City Council passed a proposal this week to explore the stopping or reduction of low-level traffic stops in West Hollywood.
Mayor Pro Tem Sepi Shyne and Councilmember Lindsey Horvath, who authored the proposal, reminded the public that it was only a first step.
“This is direction to the city attorney to work with the county to investigate precedent and to come back to council with direction that reflects the needs of our community,” Horvath said. “the goal behind this is to de-escalate situations to make sure that from a cost perspective that we’re making best use of our resources both in terms of dollars and cents but also in terms of the time that our law enforcement officials have to spend on in addressing and preventing crime in our community.”
Shyne presented statistics that support the presence of racial biases in traffic stops.
“People who were perceived as black were searched at 2.4 times the rate of people perceived as white,” she said. “Overall officers searched 1870 more people perceived as black than those perceived as white. In addition transgender women were searched at 2.5 times
“I can’t wait one more day to provide justice for black and brown people that are being pulled over at a higher rate, that are having use of force at a higher rate — and so this is really what this is about,” Shyne said.
Though supportive of the proposal’s intent, Mayor Lauren Meister was hesitant because West Hollywood-specific data from the Center for Police Equities had not yet been produced and presented by city staff.
“I, too, like you, Mayor, when I met with staff had a lengthy conversation about the Center for Police Equities report,” said Councilmember John Erickson. “I think I myself might be back in senior care back in Wisconsin being cared for by my nieces and nephews by the time that item seems to be coming back to us here at council.”
The proposal passed 4-1, with Meister as the lone “no” vote.
Although West Hollywood leaders often presume the city to be a fiefdom, it is not. Playing at government making and civil matters is what folks may have done in the third grade and is not practical in reality.
Ignoring the elementary foundation of motor vehicle law is not a path towards reduced examples of crime. It is a false notion and a free pass to future free passes. Presumably the State through DMV sets these requirements and our local jurisdiction is not likely to be successful waiving them in spirit or action. Respect is a learned skill.
John Erickson- please have your friend greeneyedguy stop insulting people on wehoville.
Erickson is the greeneyedguy.
Erickson doesn’t follow this site.
He doesn’t? He is probably to busy doing hair and nails or playing with Lindsey and Sepi and all their dogs.
Great, another disparaging comment, towards someone’s appearance. That goes against everything that this city stands for. People can be who they are, whether you like it or not.
Relax Francis
Not, not going to “relax.” No matter how much you hate the local government, and constantly bitch and complain, one thing that I though kept us all together was the respect of everyone’s ability to show self-expression here, and having a safe place to be who you are. If you are a Councilmember who wants to paint your nails, so be it. If John Heilman wanted to bleach his hair and have a faux-hawk in his mid-50’s, let him do it, and leave him alone. If someone wants to show up at a City Council meeting and appear at the… Read more »
Randy is another city hall account. Stop wasting weho’s money.
Thanks for your paranoia. I am so, not. I’ve lived here since 1999. Probably longer than you. And, I don’t think you’re really a “fan” of WeHo
You either work for them or your friends do. Such a corrupt and divisive group of people.
I so, DO NOT. But if you want to keep thinking that, I do not care.
And, for the record, I agree with Meister’s vote, here.
Randy, It is ridiculous that you are being bullied when people should be focused on the issue rather than the personalities.
Thank you Steve! Indeed.
Thank you for correctly pointing out that “WehoFan” is a bully.
Respectability politics are the obsession of small minds and gatekeepers of influence. Let the public mock and bemoan our failed leaders, it’s good for democracy.
Yes, and let them continue with their conspiracy theories about real people who live in the neighborhood who are just “spies” for Councilmembers? From anonymous accounts? No thanks.
Don’t stop enforcing the law, that makes laws mean nothing. And those that would break the law knowing that will just commit more crimes. If people were so concerned about getting pulled over which might escalate to something more serious, then wouldn’t the easiest thing be to make sure your headlights are working and that you have a license plate on your car? I mean they were smart enough to get a drivers license. They have to be smart enough to know what NOT to do to get pulled over. Maybe the city should spend money on educating the public… Read more »
I was stopped a while back because a tail light was out. I’m white. Very white! It took a few minutes for them to check out my identity but I know there’s a reason for it. My identity was stolen (and used, fraudulently) by my former tax preparer but he found out that I was onto him and had reported him to the Sheriff’s department, so he moved and couldn’t be found. He was stopped by WeHo deputies for a minor moving violation (a fix-it ticket) and when they ran his identity they found that he was a wanted man… Read more »
The “very white” man that worked in law enforcement for decades is asking where the racism is?
Some people see racism in the rising of the sun. They see it whether it’s there or not. An awful lot of what they call racist ….. is not!
I knew ….. I KNEW ….. I would hear from you!
Most people that see race in every issue are they themselves the racist.
