more »

Nir Zilberman
Nir Zilberman
7 years ago

JD90069, Thank you.
I’m so over those “pride events” that promote drinking, drugs and sex and $$$$$$$ !
It’s all about business, not pride.

We must “Go Back To Basic”.

Too many of us, forgot our “history”, at least we can do keep
To All Genders. All colors. All Ages. All Religions, Rich or poor, Sick or Healthy.


7 years ago

way to go Nir !!!!!!! the Parade is about OUR PRIDE, we go to be accepted and to know that we can accept others for who they are.

Ricky Moore-Daniels
7 years ago

perhaps the legislators have some role in that.

Todd Bianco
7 years ago

Even after the uproar from last year and the big loss, CSW gets a de facto vote of confidence from the City with another no-bid contract to stage the annual Pride (or is that a music festival?) event in West Hollywood. Will it ever adapt to the times? Will it ever actually pay respect to the people who sacrificed and died for us to be where we are? This would be the perfect year for it to get political again with marriage court battles brewing in state courts again and the all-out assault on transgender rights from 45’s administration.