WeHo Dodgeball Protests Violence in Venezuela

WeHo Dodgeball players protest violence in Venezuela
WeHo Dodgeball players protest violence in Venezuela

With the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, LGBT people in and around West Hollywood have been focused on homophobia and violence against gay and lesbian people in that country.

But Luis Selgas, a member of the WeHo Dodgeball league, decided to remind us that autocratic regimes are assaulting people closer to home. He did that by getting dodgeball league members to join him in painting their faces with the image of the Venezuelan flag to show support for those protesting the Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro’s attempts to violently suppress dissent in his country.

Venezuela protestor amid fire and smoke bombs.
Venezuela protestor amid fire and smoke bombs (from Andreina Nash video below)

“Nine days ago, students in Venezuela gathered peacefully to protest the corrupt government. Their words were met with fists, tear gas, and gunfire,” Selgas writes. “Since that first protest, there have been numerous deaths of innocent protestors and countless unarmed civilians have been injured in brutal attacks by the government’s armed forces (as well as government-funded gangs). Those who are arrested are subjected to torture and even sexual assault.

Venezuelan student protesting with flag around his neck
Venezuelan student protestors (from Andreina Nash video below).

“The Venezuelan president, Maduro, does NOT want you to know what is happening in his country. He’s trying so hard to silence these cries for help that he’s shut out international media, silence opposing news stations, and even shut off access to Twitter.

“I know this is happening because I am Venezuelan. A big part of my family is still there. My cousin was at the front of the protest in the face of danger. Their voices need to be heard.

“Feeling helpless, I decided to paint the Venezuelan flag on my face and the faces of friends and anyone else who wanted to show support or asked. As simple as that may sound, it has sparked conversation because it has drawn attention. I ask you to please show your support by doing the same and sharing it. ”

Venezuelan protestor showing media inattention on violence.
Venezuelan protestor showing lack of media attention on violence (from Andreina Nash video below).

The following video by Andreina Nash explains exactly what’s going on in Venezuela, for those who are unaware due to limited media attention.

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