The biggest racist in West Hollywood is Shyne. She hates white men
Seems that way doesn’t it.
How does it seem that way?
Ask her at your next meeting.
Cool, so you can’t provide any evidence to prove your point.
Why do you think people owe you an explanation for their comments? Why do you think you’re the arbiter of legitimacy or right or wrong? Why can’t you come up with a coherent and cogent argument beyond being a total jerk in commentary?
If you make an absurd claim that someone “hates white men”, I’d expect you to have some examples to back it up.
Again, a VERY appropriate username for you. A+
“I’d expect” says the self-proclaimed conscience of West Hollywood. Such lofty entitlement.
Correct. Narcissistic brat.
When did I proclaim anything of the sort?
Alan, do you realize how much of a hypocrite you are?
Commenting under an anonymous name after chastising others for doing the same?! Shame.
Fund the police…
The law is the law. The idiots on the Council should not be fooling around with the way the law enforcement does its job.
Then why was this item on the agenda? It would seem that the City Manager would have asked that the item be held, (or told the City Clerk not to even put it on the agenda), if relevant information that the Council wanted was not available for the hearing. While I am not too worked up about the issue, the Council and the public deserve to have all the relevant information presented when making these decisions.
They do indeed, but to take things in a studied, rational and measured way would rob the performative crowd of their chance to perform. The current council majority is more interested in acting than in engaging in sound municipal governance.
The Counciltwits don’t care about wanting relevant information on topics. Case in point – minimum wage increase for the hired help, hotel policies forced by Unite11, having the Sheriff curtail traffic stops…..
It’s interesting to read about recent LAPD arrests from low-level traffic stops: @LAPD_Southwest – Jan 20: Watch 7 Officers conducted a traffic stop for Window Tint. Upon making contact with the driver, Officers observed the barrel of a rifle protruding from underneath clothing in the backseat. A vehicle search for weapons recovered a Rifle & Handgun, Driver arrested Ex-Con with a Gun @LAPD_Southwest – Jan 20: Great work by Southwest gang unit last night, they recovered 2 handguns from a Traffic Stop. Weapons were concealed within the vehicle. @LAPD_Southwest – Jan 5: Great work by University Park Special Problems Unit… Read more »
What does the Counciltwits gain from this? Easy, brings the cannibals into the city without fear for the Cannibas stores
Just searched 2.4x the amount of times as whites? Ehhh small price to pay for my safety in the West Ghettowood
You live in Florida.
You live in Oshkosh
What the hell is Oshkosh?
Everyone knows it’s your account John.
I also own property on Palm unlike so many of the crackhead tax taking queen liberals who live in state supported subsidized housing in WeHo. Now go play somewhere else with your pearl necklace
Right, so you live in Florida. Go comment on some redneck Florida man blog.
Buttercup if you’d like to buy my condo you’re more than welcome, but I know on your hired help wages and earned income credit government subsidized lifestyle we all know that won’t happen.
Florida man says what?
Are you another that requires hand puppets to understand simple English or is your iPhone6 broken resulting in the hired help needing an ESL interpreter?
Says the person that doesn’t know the difference between “to” and “too” 😂
Your comment here is the counterpoint to a racist remark.
I understand what you’re saying and would probably agree with you, but someone who was LOOKING for offense could find it in what you said.
I said “counterpoint” when I intended to say “counterpart”.
All your heroes vacation in Miami.
This is mistake. The low level traffic stops are many times a red flag that something else wrong is in occurrence. How many times is a taillight out a DUI in progress, drug distribution in progress, domestic violence happening. These smaller red flags should not be ignored. Trying to paint traffic stops as purely racist in West Hollywood is nonsense. Fire the racist deputies then. But instead the council just wants to stop enforcing the laws period. Who is running this asylum? The same council that has approved anther (40) pot dispensaries within West Hollywood now wants to reduce low… Read more »
Why don’t you post the facts that you *cite* above?
*Sometimes* a red flag sounds like bordering on illegal search/seizure.
To me, this would display that WeHo is not looking to feed its coffers off the backs of minorities, as too many cities often do.
Illegal search and seizure? Do you even understand that concept? If a search or seizure is illegal, the evidence searched for and seized would be inadmissible in a court of law. There is an entire body of law that allows for searches and seizures during traffic stops. I don’t know anyone of any race who has never been pulled over for a traffic violation. All crimes, including minor traffic infractions, have consequences. You don’t get to cry racism on your behalf or on behalf of someone else when you or they violate a law and get caught. And you certainly… Read more »
Spot on.
Yeah…..lets not enforce the law……because one group gets pulled over more often.
When police are allowed to do their job, they’ll pull over anyone for a violation. If it happens more it Asians, Whites, Hispanics or blacks…..so be it.
Unfortunately, that is not the way it usually works.
Read a little about jurisdictions all over the country.
This city council needs to resign.