A rally will take place in West Hollywood park Tuesday evening with participants calling for the impeachment of Donald Trump.
The rally is one of nearly 600 events around the country that are part of the Impeach & Remove campaign. As of this publication, more than 750 people have signed up to attend the West Hollywood event.
The rally is scheduled to begin in West Hollywood at 5:30 p.m., with local politicians and activists invited to speak around 5:45 p.m.
The rallies are taking place the night before the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on a measure to impeach Trump. “
“The night before the House of Representatives takes a somber vote to impeach Trump, we’ll head to every congressional office and public square to declare that Nobody Is Above the Law as representatives finalize their positions and senators look on,” says the Impeach & Remove website. “Events will be visible, family-friendly, public gatherings to demonstrate to our lawmakers that their constituents are behind them to defend the Constitution—and that Trump has left them no alternative to uphold their oath of office but to support impeachment and removal.”
Those interested in attending the West Hollywood rally are invited to sign up online.
West Hollywood Park is located on San Vicente Boulevard between Santa Monica Boulevard and Melrose Avenue. Parking is available in the five-story parking garage at 625 N. San Vicente Blvd. adjacent to the library. Validation for parking is available on site at the park’s recreation office or at the library.
Imagine how many poor, severely-disabled, homeless, hungry and dying Americans would love for our congressional leaders to spend as much time on their needs, than the hateful revenge impeachment of Donald Trump. Pathetic. These Democrats don’t care about the American people, at all. It’s all about them. Them. Their feelings. Their needs. Their need for more power. Their need to cover up Biden’s Quid Pro Quo for Hunter’s 50,000 plus a month job due to his daddy’s position in WH. How many of you could ever get your son a $50,000 a year job with an energy company, when your… Read more »
“There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know”.
Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump is going to be impeached and thrown out of office is Whistling Dixie. It’s pathetic and a total waste of time and energy.
Waste of time and resources. Meanwhile dozens of homeless will be sleeping on the streets of Weho tonight.
This is so tiring! What are you resisting? The best economy in many decades, lower taxes, lowest unemployment for blacks and hispanics EVER, the stock market that has grown faster and higher than ever before, manufacturing coming back, pull-out of our military in useless global conflicts, more school choice, ……, I could go on and on. Get past Trump’s personality, his bloviating, his personal life and look at what he has done on the job!
Please tell me what the problem is! Be specific.
A new CNN impeachment poll released on Monday found that not only is support for impeachment and removal underwater nationwide, but that support has dropped among Democrat voters by double-digits. “Support for impeaching Trump and removing him from office stands at 45% in the new poll, down from 50% in a poll conducted in mid-November just after the conclusion of the House Intelligence Committee’s public hearings,” CNN reported. “Opposition to impeachment and removal stands at 47% in the new poll, up from 43% in November.” CNN added, “Support for impeachment and removal among Democrats has dipped from 90% in November… Read more »
NOT TRUE! When I checked on the figures I got altright pro-Trump bloggs with that figure NOT CNN. A Fox News (so NOT a liberal source) poll released Sunday morning shows that a majority of registered voters think Trump should be impeached (54 percent). Half of the survey’s respondents (50 percent) not only think Trump should be impeached, but that he should also be removed from office!
I agree with Cy.
Impeachment is mathematically impossible but this circus is a distraction from the Epstein murder ( a man under 24 hour surveillance , high-profile with connections with much of the elite). Same is going on in Britain with yet another vote on Brexit. It’s to keep people from talking about how a person who could have given evidence on these criminals was killed so easily. Wake up people. We need an Independent with less govt control of our lives. Trump is still your best choice until that happens. Economy will immediately crash if he isn’t elected. But he’s for sure going… Read more »
Impeachment is likely. Removal, unless Republicans realize how dangerous and historical his crimes are, is unlikely. The Epstein travesty is not who/what most people are hiding. It is the systematic destruction of institutions, laws, and norms. Trump is running a criminal enterprise. He refuses to appoint people who need Senate confirmation and refuses to fill agencies, so there are no quorums for investigations/resolutions. He fired scientists and withheld reports. Replacing professionals w/decades of knowledge and expertise w/his cronies. He may not believe in anything, but he governs like right-wing conservative Republican. “Economy will immediately crash?” That’s what people say every… Read more »
Unfortunately, many Senators have already stated they have made up their minds, prior to any trial. So there is no way he will be removed from office.
Ummm, the Democrats are all voting together for impeachment (minus those with brains). Sounds like they made up their mind a long time ago.
Thank you, WEHOville, for publicizing this event. We are looking forward to a well-attended, empowering display of community support for the impeachment proceedings. There doesn’t seem to be any rallies planned in West LA, and so West Hollywood will be the rally destination tomorrow for many patriots, social justice warriors and members of the Resistance. It moves me to see so many like-minded people interested in coming together to show unity at this difficult time in American history. This is true community of spirit and a demonstration that our elected officials should never underestimate the power of the people. I… Read more »
Really? And what significance will this have singing to the choir? Most folks in West Hollywood don’t even vote. It was not even possible to impeach or expel our own council member.
Think globally, act locally.
Vigilant, do you know how impeachment works in WeHo? There was plenty of an opportunity, yet those that are passionate about it didn’t make it work (I think they spent more time commenting on articles on this site, or on Facebook). With the irony being that they could have gathered signatures at polling places during the Spring election, when this all went down. I believe it takes 20% of registered voters signatures to impeach a Councilmember (on a ballot). Which is also about the same percentage of voter turnout in the Spring election. Not to say that every voter would… Read more »
Resistance??? Resisting what??? Great economy, jobs, etc???
This is great. It’s very hard to believe that so many Americans actually (still) support this psycho who has turned our whole government (& country) into one big uncivilized mess. It just gets scarier & no one has a clue how it will end. Impeachment & removal would be a very promising & encouraging start