This week on GTV we de-stress, ogle and swoon with some hotties with some serious upper bodies. First we have an amazing video by Charlie XCX where she shows off all our favorite guys in her new song “Boys.” Next we get sultry and wet with Eli Lieb’s newest video “Shangri La.” Finally there’s another amazing video by my favorite Shirtless Violinist as he covers the popular song “Despacito” — topless as always. They can also be found on the Royal Playlist for your viewing pleasure.
As always, if you ever have any questions or just want to spill the “T” you can email me at [email protected] or IM me on my Facebook, Instagram or Twitter @EmpressOfWeHo, and don’t forget to visit the GTV page for this week’s new highlights and jam with the Royal Playlist.
Royally Yours,
The Empress of WeHo