“Straight A” | Todd Lien


I know most everyone in the world wants to make his or her parents proud. We want them to love us for who we are and what we choose to do with our lives. We also want them to love the people we choose to love, and in the LGBTQ+ world it still can be a struggle to get your parents to love the person who you love. In this video by Todd Lien, we meet Alex, who is struggling with keeping his long-term, same-sex  relationship a secret and  keeping his image of being the perfect straight A son. Eventually, Alex must face his father and tell him the truth about his sexuality.

For people who have grown up with families from different cultures or religious points of view, it sometimes can be a struggle to get them to love and accept you for being who you are.

This video teaches us that we never truly know what goes on in our family members’s minds, but we should be honest because they might surprise you.

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