Mayor Horvath’s Peers Criticize Her and City Board Members for Not Seeking Permission for the Trans Flag

Transgender flag image at the intersection of Santa Monica and San Vicente boulevards

The intersection of Santa Monica Boulevard and San Vicente Boulevard is viewed by many as the entrance to West Hollywood’s Boystown gay nightlife district. That’s why the City Council decided in 2012 to create two crosswalks painted in the rainbow of colors used in 1978 by Gilbert Baker to create the Gay Pride flag.

But the thousands and thousands of people who marched into West Hollywood on Sunday to protest police violence against Black people found themselves also greeted by a rendering of the blue, pink, and white transgender flag.  And some City Council members aren’t happy that city board and commission members were involved in creating that.

City Councilmember John Duran, at Monday’s Council meeting, was critical that people had painted the trans flag image without reaching out to City Hall for permission. He noted that when the city created the rainbow crosswalks, it decided not to put an image in the center of the intersection.

Duran was more upset when he learned today that members of city boards and commissions participated in the painting and that, by her presence, Mayor Lindsey Horvath was giving her tacit permission. Sheriff’s deputies were also on the scene, standing quietly by while the painting was being done. Councilmember Lauren Meister also expressed her concern about that.

“There is a reason that law enforcement and government officials have to remain neutral on free speech,” Duran said in a text message to WEHOville objecting to the flag painting. “For example, if this sets a precedent and a group wants to paint a Confederate flag on Santa Monica Boulevard, we can’t say ‘oh we agree with trans rights so that unauthorized mural can stay, but your Confederate flag has to go.’  Now we are regulating content.  And the government cannot regulate free speech — whether it’s law enforcement or city government. “

Painting the transgender flag on Santa Monica Boulevard (Facebook)

The painting was a project of the organizers of Sunday’s All Black Lives Matter protest march.  John Erickson, a member of the city’s Planning Commission and a candidate in the Nov. 3 City Council election, was part of the group that help paint the flag image late on Saturday night.  Mayor Horvath was on the scene, as were more than a dozen others including Karen Andros Eyres and Angela de Silva, members of the city’s Women’s Advisory Board; Alexis Sanchez, a member of the city’s Transgender Advisory Board, Zekiah Wright, a member of the city’s Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board, and Noemi Torres, a member of the city’s Public Facilities Commission who also is running for a West Hollywood City Council seat.  Duran and Councilmember John Heilman are both up for re-election in the Nov. 3 race.


In a Facebook post that included photos of him and others doing the painting Erickson said: “Sometimes you take over Santa Monica Blvd. on a Saturday night and paint a giant trans flag to say loud and proud: Black Trans Lives Matter!”

In a text message to WEHOville, Duran said that “any person defacing public property is subject to arrest for misdemeanor vandalism.But when a crime is committed with the participation of public officials who act under the color of authority,  it is especially troubling.   Any other person would have been arrested.   The Mayor and commissioners are supposed to defend the city, not order deputies to stand guard while an offense is committed.“

In an email message to WEHOville, Erickson said: “This action was clearly meant to lift up trans voices and visibility and stand as allies for the trans community, as trans people -especially Black trans women – continue to fall victim to violence and murder. I believe it it’s important to center trans voices in the conversation and I hope West Hollywood will do more to include them in the conversation as we work to build a more just future.

John Erickson and Alexis Sanchez painting the transgender flag image on Santa Monica Boulevard

“While painting the flag was not my idea, I support the action.  While activists, advocates, and others are out fighting to keep our transgender community alive, some seem to be more concerned with washing away advocacy, rather than fighting for Black trans lives and supporting all members of our community.”

Horvath said she was aware that the demonstration and the painting of the transgender flag were not conducted with a formal permit from the city. “Recognizing that this was not a permitted event, I applaud the city’s response to this demonstration — especially our Sheriffs who were there protecting the peaceful protestors,” she said. “I truly appreciate them stepping up to protect our trans activists and their allies.

“I am aware of the limits of my formal authority as the Mayor of West Hollywood.  No one person on the City Council can ‘order’ or direct the Sheriff’s Department or city staff to do anything.

“That being said, I am a proud ally of the transgender community, and I have marched in the streets in support of black lives. If the organizers of this flag painting action had come to me in time, I would have proudly drafted an agenda item of support for the Council to consider, and I would like to think the Council would have passed it.

“We need to direct our energy to support activists who are fighting to protect black trans lives. We should focus our anger on the recent brutal murders of two black trans women, or the Trump Administration’s erasure of healthcare protections for transgender people during Pride Month on the anniversary of the Pulse shooting. Better yet, maybe cisgender people can take a pause all together and listen to our transgender family, center their voices in this conversation, and empower their work.”

Councilmember Meister said she also felt that it had been inappropriate to paint the transgender flag image on a city street without reaching out to City Hall.

