Artist Who Attacked Hollywood Walk of Fame’s Trump Star Is Charged with Felony Vandalism


The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has never removed a star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. But if the West Hollywood City Council tonight follows through on plans to ask the Chamber to remove the star honoring Donald Trump, and the Chamber agrees, perhaps Hollywood will see a minor reduction in Hollywood Boulevard crime.

The most recent star-related crimes occurred on July 25 when the Trump star was smashed with a pickaxe. Artist Mikel Clay, 24, was charged today with felony vandalism in the incident. He is set to be arraigned on Aug. 15 and could face up to three years in jail if convicted.

It was about 3:30 a.m. on July 25 when police were alerted to the vandalism on Hollywood Boulevard near Highland Avenue. Witnesses told ABC7 that a man carrying a guitar case pulled a pickaxe from the case and broke up the star.

The damaged Trump star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (Source: Instagram for John Gregory, ABC 7 News)

After bashing through the plaque, the man called police and advised he had vandalized Trump’s star, the Los Angeles Times reported. He said, “See you soon” before leaving the scene, Lt. Karen Leong of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Hollywood Division told the newspaper.

About an hour later, officials say Clay walked up to Beverly Hills police headquarters, identified himself and said he wanted to turn himself in.

It was the second time Trump’s star has been vandalized in less than two years. In October 2016 a man dressed as a construction worker smashed the star with a pickaxe and sledgehammer. James Otis pleaded no contest to felony vandalism in February 2017 and was sentenced to three years probation, 20 days of community service and agreed to pay $4,400 for the damage.


Following the vandalism, the CEO of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, which administers the Walk of Fame, urged would-be vandals to vote if they wanted to make a political statement.

Mikel Clay

“The Hollywood Walk of Fame is an institution celebrating the positive contributions of the inductees,” said president and CEO Leron Gubler. “When people are unhappy with one of our honorees, we would hope that they would project their anger in more positive ways than to vandalize a California State landmark. Our democracy is based on respect for the law. People can make a difference by voting and not destroying public property.”

West Hollywood City Councilmembers John D’Amico and Lindsey Horvath have put an item on tonight’s Council agenda urging the Hollywood Chamber and the City of Los Angeles to remove the president’s star “due to his disturbing treatment of women and other actions that do not meet the shared values of the City of West Hollywood, the region, state, and country.”

The Hollywood Chamber received a request in 2015 to remove a star honoring comedian Bill Cosby but declined to do it.

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Emilija Torbešic
6 years ago

I think we should all come out in support of the pickaxe hero given Trump’s racist, sexist, and anti-LGBT positions. In the more conservative parts of the country, racists with confederate flags inspired by Trump vandalize Civil Rights Memorials and, even the grave sites of non-christians. Given Trump’s support for racist neoconfederate causes even calling them “very good people” after they committed numerous hate crime assaults in Charlottesville which includes the murder of anti-racist activist Heather Heyer, it would be a shame to the rest of us if Trump keeps his star on the walk of fame!

Cy Husain
6 years ago

An excellent idea if applied to Western Foreign Policy when it comes to Countries that Elect governments they don’t like and seek to over throw via covert ops. Now you go tell them leave Nicolás Maduro alone, rebuild Gaza and, get over their infantile xenophobic need to oppress others!

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago

It’s a bit harsh. A felony? He turned himself in. No one was hurt. Obviously the DA is biased. His Lawyer will find case law that shows the charges are inappropriate. I don’t support vandalism is any way, but having studied Bevahioral Science I can understand this guys anger torward Trump, but he should express in in positive ways like getting the Vote out.

6 years ago

I may be wrong, but I believe the determination of felony is made based on the dollar amount of the damage. Stars on the Walk of Fame cost approx. $35,000. That is why it is a felony.

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago
Reply to  Alison

The DA had the option for a lesser charge. He/She is not required to make it a Felony based solely on a dollar amount. I’m sure the charges will be reduced during Pre-Trial.

Cy Husain
6 years ago
Reply to  Alison

Well Trump supporters routinely vandalize Mosques, book stores and, Nature Preserves (not to mention violent assaults up to and including murder) with hardly ever being charged with a felony!

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

good point.