Federal DEA Agents Raid WeHo’s The Farmacy Marijuana Shop


Federal officials were mum today about what led them to raid two marijuana dispensaries, one in West Hollywood and another in Westwood, whose staff claimed they were operating within the bounds of California’s medical cannabis laws.

marijuana dispensary
The Farmacy, 8208 Santa Monica Blvd.

The raids by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration happened Thursday at two dispensaries operated by the same company, known as The Farmacy, said Vijay Rathie, special agent and public information officer for the DEA’s Los Angeles field division. He said no details were immediately available about why the dispensaries were targeted. The West Hollywood Farmacy is at 8208 Santa Monica Blvd. at Havenhurst.

The search warrants that authorized the raids were under seal, and so no details about the nature and scope of the investigation were available, said Thom Mrozek, public affairs officer for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Central District of California.

Staffers at the dispensaries told reporters that the shops were compliant with state laws but agents nonetheless seized money, marijuana and computers.  No arrests were made, the staffers said.

According to Huffington Post, an agent at the scene who requested anonymity said the raid had to do with how the business was being operated, not simply the fact that it deals in cannabis, which remains illegal under federal
law. “If this was simply about somebody selling marijuana in West Hollywood, the DEA wouldn’t be here,” the agent said.

Bill Kroger, the lawyer for The Farmacy’s owners, denied any wrongdoing on the part of his clients, telling Huffington Post they even helped craft West Hollywood’s ordinance governing medical marijuana dispensaries.


Guidelines for when federal authorities should take enforcement action were laid out in a memo issued last year by U.S. Deputy Attorney General James Cole. According to the so-called Cole Memo, the Department of Justice seeks to prevent:

–the distribution of marijuana to minors;

–marijuana sales revenue from reaching criminal enterprises, gangs and cartels;

–the diversion of marijuana from states where it is legal in some form to those where it is not;

–state-sanctioned marijuana activity to be used as a cover or pretext for trafficking of other illegal drugs or for other illegal activity;

–violence and firearms use in marijuana cultivation and distribution;

–drugged driving and other adverse public health effects;

–growing of marijuana on public lands; and

–marijuana possession or use on federal property.

“These priorities will continue to guide the Department’s enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act against marijuana-related conduct,” according to the memo. “Thus, this memorandum serves as guidance to Department attorneys and law enforcement to focus their enforcement resources and efforts, including prosecution, on persons or organizations whose conduct interferes with any one or more of these priorities, regardless of state law.”

Just last week Cole said California needs to tighten medical marijuana regulations to avoid federal enforcement actions.

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10 years ago

Kimberly – I’m so sorry to hear about your hardship. One of our clients is named “Cali CBD Delivery” (look them up on WeedMaps – they’re in North Orange Co.) – they should have tinctures and CBD genetics which they test through us (SC Labs) regularly.

10 years ago

Luca d, I’m so sorry you feel this way towards medical marijuana. I’m the mother of a 13 year old with intractable epilepsy (meaning regardless of how many/combinations of pharmaceutical prescriptions his seizures are still uncontrolled-in fact my son still has over 300 seizures a day). Needless to say, these seizures are debilitating. Last year my son was unable to attend school and was placed on home hospital school, the State of California gives FIVE hours a week. As a last resort (due to previously feeling somewhat how you currently feel) I tried CBD oil. This is a NON psychoactive… Read more »

Guy Privaton (@guyprivaton)

I have an inkling that continued prohibition is supported by either big tobacco or the law enforcement establishment. By this I refer to big tobacco’s desire to position itself to best advantage for when the bud becomes federally legal… and/or the separate law enforcement ‘establishment’ (not individual) desire to propagate itself. If prison guards, police officers, and other law enforcement do not see their ‘industry’ as something that should be made smaller by its own success – then what remains is an organization that desires continued crime to secure its existence. Instead we see the militarization of police which is… Read more »

Voice of Reason
Voice of Reason
10 years ago

Even after pot is legalized I’ll keep my Rx.

10 years ago

Such a simple solution. As a LEGITIMATE medical treatment, med marijuana should only be available in licensed pharmacy’s (Walgreens, Target, CVS, etc.).

The fact that they are allowed to open up sketchy storefronts that generally damage surrounding neighborhoods is unfair to other legitimate medications. I mean, I can buy my Oxy from an Oxy Storefront.
This strategy seems like the best way to get it into the hands of people who really need it.

What the big deal?

luca d
luca d
10 years ago

these pot shops are a joke and fraud for very capable and healthy people to claim a condition and get a pot card. pot brownies, lollipops, ridiculous. any able bodied individual who would fake an injury or ailment to shop in one of these dumps is a loser. shows you the kind of clientele and what they attract, why the security guards? here come the attacks, bring it on, and please, spare me the hard scrabbled heart tugging tale of chronic pain and duress. you all know what i’m talking about. the fakers and losers who saunter into these places… Read more »

10 years ago

Yes, the one that was raided is next to Out of the Closet. The one in the photo above has been closed for months.


10 people died yesterday of heroin od’s and 60 died from prescription od’s. 10 million opiate addicts in our country and the best the DEA can do with its time and resources is bust legal state businesses. That is screwed up priorities and more proof the DEA doesn’t care about anyone but itself.

10 years ago

Another snatch and grab by the “Feds”.

Michael H
Michael H
10 years ago

The article indicates that this business is located at 8208 Santa Monica. The photo shows a building with a big “7825” over the door. Which is it?

Staff Report
10 years ago
Reply to  Michael H

The current location is 8208 Santa Monica Blvd