Rally Coverage: WeHo Couples React to Marriage Rulings

rally couples
Thom Uber and Bill Hacket. (Photo by Stevie St. John)

gay marriage rally

For days, Thom Uber and Bill Hacket had been getting up early and eagerly awaiting word about Supreme Court rulings on Prop 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). On Wednesday morning, that word finally came. Hacket teared up, and the men embraced.

The two West Hollywood men, who married in September 2008, joined hundreds of LGBT people and their allies for a celebratory rally at the Santa Monica and San Vicente intersection on Wednesday evening.

“It’s such a joyous day,” said Hacket, who contrasted it with the “days and days of marching in the streets” that took place after Prop 8 passed in the November 2008 election.

Hacket and Uber met at The Abbey — located just about a block away from the rally site — in 2001. A few days later, they went on their first date; it, too, was at The Abbey. Feeling nostalgic, they walked by the restaurant/bar prior to heading toward the rally on Wednesday.

They feel fortunate to have found each other, and they’re glad other same-sex couples will now be able to marry in the Golden State.


Jon and Eric Anthony could be among the couples getting hitched soon. The two WeHo men, who are registered domestic partners, have been together for three and a half years. They’ve talked a lot about the possibility of getting legally married once they can do so.

“We’re really excited because it’s a landmark decision, and we’re excited to be here in West Hollywood where we feel the action is,” Eric Anthony said.

gay marriage rally
Eric and Jon Anthony. (Photo by Stevie St. John)
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