Supporters of Donald Trump, a distinct minority in an overwhelmingly liberal and Democratic city like West Hollywood, aren’t giving up. They will hold a “Make America Great Again” rally tomorrow at 5 p.m. on the southeast corner of Santa Monica Boulevard and San Vicente.
That corner has been the site of other Trump rallies. Those participating in the rallies have complained about the hostile behavior they have encountered from people driving by and making obscene gestures and hostile shouts.
And then there was the “ban” on Donald Trump announced by then-Mayor Lindsey Horvath, which brought coverage from TV networks such as CNN. The ban turned out not to be official, but best we know Trump still hasn’t appeared in WeHo to campaign.
Can someone please explain to me, how they can support a HOME candidate that picked the most rabidly anti LGBT as his running mate, BEFORE you question how other countries are run? We have no control over them, we do however have control over who gets in here. So that argument about money from other countries is moot.
Can someone in the gay community explain how it is that there are youtube videos of gay men being thrown off 10 story buildinngs, or beheadeded etc by ISSIS ,with the Obama/Clinton team diddling around and doing NOTHING. Then Donald Trump comes along and says he is going to”knock the hell out of them” and “destroy ISSIS”, and you STILL support Obama/Clinton? Pathetic.
I understand opposition to Trump, but will SOMEBODY please acknowledge that Hillary is an, at least, equally horrible human being. I don’t hold her accountable for her husband’s serial lecherous groping behavior, but she did indeed head up the campaign to destroy the lives of Bill’s victims, and she did it to maintain her own political ambitions. Bill Clinton is deserving of the same contempt that we feel for Bill Cosby, but instead he is regarded as a much beloved senior statesman. Wikileaks has exposed Hillary as actually being everything her critics have always said she is; a completely corrupt… Read more »
For those who hate Donald Trump, it’s ashamed you are supporting a admitted liar, a person who jeopardized our nations security sending classified e-mails over a unsecured server and is friends with those who support terrorists organizations only because they donate monies to her families shame charity that they, Bill and Hillary, have received millions from. And then you resort to name calling those who do not agree with your political philosophy. Sad, really a sad commentary on those who support Hillary Clinton but of course you are only parroting Hillary during one of her campaign appearances.
So are all 6 of WeHo’s Trump supporters going to gather at a crowded intersection for a photo op, just like they have done before?
This isn’t news. Notice, they notified the press before the event. That’s all they want, press coverage. Just ignore them if you drive by. Don’t feel the trolls.
If nothing else, this is amusing. I think I spotted a John Heilman “supporter” or two in the “crowd”. They are about as convincing as last season’s El Nino’ predictions. I just hope they don’t convince all of California to vote red up & down the ballot….lol
Clueless Trump thugs. Rather than make calls to get out the vote for Trump in Nevada a swing state they will be gathered to scream at passerby’s in West Hollywood hoping to cause controversy and court television cameras. A City that will 98% vote for HRC. This is the same crew of thugs that videotaped a “riot” in Fiesta Cantina after their first ridiculous gathering. Upon closer inspection the “riot” was actually bar patrons getting into a raucus debate Donald and his anti-gay views. Let us not even get into how problematic his spineless VP, Mike Pense is to the… Read more »
As Paul McCartney would say, “Let ’em in!” We go HIGH.