WeHo Residents Can Offer Support Online for Neighborhood Traffic Calming Measures

Example of a lump in Sacramento. (Photo from Andrew Nixon / Capital Public Radio)

West Hollywood residents looking to support traffic calming measures for their neighborhoods now can do that online.

The online process is part of the city’s Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. The program is designed to let residents work with City Hall staff to find solutions to traffic issues on neighborhood streets.

The NTMP program is focused on improving neighborhood quality of life by:

— Reducing cut-through traffic on residential streets;

— Slowing traffic on residential streets;

— Creating safer walking and bicycling conditions; and

— Providing greening opportunities.

It is a five-step process that involves recommendations from neighborhood traffic studies. The steps include:

— Written Request — Requests can be initiated by an individual or a neighborhood group;

— Data Collection and Analysis — Staff evaluates the feasibility of requests. Solutions for basic requests can implemented within several weeks; other requests require more evaluation including the collection of data on the street segment including speed surveys, traffic volume counts, crashes, bicycle routes, pedestrian activity, and impacts on neighboring streets;

— Community Involvement — A community meeting will be held to collect general information about the neighborhood concerns. If the request moves forward, there may be follow up meetings to discuss potential solutions. Agreement of more than 50% of neighborhood residents is needed in order to implement some projects;

— Commission and Council Action — The city’s Transportation Commission and the City Council will review requests for approval of traffic calming implementation; and


— Final Project Implementation — Pending City Council approval, the project is placed in the budgets and is implemented.

Information about the current 38 traffic calming proposals recommended by recent citywide traffic studies can be found on the NTMP web page, where neighborhood residents can add their comments.

More information is available from Walter Davis, the city’s Neighborhood Traffic Management Program specialist, at (323) 848-6328 or at wdavis@weho.org. For people who are deaf or hard of hearing, please call TTY (323) 848-6496.

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Speed Bump
Speed Bump
6 years ago

If our mighty under manned under funded (by their own admission) Sheriff’s Department would simply enforce existing law the residents would not be inclined to break the law or need all these work arounds. Work smarter, not harder and PLEASE no more consultants. If you are a department head presumably you were hired for your expertise at a very “generous” salary. Let’s get serious and solve some of these basic problems.

6 years ago

Orange Grove Ave. both North and South of Santa Monica Blvd. are constantly terrorized by cars, motorcycles, trucks and even Commercial Vehicles tearing down the street to either avoid the traffic light *and congestion at Santa Monica and Fairfax or because they missed their turn and are trying to get back to Fairfax. Either way, the street is exceptionally narrow and the cars are exceptionally fast. My Guide Dog and I have been bumped several times by inattentive or rushed drivers at the intersection on the south side of Santa Monica and N. Orange Grove…

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
6 years ago

Speed bumps should be used only after no other ways solve a problem. They are a nightmare for locals who always have to deal with them as drivers and then as residents hearing the constant noise they make. They also reduce property values – prospective buyers notice them and often avoid houses near them.

6 years ago

If an officer was placed at Rugby and West Knoll Friday and Saturday nights, they’d make a god damn fortune! Oh all the streets, this one needs it the most in this neighborhood (since it’s the widest).

6 years ago

There was no list of the 38 proposals on the linked page.

Staff Report
6 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Sorry for that error! The story has been updated with the correct link.

6 years ago

The speed bumps on Huntley, below Melrose, work really well. I wish more streets had those. We tried to get them on Flores, above Santa Monica Blvd, but were denied. People just race up down our street. Maybe they would reconsider now.

Jim Seidelman
Jim Seidelman
6 years ago

Maybe a traffic officer issuing tickets for the stop signs on Sweetzer that people don’t stop for. Would help prevent accidents and raise city funds.