Food Deliveryman Shot by Robbers on Kings Road This Morning


A man delivering food was shot during a robbery early Tuesday morning on Kings Road in West Hollywood.

The shooting occurred just before 1 a.m. in front of 1025 N. Kings Rd. according to a neighbor who heard the gunfire. Sgt. Shawn Cohen of the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station said there were two suspects and that they were driving a four-door, late-model silver sedan. They have not yet been apprehended

The food deliverer was shot several times, Cohen said, but the injuries were not life threatening. He was taken to the hospital. The robbers stole a credit card processing machine and the victim’s cell phone.

1225 N. Kings Rd.
1025 N. Kings Rd.

A Kings Road resident who alerted WEHOville to the shooting said it occurred in front of 1025 N. Kings Rd., just south of Santa Monica, near Gelson’s grocery store. “The shots woke me up from a dead sleep,” he said in an email message. “There were about eight or ten loud pops, in quick succession — four or five and then four or five more.”

This morning’s incident is the latest in a series of at least seven street robberies taking place mostly in the city’s residential areas in November and December. One of those, on Dec. 6, occurred in front of 1250 N. Kings Rd., just south of Fountain Avenue.

The Inglewood police earlier this month arrested three adults and two young men who the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station believes may have been involved in armed street robberies in West Hollywood and others in the West Los Angeles, Wilshire and Hollywood areas.


A 2014 report by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department shows that West Hollywood has the highest rate of “Part 1” crimes of any of the 23 areas it serves. Part 1 crimes include crimes against people and property such as arson (no reported incidents in West Hollywood in 2014), homicide (one incident), rape (seven incidents), car theft (87 incidents), robbery (theft that involves force; 96 incidents), burglary (breaking or entering; 220 incidents) and larceny (theft that doesn’t involve force, such as stealing a bicycle or shoplifting: 1,191 incidents). A report on serious crimes from the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station showed a 14% increase last month over November 2014. A major reason for the increase was a surge in petty thefts, defined as theft of property worth $950 or less, which were up 47%. There were only nine armed robberies, down from seven in November 2014.

Sergio Aloma, the station’s acting captain, told the City Council recently that the station has stepped up car patrols on residential streets and on the city’s Eastside, which experienced a 65% increase in serious crime in November over the same month the year before according to a report by the Sheriff’s Station.

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Jessica Mitford
9 years ago

Amazing how this story is buried. Wow. As for the Sheriff’s Department… are they kidding… this is a group of fat, overweight, cop hacks that aren’t patrolling the streets of WEHO… they are eating at various spots, giving them 50 percent discounts, after they couldn’t fill their guts at the French Market Place. WEHO should hook up with the LAPD or Beverly Hills PD instead of the third rate LA County Sheriff Dept. And they aren’t patrolling the streets. Amazing how gullible that WEHO news is!

9 years ago

How much is that automated parking structure costing the tax payers? Money that could have better used for stepped up police patrols.

mike dunn
9 years ago
Reply to  J.Q.Public

It’s not about hiring more Sheriffs Deputies , it’s about the city demanding more to be assigned to the West Hollywood Station. And if the city is currently paying for additional deputies why haven’t we received them? It would be interesting to compare what the budget for the Beverly Hills P.D. is including funding their retirement to what the City of West Hollywood pays the county for the L.A.S.O. services. What must be taken into consideration is recruitment of police officers. Beverly Hills in part recruits from other departments like the L.A.P.D. so they don’t have a large budget for… Read more »

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
9 years ago

City Hall’s answer to every issue is a big fat NO COMMENT. Don’t expect anything from them.

People die crossing the street. NO COMMENT. People punched, robbed and stabbed. NO COMMENT.

But ask them about the Gay Pride Festival and Halloween and they have plenty to say.

I hope victims start suing the city for inaction then maybe change will happen.

9 years ago

The whole situation reminds me of a modern-day western, with the local townfolk threatened by outsiders and ignored by fat-cat lawmen and an ineffectual mayor. In the westerns of yore, they would be run out of town and the locals would defend themselves. Lawlessness isn’t the answer, but I do believe as a community we need to start challenging our mayor and police about what EXACTLY they are doing to keep us safe. If I recall correctly, the police have failed to hire additional patrol, which was ordered by the city council months ago. I don’t know about anyone else,… Read more »

9 years ago

I’m with you, mike dunn! What are the laws here regarding that?

mike dunn
9 years ago

Although Hank is against it, it’s time to arm ourselves and make it known those in West Hollywood are not to be fu**ed with. What was it they told us in the Army; ‘shoot three times and yell halt?”

Larry Block
Larry Block
9 years ago

Hardimi. – thanks for the correction. I’m just trying to estimate the payroll component of our almost 19 million spent on the contract. If anybody knows better please respond. Perhaps Mr. Scott can weigh in on the payroll component in our contract and compare it to a city with a similar per capita such as Beverly Hills.

Scott Sigman
Scott Sigman
9 years ago

I walk my dog quite a bit late at night but have not noticed any or more patrol cars during the walks between 11pm and 12 am. I really do noticed differences in patterns of cars, people, dog walkers and employees leaving work. I haven’t even seen police cars driving around Weho city hall after midnight. Maybe they are unmarked. I would like to know what the increase in patrols is quantitatively and real. However I have been approached twice within the past two weeks by the supposed dreadlock dog thief on his bike. He has asked me to sell… Read more »

9 years ago

Scary and sad, I’m glad to hear he is okay at least and will keep him in my thoughts. I’ve heard that it is not feasible for West Hollywood to have its own police force, but I’m not knowledgeable enough on the subject to understand why. Nonetheless, whether it comes from the county or the city, there is ample room for improvement in the current law enforcement and I agree something needs to be done. Both from personal experiences with our sheriff’s department and from what I’ve read in the news, I have reasons to question their competency and don’t… Read more »

9 years ago

security cameras please!

9 years ago

Larry, There are 8 hours in a shift. The correct math would yield and answer of $15,111,000

Larry Block
Larry Block
9 years ago

The continued assault on our community with robbery,assaults and other violence and is so alarming that it begs the question. What can we do to change the trend of crime in West Hollywood? I have always been a supporter of the sheriff and the efficiencies of contracting with Los Angeles to provide our sheriff services. The economics of running our own police department just didn’t make sense to me. But today, and in the last couple of weeks I tried to envision what our own sheriff department might look like and there are many opportunities to provide same or better… Read more »