“While I am very supportive of our transgender community and #TransLivesMatters, it does concern me that no one thought to apply for a permit, no one thought to check with our City Manager, and no one thought to ask Council to expedite,” Meister said. “If a council member was involved that evening,  and approval was implied as far as Sheriff’s personnel or city staff were concerned, that would be disturbing because as a sworn public official in the City of West Hollywood, there is, like it or not, protocol and a code of conduct. This is not about the transgender community, but rather a public official’s actions, without the consent of the Council majority or knowledge of the City Manager.”

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Vincent Campisi
Vincent Campisi
4 years ago

John Erickson must be removed immediately. Lindsay Horvath must be removed immediately. Does anyone not see this? It’s a banana Republic here in West Hollywood.

4 years ago

A gross miscalculation of judgement in the case of one functioning as West Hollywood Mayor and one aspiring for city council status. Small town emotional demonstrations focusing light on themselves as proverbial leaders diminishes the integrity of the broader subject, whatever that may be.

Andrew Solomon
Andrew Solomon
4 years ago

Proud to live in a city where the Mayor supports peaceful activists and even joins them on occassion. The flag looked great and I hope they make it a permanent addition on a crosswalk somewhere within our city.

Ty Geltmaker
Ty Geltmaker
4 years ago

So many comments against Mayor Horvath’s participation in painting the TransFlag seem to be from gay white people upset that WeHo is no longer — but alas, it is — such a ghetto of LGB (T & Q not welcome) assumed privilege. Come’on brothers and sisters, history is moving forward and you are in the caboose.

Ty Geltmaker
Ty Geltmaker
4 years ago

Brava!!! Mayor Horvath, for having joined in the TransFlag street painting! Councilmember Duran’s twisted, legalistic argument would not mean allowing a Confederate Flag on the pavement or anywhere else other than private property. Councilmember Meister needs to come clean on where she really stands on this issue. As an historian of Modern European fascism I would claim an extra-legal right to erase Nazi symbols from our streets, even as the Trumpian echo chamber reverberates with ‘Triumph of the Will’ images and chants worthy of der Fuhrer and il Duce. Do Duran and Co not understand that we are now in… Read more »

James Rosen
James Rosen
4 years ago

Go Mayor Horvath!
You will have my Vote !

4 years ago
Reply to  James Rosen

Am with you James!

T Eubie Tryppin
T Eubie Tryppin
4 years ago

Kinda reminds me of how nobody asked us whether T should be added to LGB either.
But fine, have your own (gender stereotype-reinforcing) flag. Get your own rights/advocacy groups while your at it. You do you.

Vincent Campisi
Vincent Campisi
4 years ago

If anyone needs to be removed from the council it’s Lindsay Horvath, What she did was illegal. She has hurt the trans community by putting them in this situation.

I honestly believe she is trying to divide us. Everyone please go out and vote in November, no matter who you vote for, just vote.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
4 years ago

100% agree

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
4 years ago

It’s not about the damned flag or what it stands for, it’s about an elected public servant and the oath to the city she has sworn to serve and to not be complicit in criminal vandalism against that city. The same holds for those who seek to hold similar office. The city of West Hollywood is not a kingdom and there is no monarch. Horvath’s crafty words attempt to divert, deflect and deny personal responsibility for her inauthentic, grandstanding, and entirely juvenile behavior. This is not a situation in which the ends justify the means. This is about an imperious… Read more »

LA Woman
LA Woman
4 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Yes she has to go. Why does she spend all day re tweeting and not directing our poor city?

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
4 years ago
Reply to  LA Woman

she is just as bad as the rest. this is not a serious city. sadly.

Danielle Harris
Danielle Harris
4 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Pompous is right. Censure Mayor Lindsey Horvath.

DD Donelly
DD Donelly
4 years ago

Are the rainbow flags representative of LGBTQ? Why do we want unity but work to separate each group?

4 years ago

Really? This was such a joyous peaceful and loving March. You are bickering over some paint on a street that will easily fade or we can paint over. Bravo to Lindsay for joining in this celebration of equality. Do you want to be indignant? Here’s a list of topics to consider John Duran. The amount of money this city has paid for sexual-harassment suits was enough to repaint that spot many times over. And let’s not forget the Stormy Daniels key to the city How about developers who want to plant a huge gilded birdcage restaurant on A major intersection?… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Susan

jfi. This is what I don’t agree with — hate filled signs like swastikas, racist symbols, the confederate flag. As long as it’s a symbol of peace, I’m all for it.
Are you saying you don’t agree with equal rights for all vulnerable populations?

4 years ago
Reply to  Susan

Oh I get it. And I also get that we’re an extraordinary time right now. there is a need to be fluid. There are exceptions to all rules. I think this one is a darn good exception during these tumultuous days. Again, we’re talking about paint. Not looting. Not setting fires. not attempting to infect as many people as possible with COVID-19. paint
with a loving message