West Hollywood has 372 restaurants and bars, more per resident than in nearby cities. That is according to a new report by WeHo by the Numbers. It is based on a list of inspections performed by the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health. The count includes restaurant-like parts of grocery stores, such as bakeries, but not food trucks.

West Hollywood also has more restaurants/bars per square mile than nearby cities. It has almost 200 restaurants/bars per square mile. Santa Monica is next with 93, less than half as many. Culver City and Beverly Hills follow with 75 and 62, respectively. Burbank and Los Angeles are both in the low 30s.
Each restaurant/bar falls into one of four size categories. A third of West Hollywood’s restaurants/bars have 30 seats or less. Over a quarter have 31 to 60 seats. Almost 30% have 61 to 150 seats. The remaining 10% of restaurants/bars have more than 150 seats.
The Department of Public Health gives letter grades to restaurants/bars based on its inspections. To find out how West Hollywood has done compared to nearby cities, see the full report, How many restaurants and bars does West Hollywood have?
@Jerome: Would love to see a link to that information….that is absurd. Have you ever been to Chicago, NY, London, Tokyo?
I’m sure we don’t rank in the top 200 cities.
It’s at Booksoup so go today to get informed.
One could dine at a different place every day of the year! Its time to put some new places on the list so we all have some new favorites.
this is great news,,, that’s why I bought a place here in WEHO, so I can walk to the bars, rests and stores……YES !!!
Weho seems a de facto commercial district with residents being ulitized as ornamentation. Before long the majority of “residences” will be airbnbs. Residents are but guests in their own city and frequently treated as disposable objects entertained to the extent that they feel involved and useful.
Actually a travel guide for decades said that West Hollywood had more restaurants per square mile than any city in the world.