What Up Council! The Bros Are Back to Pitch ‘Non-Labor Day’


Twenty-something bros Chad Kroeger and J.T. Parr rolled into the West Hollywood City Council for a second time on Monday night – but not on their scooters (that was on Sept. 4, 2018).

This time the comedic activists were in WeHo to push for the City of West Hollywood, which observes the national Labor Day holiday like every other city, to declare a “Non-Labor Day,” a day for the unemployed, “absolutely dedicated to those who don’t work.”

That would include Kroeger, who says he commits his time to enjoying the sun and the surf. And his friends, who like to chill make home brew. His talk during the Council’s public comment period is shown in the video above.

But Kroeger and Parr’s commitment to activism, with a sense of humor, is what they really spend their time on.  Their Chad Goes Deep website and “Going Deep: Giving Advice to Bros and Everybody Else” podcast tells the story.

Chad Kroeger and J.T. Parr of ChadGoesDeep.com

In addition to their unsuccessful appeal that the West Hollywood City Council authorize electric scooters, their activism has included hipster comments before the Los Angeles City Council and the Newark, N.J., City Council, where last year they showed up to express opposition to the city’s “unruly social gathering” law, which allowed police to give the hosts or organizers of a party with as few as four people a citation that would require a fine and community service. Their travel to Newark was funded by students from the University of Delaware, who opposed the law.

Kroeger and Parr, whose real names are Tom Allen and John Parr, also have appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show and the Howard Stern Show,  where Stern played a video of the pair appearing before the Manhattan Beach City Council to ask it to rename its water treatment center the Britney Spears Toxic Water Center after her hit song “Toxic.”


According to a story published on theinertia.com, it was on the Ellen show that Kroeger explained why he decided he had to do more than surf and tan on the beach. ““Well, our main mission is just to raise stoke within the nashe,” Kroeger said.

“For me, stoke is like being in a car with your boys and your girlfriend, going to get fish tacos,” Parr told DeGeneres.

 “It’s basically like this feeling you have in your heart where you know that life is really legit. Like a ripe avocado. Or like, a compliment on your tan.”

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Mark Ariel
4 years ago


Cy Husain
4 years ago

You realize this is the typical white male I compete against in job interviews? So delegating more authority to someone like me is likely in everyone’s better interest. REALLY!

4 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

I’m sorry about that. Although I believe that this message is intended to be discriminatory towards whites (which you often are), I’ll respond by saying that you must be interviewing for very low-level jobs (not requiring a college degree) if you are up again white males like him. I wouldn’t expect to compete against him in any job interview that i’d go to.