If mainstream movies and bars with go go boys don’t scratch your creative itch, you might check out events at Human Resources LA in Chinatown. HRLA was founded by a team of creative types whose goal is to “broaden engagement with contemporary and conceptual art, with an emphasis on performative and underexposed modes of expression” Tonight is a screening of Margaret Haines’ “featurette” film “Coco.” HRLA says Coco “drifts betwixt and between states of consciousness and madness – and genre, exploring film Noir epilogue, sci-fi, skate video and #pale-core. Its ambivalence to definition is predicated by using the possibility of delusion and irrationality as its methodological model.”
“The character Coco, half deluded actress, half recovering patient, relates her life in the span of what could be one day, while her memory extends the film’s time to include childhood, fantasy, trauma and future aspirations – beyond the time she takes to tell you.” What could be more artsy than that?